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They're not coming traducir español

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- They're not coming here, are they?
- ¿ No vendrán aquí, verdad?
I will not stay here all night doing your job. They should haunt you and not to Zani. You're coming with me.
Deberían perseguirte a ti y no a Zani.
They're not coming, or they'd be here.
No van a venir, o ya estarían aquí.
- They're not coming back.
- No van a volver.
They're not coming!
¡ No van a venir!
They're not coming yet?
¿ Aún no viene?
They're not coming over at the usual rate. They're coming in waves.
Los japoneses nos atacan en masa.
They're not only giving me a horse but coming to protect me.
No sólo me dan un caballo, sino que vienen a protegerme.
I tell you for some reason they're not coming back here.
Le digo que hay una razón para la que no vuelvan.
They're not coming.
No vienen.
They're not coming here.
No vendrán aquí.
I'm coming! They're not afraid of you.
Vd. no les da miedo.
Without that, they're not coming out.
No saldrán sin ellos.
Those people that are coming after me! They're not human!
¡ Las personas que me persiguen no son humanos!
Just relax, sweetheart. I'm coming. I'm sorry I had to hide you like this, Harry, but you're not supposed to be on the plane, and I had to wait until everybody was asleep, so they don't see you.
solo calmate cariño, estoy viniendo siento haberte tenido que esconder hoy, Harry, pero se supone que tu no puedes viajar... y tuve que esperar que todos esten dormidos para que no te vieran.
Well, if they're coming, I'm not going to be there, because they're gonna just act awful, and I'll be so embarrassed.
Bueno, si ellos vienen, Yo no voy a estar ahí... porque van a comportarse horriblemente, y voy a sentirme avergonzada.
- They're not coming.
- No vienen.
They're coming down, and the kettle not boiling.
Van a bajar y la tetera no está hirviendo.
They're not coming with us.
No vienen.
- They're not coming here, are they?
- No van a venir aquí, ¿ verdad?
- So they're not coming?
- ¿ Entonces no va a venir?
If the military's coming, they're coming for me, not them.
Si viene el ejército, viene por mí, no por ellos.
They're not coming in.
- No entran. - No.
You mean they're not coming here at all?
¿ Quiere usted decir que ya no vendrán?
They're not coming, you know.
No han venido.
They're not coming
¿ Lo sabes? No van a venir ahora.
Well they didn't come out between here and the narrows, then they're not coming out or...
¿ Qué vas a hacer tú? Si no salieron por los estrechos, no van a salir por aquí o...
They're not coming.
- No vendrán.
Those men with the torches, they're not going to the livery stable... they're coming here.
Esos hombres con las antorchas, ellos no va para el establo... vienen hacia aqui.
They're not coming.
No vendrán.
I want to go home and they're not coming with me. Get rid of'em, Jack.
Quiero ir a casa sin esas cosas, deshazte de ellas.
Furniture's not coming till tomorrow. They're sending up a mattress and some blankets for tonight.
Los muebles no vendrán hasta mañana pero van a enviar mantas y sábanas.
- Not me. - No, they're coming back.
- No, están volviendo.
Ats'troop is not coming! Listen, they're expecting that our whole group will be busy fighting the Pasztor boys!
Oigan, esperan que todos nos concentremos en pelear con los muchachos Pasztor!
They're not coming here?
¿ No vendrán?
They're not coming back.
No regresarán.
They're not entering this apartment again or coming near the baby.
No volverán a acercarse a este apartamento o al bebé.
They're not coming back too?
¿ Están volviendo?
Well, the pains are coming every 20 minutes now, but the doctor says not to be concerned until they're 10 minutes apart.
- Tengo dolores cada 20 minutos. El médico dice que no me preocupe hasta que sean cada diez.
But they're not coming that way.
Pero por ahí no van a venir.
If that big baby doesn't fire this time, they're not coming back.
Y si en la próxima órbita el motor no se pone en marcha no podrán volver.
- Not yet. They're coming tonight.
- Llegarán por la noche.
Tal vez yo soy la razón por la que no vienen
No, they're not coming.
No, no vienen.
You gotta make sure they're not coming in.
Tienes que asegurarte de que no vengan.
And though it may not seem like it, they're coming on pretty fast.
Aunque no lo parezca, están viniendo bastante rápido.
They're conning L.A. into building it, but the water's coming here, not to L.A.
Le piden a L.A. que lo construya, pero el agua vendrá aquí, no a Los Ángeles.
Try again to reach the headquarters. Ask them if they're coming or not.
Intente comunicarse con la, Jefatura una vez más pregunte si vienen o no.
They're not coming back.
Ellos no van a volver.
- They're not coming back.
- Ya no vuelven.
They're not coming.
¡ No van a venir! .

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