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There's nothing in it traducir español

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As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
De acuerdo a un libro de un empleado de una cadena de televisión... los jóvenes en Vietnam pueden no saber... el nombre de su máximo líder del Partido Comunista... pero saben todo lo que hay que saber de la estrella coreana Jang Dong Gun.
... there is nothing to be gained in your coming home first, it's better to avoid meeting.
... no hay nada para ser ganado en su regreso primero, es mejor evitar el encuentro.
Doctors knowjack-shit about what goes on in our heads. Brains are a mass of chemical energy. You can't open it to study it, there's nothing to see.
el punto es que los médicos no han Basura idea de lo que está dentro de nuestras cabezas el cerebro es complejo y no puede fácilmente quitarse el borde, esto es un milagro
Yes, but there's nothing in it.
Sí, pero ahora no hay fondos.
It's unloaded, there's nothing in it.
- Está descargada, no tiene balas.
There's nothing like spending a half hour in a barbershop, it makes a new man out of you.
No hay nada como estar media hora en una barbería, te hace sentir un hombre nuevo.
Well, there's nothing in it.
Bueno, no hay nada.
"There's nothing to be afraid of." And you, you'd stick a gun you got from Farrow in Ames'side and you'd let him have it.
"No hay nada que temer." Y tú... le pusiste la pistola que te dio Farrow en el costado y le disparaste.
And I tell you, there's nothing in it.
Te aseguro que no es nada.
You caught me in a truth, and it seems there's nothing less logical than the truth.
Me descubriste diciendo la verdad, y parece que no hay nada más ilógico que la verdad.
There's nothing in it embarrassing to us.
Que no hay nada en él embarazoso.
There's nothing in it.
- Está vacío.
Penny, there's nothing we can do about it... in spite of the way you feel about Bill.
Penny, no podemos hacer nada al respecto... a pesar de lo que sientes por Bill.
There's nothing in it.
- Esto. Aquí no hay nada.
There's nothing going on in front of it.
Porque enfrente de él, no pasa nada.
" There's no chicory in it, no caffeine, no mocha, nothing.
No contiene achicoria, cafeína o moca. Nada.
There's nothing in the regulations about this. I mean it, Belle.
Bueno, supongo que aprenderá pronto.
Say, the fishing in Mexico, there's nothing like it.
No hay nada como la pesca en México.
OK, if you want to keep the war in low gear, there's nothing I can do about it.
Si quiere mantener la guerra a paso lento, no puedo evitarlo.
There's nothing for it but to go to the club and grumble about staying in London. - I'll be getting along.
Sólo me queda ir al club y lamentarme por quedarme en Londres.
Except it's cold in winter and nothing happens there?
Excepto que es frío y que no pasa nada.
I don't know what you have in mind about helen Chester and me, but there's nothing to it.
No sé qué te imaginas sobre Helen y mí, pero sea lo que sea : no es verdad.
- But there's nothing in it.
- Pero no hay nada ahí.
- If it's for news of the star, there's nothing in it.
- Si es por la noticia de la estrella, no trae nada.
There's nothing going on in front of it either.
Igual que delante de ella.
There's nothing about it in the paper.
No hay nada sobre eso en el diario.
I want you To understand That if there's been anything In my manner to hurt you, It's been nothing To do with John.
Quiero que comprendas que si ha habido algo en mi conducta que te haya herido ello no ha sido por causa de John, es solo que bueno, tal vez nosotros nos expresamos de modo diferente.
All I mean is there's nothing in it for you, chasing around like this.
Lo único que quiero decir es que tú no consigues nada con esto.
But you can see there's nothing in it.
Pero se ve que no tiene nada.
Quirt, there is nothing we're not allowed to do it's just we don't believe in doing what we know is wrong.
Quirt, nada está prohibido, es que no creemos que haya que hacer algo que está mal.
It takes 30 years of experience to teach you that in the final analysis there's nothing to do but stand and watch.
20 años aprendiendo y estudiando y en eI momento final sólo se puede esperar y observar.
It seems to me there's nothing to be gained in situations like these. By anybody losing their temper.
Creo que en las situaciones como ésta nadie gana nada enfadándose.
It's probably nothing'. It's just the kid in there.
Pos más vale más que tenga mareos y antojos, te sale más baratito.
And there's nothing wrong in going out with the boss... - if it'll bring a couple of bucks into the house.
No tiene nada de malo salir con el jefe... si eso traerá dinero a la casa.
There's nothing admirable in it!
¡ No tiene nada de admirable!
Let it go, Brant. There's nothing in it that matters.
Déjalo, Brant.
- Nothing in there. It's empty.
Aquí no hay nada.
There's nothing like it in the country.
No hay nada así en el pueblo.
There's no sense in pursuing this boy with money! We've all seen it means nothing to him!
No tiene sentido intentar convencerlo con dinero.
There's nothing like it in the world.
No hay nada igual en el mundo.
Nothing has been proved against him. If there's any mistake to be made, I aim to make it in our favor, not in his.
Si hay algún error para cometer, cometámoslo en nuestro favor, no en el suyo.
There's nothing in it for me.
No obtendré nada de todo eso.
- Bart it's all in your mind. - --you're crazy. - There's nothing out there at all.
Si vais a seguir peleando, encerraré las pistolas en la nave.
It'll open up again in a month, but right now there's nothing.
- Gracias. ¿ Cómo está el niño?
Don't worry, there's nothing in it.
No te preocupes, no está cargada.
I don't get it. There's nothing in the papers.
No entiendo No hay nada en los diarios
Well, there's nothing wrong with it but as long as you're investing in drapes for a room like this, why, you should have a cheerful pattern.
Nada, pero ya que hacéis semejante gasto, deberíais poner una tela mas lucida.
There's nothing in it but water.
Dentro hay agua.
There's nothing in it.
Está vacía.
Y puede amar su trabajo y estar orgullosos de ello.
Probably nothing, but we're not going in there... until I'm sure it's safe.
Probablemente nada, pero no vamos a entrar... hasta que sepa que es seguro.

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