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They're not the same traducir español

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Your customer, my customer... they're not the same.
No hay clientes tuyos o míos.
I suppose you can see they're not of the same period.
Supongo que ve que no pertenecen al mismo período.
You're wrong about things being different... because they're not the same. You should be.
I hope they're not all the same one.
Espero que no se trate de la misma.
They're not the same kind of Indians we have in America, darling.
No son del mismo tipo de indios que hay en América, cariño.
These boys are civil service, the same as you and me, and they're not getting anyplace.
Ellos son del servicio civil... como tú y como yo, y no obtienen logros.
Estos son de otra especie.
Sons-in-law, they're all the same, not like me.
Los yernos son todos iguales, no son como yo.
You would be watching them all day, in control of them, not allowing them to do anything. You wouldn't let them go, so they're the same as prisoners.
Porque los futuros criminales pueden ser detectados, vigilados cuidados e incluso a veces, curados y, en todo caso, volverlos inofensivos.
They're not the kind you're used to but you'll enjoy them, we hope, just the same.
No del tipo que solíais beber pero esperamos que los disfrutéis de la misma forma.
¤ I'm not staring at the sky, I'm not staring at the sky,... ¤ I'm just watching myself reflected in your eyes, they're the same color as the sky.
# Al cielo no miro yo, al cielo no miro yo, # yo me miro en tus ojitos que tienen el mismo color.
The French always say things are the same when they're not at all.
Los franceses siempre dicen que es lo mismo aunque no lo sea.
No, no, no, they're not the same.
No, no, ya no es lo mismo.
Keep in mind that words can't have the same meaning across languages, because they're not of the same gender.
Dese cuenta de que las palabras no pueden tener el mismo valor... porque no tienen el mismo género.
They're not the same.
No es lo mismo.
They're all the same, jerry and you're not going to leave willy by hopping a plane or a train, or a taxi or a one-horse shay.
No vas a abandonar a Willy subiéndote a un avión... o a un tren, taxi, o carruaje de caballos. El problema hay que solucionarlo aquí.
What I've been thinking, er, what I mean to say, if I was to'ave your bed,... .. you'ave my bed... There's not all that difference between'em, they're the... the same sort of bed.
Lo que he estado pensando, lo que quiero decir, he pensado que, si usted me diera su cama y usted durmiera en la mía, no hay mucha diferencia entre ellas, son el... el mismo tipo de cama.
- They're not the same.
No son iguales.
They're not exactly the same, but they're close.
No son exactamente iguales, pero casi.
They're not the same at all. Ricca'.
No son iguales, no lo son.
Besides, they're not at the same family level
Además, sus familias no están al mismo nivel.
But you're not from the same world, they always had hated your guts.
Pero tú no perteneces a su mundo, ellos siempre te odiaron.
They're not always the same thing.
No siempre es la misma.
No, I've not forgotten him Sam, but if my guess is right, they're all in the same place.
No, no me he olvidado de él a Sam, pero si no me equivoco, todos están en el mismo lugar.
Oh, well, they're not the same.
No son los mismos.
She's not worth a bleeding light. They're all the same, ain't they?
Todas necesitan un poco de mano dura de vez en cuando.
The same thing happens to my mother, she says it's the joints, but maybe they're not.
A mi madre le ocurre lo mismo, dice que son las articulaciones, pero a lo mejor no lo son.
It's not that simple, they're all the same.
No es tan sencillo. No existe uno peor.
And they're not the same What do you do?
Y no son la misma persona ¿ Qué haces?
When they're not the same Who gets the gate?
Cuando no son la misma persona ¿ Con quién te quedas?
They're not the same.
Pero no es lo mismo.
They're not the same people afterwards then before them.
Esas personas no son Ias mismas tras Ia intervención.
They're not the same people.
No tienen ya el mismo aspecto.
Oh. Well, they're both not the same thing, you know.
No es lo mismo, ya sabes.
You're still making the same mistake. We're not mutos, whatever they may be.
Sigues cometiendo el mismo error : no somos Mutos, sean lo que sean.
- Henry... they're all the same color, too bad they're not the same suit.
- Henry... son del mismo color. No del mismo palo.
They're not the same.
No son iguales.
That is assuming they're not one and the same person.
Eso suponiendo que no sean la misma persona.
You may be thankful that you're not on the same side of the wall as they.
Quizá agradezcas no estar del mismo lado del muro que ellos.
They died together, yet they're not buried together in the same hole.
Murieron juntos... pero no los enterraron juntos en la misma tumba.
They're not on the same course?
? Siguen con eI mismo rumbo?
They're not entirely wrong. But he gets upset all the same and he hits some of them.
Hay una pelea, alguien sale herido, te expulsan...
The thing that's always difficult - and it was the same with the second series and Shaun Of The Dead - you're not only trying to make the show, but second-guess what people expect or what they want and that's difficult.
La cosas es que siempre es difícil - y lo mismo sucedió con la segunda serie y Shaun of the Dead - no estás solamente haciendo el show, sino también tratando de adivinar... lo que la gente espera o quiere, y ahí se dificulta más.
Do other people feel the same? Not knowing, when they dream, what they're dreaming of when they lie there with their eyes closed and dream?
¿ Se sienten también los demás así... sin saber... cuando sueñan... en lo que sueñan... cuando están recostados, con los ojos cerrados... y sueñan?
Dr. Mixter told me they were at the same party he was, but they're not there now and they're not at home.
El Dr. Mixter los vio en una fiesta, pero ahora no están.
They're not the same piranha you talked about last night.
Esta no es la misma piraña de la que hablaste anoche.
Yeah, but not while they're moving in the same direction.
Pero no mientras se mueven en la misma dirección.
Now they have all this stuff about being like the other sex so you can all be the same. Well, I'm sorry, but we're just not.
Ahora quieren aproximar un sexo al otro para que los dos parezcan iguales.
And if God took one side of Adam and not his rib and created woman, that means they're the same. We all are, everybody is. Don't you see?
Si Dios creó la mujer en un lado de Adán eso significa que todos somos iguales.
When you choose a horse, they're not always the same height.
Cuando eliges un caballo, no son siempre igual de altos.
When I say that I'm not interested in content, it would be the same as a painter worrying about whether the apples that he's painting, whether they're sweet or sour.
Cuando digo que el contenido no me interesa, sería lo mismo que el pintor que se preocupa si las manzanas que pinta, son dulces o amargas.

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