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If they're anything like regular rhinos, they'll sleep under thick brush.
Si son como los rinocerontes normales, dormirán bajo el cepillo grueso.
I think they're about to move under us!
¡ Creo que están a punto de pasar por debajo de nosotros!
All that matters is they're off the streets.
Todo lo que importa es que está fuera de las calles.
They're moving kind of slow, so we got all day.
Se mueven muy lentos así que tenemos todo el día.
They're looking for answers about some kind of program.
Están buscando respuestas sobre algún tipo de programa.
These are not good people, and they're not with the IADG.
No son buenas personas y no están con el IADG.
They're Shepherds.
Son los Pastores.
They're coming for Mitch.
Vienen a por Mitch.
Whoever took the guy, they either killed him, or they're keeping him alive for reason or reasons unknown.
Quien lo haya secuestrado, o lo mató o lo mantiene vivo por motivos desconocidos.
They're a lethal combo, Harley.
Son un combo letal, Harley.
No offense to your best people, but they're not me.
Sin ofender a tus mejores personas, ellos no son como yo.
They're the best that...
Son los mejores...
Well, they're pretty good.
Son bastante buenos.
They're going to synthesize the formula that created Swamp Thing, convert it into a fast-spreading virus and "save the world..." By turning humanity into animal-plant hybrids.
Sintetizarán la fórmula que creó a la Cosa del Pantano, la convertirán en un virus de rápida extensión, y salvarán el mundo al convertir a la humanidad en híbridos vegetales y animales.
They're bound to have all the airports and train stations covered by now.
Tendrán cubiertos todos los aeropuertos y las estaciones de tren.
It's like that thing when you can't remember if it's suppose to be "their" with E-I-R, or "they're" with Y-apostrophe-R-E?
Es como cuando no puedes recordar si se dice "haya", o "halla".
Guess they're definitely here then.
Parece que definitivamente están aquí.
They're coming.
Están viniendo.
They're killing our world.
¡ Están matando al mundo!
Always barging in where they're not welcome, wanting cooperation, but never offering any in return.
Siempre husmeando donde no son bienvenidos, queriendo cooperación, pero nunca ofreciendo nada a cambio.
They're dead.
Están muertos.
Maybe they're the people you're trying to find.
Quizá ellos son quienes tratan de encontrar.
They're not clever.
No son listos.
They're not fun.
No son divertidos.
They're just evil.
Son solo malvados.
" These bloody immigrants come over here. They're up to no good, right?
" Estos malditos inmigrantes que vienen no tienen buenas intenciones.
Because they're not even trying to be British.
Ni siquiera intentan ser británicos.
They're like, "Oh, tell me more."
Y ellos dicen : "Vaya, cuéntame más".
They're like, " Oh, I don't know.
Y te dicen : " No sé.
They're, like, "Yeah," you know?
Es cierto, ¿ verdad?
They're like, " Because...
Y responden : "Porque...".
They're like, "James Bond cannot be played by Idris Elba because Idris Elba is black, and James Bond is white!"
"No lo puede interpretar Idris Elba porque es negro, y Bond es blanco".
They're like, "You can't have it!" I was like, "Racism!"
Me dijeron : "¡ No se puede!". "¡ Racismo!".
When people say they don't like immigrants, most of the time, they're not referring to immigrants who look and sound like them.
La gente que detesta a los inmigrantes no detesta a aquellos que hablan y se ven como ellos.
They're talking about immigrants who speak differently, who look different.
Se refiere a inmigrantes que hablan y se ven diferente.
An accent is me interpreting how they're using mine.
El acento es mi interpretación de cómo usan mi idioma.
They're scratching English like, " Vlad, the guys got to be there at three o'clock.
Hacen scratch con el inglés. " Vlad, los muchachos deben estar a las tres en punto.
They're waiting on the coroner and fire to finish.
Están esperando a que acaben los bomberos y el forense.
I need you to let me know if they're in danger.
Necesito que me digan si están en peligro.
Just because we found a ham radio doesn't mean they're spying.
Que hayamos encontrado una emisora de radioaficionado no significa que estén espiando.
Now, as free agents, they're able to gather intelligence and sell it to the world's highest bidder.
Como agentes libres, pueden recopilar inteligencia y vendérsela al mejor postor.
Seems they're avoiding some harsh realities themselves.
Parece que evitan cierta cruda realidad sobre sí mismos.
Oh, and FYI- - if you cry while they're fighting, they'll take you to McDonald's.
Y por cierto, si lloras mientras se pelean, te llevarán al McDonald's.
Wow, I wonder what they're redacting.
Wow, me pregunto que están redactando.
By the way, your name can go first. I mean, I'm glad they're getting along, but it's starting to make me uncomfortable.
Por cierto, tu nombre puede ir primero.
It's like she's stealing him and they're just having the best time doing all their dumb girly stuff together.
Es como si ella me lo está robando y sólo están teniendo un buen momento haciendo todas las tontas cosas femeninas juntas.
Babies are cute, but they're dumb.
Los bebés son adorables, pero son burros.
They're highly-trained educators with background checks.
Son educadores altamente entrenados con antecedentes revisados.
They're even required to be current on all vaccinations.
Incluso se les requiere que tengan todas las vacunas.
They're copying you two.
Les están copiando a ustedes.
they're jocks.
No me extraña que nos hayan ganado, son atletas.
they're not happy 17
they're not going anywhere 43
they're real 107
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're right 150
they're beautiful 332
they're all gone 114
they're alive 112
they're here 1043
they're not going anywhere 43
they're real 107
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're right 150
they're beautiful 332
they're all gone 114
they're alive 112
they're here 1043