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They were partners traducir español

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They were partners.
Eran socios.
Why, they were partners, Hughes and Irving, said Irving.
, Hughes e Irving eran socios, dijo Irving.
- They were partners?
- ¿ Eran socios?
- Yes, they were partners.
- ¡ Sí, eran socios!
Maybe they were partners in it.
Tal vez fueran socios.
Yeah. All because they were partners.
Todo porque fueron socios.
They were partners in the gallery.
Fueron compañeros en la galería.
They were partners.
Eran compañeros.
- Yeah, like they were partners.
Sí. Como si fueran socios.
They were partners... for 15 years.
Fueron compañeros... durante 15 años.
It could be personal because they were partners up until eight years ago.
- Por algo personal, creo. Fueron socios hace 8 años.
I think somehow they were partners. They were both...
Creo que estaban asociados de alguna manera.
Maybe they were partners in some kind of illicit business.
Quizá eran socios en un negocio ilícito.
Nash didn't frame Paulson - they were partners until Nash double-crossed him.
Nash no incriminó a Paulson. Ellos fueron socios hasta que Nash lo traicionó.
- They were partners in crime.
- Eran secuaces.
They were partners for years.
Ellos fueron compañeros por años.
Of course. They were partners.
Si la Directora está en problemas, el querría...
I remember that they were close. They were partners.
Recuerdo que eran muy amigos, eran compañeros.
They were partners years before in Philly.
Ellos fueron compañeros años atrás en Filadelfia.
They were playing as partners, perhaps even honestly, and had just given up the deck.
Juegan juntas y acaban de perder la mano.
They were regular drinking partners, played poker together most nights.
Solían beber juntos y jugaban póquer casi todas las noches.
They were the partners of two girls inside.
Eran los novios de dos de las chicas que estaban dentro.
There was two white folks, partners in a sawmill in this way they were buying lumber to the sawmill on credit
Había dos socios blancos en el aserradero. Compraban la madera que se corta allí.
Luca, you had no right to mess with the Grisantis! They were my partners, partners with great influence and power!
¡ Eran mis socios, socios!
They were my partners, partners with great influence and power!
Eran mis socios, socios con gran influencia y poder!
Unless they were all involved in something so big that Osborne had to make sure his partners would never, ever talk.
Que estuvieran involucrados en un asunto importante y Osborne tuviera que asegurarse de que sus socios nunca hablarían.
My old partners, as they were as lads.
Mis antiguos socios, cuando eran jóvenes.
Thornton's two partners Hans and Pete were moving the long the bank with ropes, they were getting ready to guide Thornton in the boat which was loaded with the skins they would sell in Dawson.
A lo largo de los rápidos del arroyo Forty-Mile, los dos socios de Thornton, Hans y Pete, iban moviéndose a lo largo de la orilla portando cuerdas de cáñamo. Estaban preparándose para guiar a Thornton que se había quedado en la canoa. Ésta iba cargada con las pieles que los tres iban a vender en Dawson.
They said they were Morn's business partners.
Dicen que eran los socios de Morn.
They were safe, time tested, easy to use, and they protected both partners.
Eran seguros, con eficacia comprobada, fáciles de usar y protegían a las dos personas.
They were going to be partners.
Iban a ser socios.
It sealed it for me with the partners, and they were about to make me one.
Eso me dio reconocimiento y estuvieron a punto de hacerme socio.
They were our partners.
Ellos eran nuestros socios.
He and Jack were partners... and the only goddamn reason this city's here... is because they made it possible.
El y Jack eran compañeros... y la única razón que esta ciudad está aquí... es porque ellos lo hicieron posible.
They knew they were infected with HIV, but still had unprotected sex without warning their partners.
Sabían que estaban infectados con HIV pero tenían sexo sin protección sin advertir a sus parejas.
However, I literally fell in love with these boys, and the relations were far more significant to me than they were to my partners. "
"Pero yo literalmente me enamoraba. " Y las relaciones significaban más para mí que para ellos ".
That they looked great but having got them home, they were not very rewarding partners.
El problema era éste : eran bellisimas... ... pero en casa no eran parejas muy satisfactorias.
They were lab partners.
Eran compañeros de laboratorio.
They began dating from the day they met and were partners in crime.
Empezaron a salir el mismo día que se conocieron... y han sido socios en el crimen.
The senior partners were never certain they could keep you under their thumb... so they created a fail-safe, housed it in the sublevels of the building.
Mira, los socios no podían estar seguros de poderte tener bajo control... Así que crearon un monstruo.
His two partners came to him, Damiano told me, and told him they were buying him out.
Damiano me dijo que sus dos socios fueron a verlo... y le dijeron que le compraban su parte.
My partners told me unless I checked myself into a rehab they were gonna report me to the DEA. So I found a clinic a little over an hour from here.
Mi socio me dijo que si no me rehabilitaba iba a denunciarme a la Agencia Antidroga así que deje la clínica y de eso va a hacer un año
Anyone else think they were more than just partners back in the day?
¿ Alguien más cree que ellos eran más que compañeros antes?
But what you're saying is that you wouldn't have expected either of them to have acted on it because they valued their marital vows, they were concerned about the fallout with John's family, and the hurt it would cause their partners.
Pero lo que está diciendo es que no habría esperado que ninguno de ellos actuara porque valoraban sus votos matrimoniales. Estaban preocupados acerca de la caída de la familia de John, y el daño que podría causar a sus parejas.
They were to all meet later and divide the cash, only his partners were caught first.
Quedaron en reunirse después y repartir el dinero, pero a sus compañeros los detuvieron antes.
What do you think your partners would think if they knew you were sleeping around with the help?
¿ Qué dirán tus socios cuando sepan... que duermes con un sirviente?
Oh, you know... the name partners were very impressed, and they're anxious to hire you guys again, especially this new guy.
Ya sabes, los socios quedaron muy impresionados y no pueden esperar a contratarlos de nuevo. En especial el socio nuevo.
They were safe, time tested, easy to use, and they protected both partners.
Eran seguros, estaban probados... fáciles de usar y protegían a las dos partes.
Yesterday you asked me if Johanna and David Draper were partners, why would she kill him before they finished their little game.
Ayer me preguntaste que si Johanna y David Draper eran socios, por qué ella lo mataría antes de que terminaran su jueguito.
So were they just climbing partners, or anything more?
Son compañeros de escaladas o algo más?
So I left and went to DDB Jack Tinker Partners and I stay there for a while and while I was there I tried my clients do great things, they were very dramatic
Así que dejé DDB y fui a Jack Tinker Partners y pensé quedarme ahí por un tiempo y mientras estuve allí intenté que mis clientes hicieran cosas grandes, que fueran muy dramáticas

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