There's something down there traducir español
449 traducción paralela
There's something down here that I have to investigate... and Jerry thinks that I...
Madge, por favor.
- His come-uppance. Something's bound to take him down some day. I only want to be there!
Hubo gente... adultos, que expresaron con vehemencia su deseo de ver el día en que recibiese su merecido.
It looks like he's really accomplishing something down there, doesn't it?
Parece que realmente está logrando cosas allí, ¿ verdad?
She's rolling down there something terrible.
- Se está balanceando de un modo terrible.
Thought I'd come down, see if there's any chance for something doing.
Se me ocurrió pasar a ver si se puede hacer algo.
But i'm afraid it's inevitable, you see i found something else down there.
Me temo que es inevitable, encontré algo más allí.
Maybe there's something I ought to ask you... before the stranger returns and starts breathing down my neck.
Quizá haya algo que debería preguntarte... antes que vuelva el forastero y empiece a presionarme.
Something's moving down there.
Algo se mueve por alli.
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
People there used to look down their noses at me like I was something the cat dragged in. It's funny.
Es curioso.
Something's shining down there.
Algo brilla ahí abajo.
There's gotta be something down here.
Tiene que haber algo aquí abajo.
It had to be something because there's rocks down there.
Tenía que haber algo puesto que hay rocas ahí abajo.
Myra's talked about how there's been plenty of nights you spent hours down in your basement working on some kind of radio or something.
Myra ha hablado de todas las noches que has pasado... en tu sótano trabajando en una radio o algo por el estilo.
I don't know, ma'am. But there's something down the end of that road, and i got to find out what it is.
No lo sé, pero hay algo al final de ese camino... y tengo que averiguar qué es.
There's a bar down there with a Spanish name or something...
Hay un bar ahí abajo, con un nombre español o...
There's something down there.
Sigue esa perturbación.
- There's something down here.
- Hay algo aquí.
There's something camouflaged down there.
Hay algo camuflado allí abajo.
There's something else down by the door!
Hay algo más por la puerta!
There's something I want to say and I'd like you to sit down... see if you can keep quiet for once in your life.
Hay algo que quiero decir y me gustaría que te sentaras a ver si puedes estar en silencio una vez en tu vida.
You know, if Arden's right and there is something strange to be sorted out down there...
Ya veremos, si tiene razón Arden y hay algo extraño allí para ser resuelto...
Because there's something trapped down there they wish to keep alive.
Porque hay algo atrapado allí quieren mantener viva.
I'm worried about Spock and concerned about what's happened to something I once knew down there.
Estoy preocupado por Spock y por lo que ocurrió con lo que alguna vez conocí allí abajo.
As long as you know there's something down there you know as much as we do.
Si sabe que hay algo ahí debajo sabe tanto como nosotros.
Jamie, look, I think there's something further down the tunnel.
Jamie, mira, creo que hay algo más abajo en el túnel.
There's a man down there and there's been an announcement about him, the Brain or something, he holds his head like this.
¡ Es ese hombre de ahí! Hablan de él, "el Cerebro" o algo así, se le inclina así la cabeza.
There's somebody down there that wants to say something to you.
- Hay alguien abajo que desea decirte algo.
There's something hard down there under my butt that's holding me down.
Si no fuera por esta cabronada que me aprisiona...
There's something down there, and I think Doctor Quinn knows what it is.
Hay algo ahí abajo y el doctor Quinn sabe lo que es.
There's something different up there than there is down here?
¿ Hay algo distinto allá arriba?
I can't give you much to go on, I'm afraid, but I believe there's something down there.
No puedo darte mucho para seguir adelante, tengo miedo,... pero creo que hay algo allá abajo.
If something's wrong down there, he should be there.
Si hay algún problema ahí abajo, él debería resolverlo.
From what Sarah tell me, there's something singularly suspicious going on down there.
Según me dijo Sarah, hay algo singularmente sospechoso... allí abajo.
I want to get down to London, where there's others that feel like us, and do something.
Quiero ir a Londres, donde hay otros que piensan como nosotros, y hacen algo.
Listen, Mort, I just heard on the radio that something happened down there at the Chinaman's.
Escucha, Mort, acabo de oír en la radio que pasó algo donde el Chino.
There's something down there!
¡ Había algo ahí abajo!
There's something down here also, isn't there?
Por aquí abajo hay algo también, ¿ verdad?
Manny, roll the window down, will ya? There's something wrong with that kid.
Baja la ventanilla, a esa niña le pasa algo.
Sounds like something's up down there.
Parece que está pasando algo allá abajo.
Damn, I think there's something down here.
Maldita sea, creo que hay algo aquí abajo.
Wait a minute. There's something down that alley.
- Vamos por ese callejón.
There's something big going down at Le Club Foot.
Hay algo grande en Le Club Foot.
They've got something down there that's strange.
Hay alguna cosa allá abajo muy rara.
There's this door down here... and I'll bet there's something behind it.
Hay una puerta abajo y seguro que hay algo detrás.
There's something alive down there.
Hay algo vivo ahí abajo.
There's something got hungry down there.
- Alguien está hambriento allá abajo.
It means there's something down there they don't want us to have, and if they don't want us to have it that badly,
Mira, significa que hay algo ahí abajo que no quieren que tengamos, y si están tan interesados en que no lo tengamos,
Something's going on down there.
Algo está pasando allá abajo.
There's a big plant down there or something.
Creo que abajo hay una planta o algo así.
There's something down there.
Hay algo ahí abajo.
there's something 214
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something else going on 17
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something else going on 17
there's something wrong here 21
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something in there 35
there's something i 17
there's something there 54
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something in there 35
there's something i 17
there's something there 54
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41