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This is all because of you traducir español

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This is all because of you, Napplebee.
Todo esto es por tí, Napplebee.
Holden, this is all because of you!
Holden, esto sucedió por tu culpa.
This is all because of you
Todo esto por tu culpa
Madam Chairman and ladies of this literary group it is with sentiments of profound respect that I address you this afternoon because woman is the mother of all literature.
Madame Presidenta y damas de este grupo literario es con sentimientos de profundo respeto que me dirijo a ustedes esta tarde porque la mujer es la madre de toda la literatura.
I see that Marina is doing well, that she has been very good... hasn't had any tantrums recently, and all of this is because of you.
Veo que Marina está muy bien. sé que ha sido muy buena, que no ha tenido más caprichos, y todo eso es mérito suyo.
Hoffner, I am entrusting this to you because first of all you are a Swiss and second there is no doubt in my mind of your ability.
Hoffner, le confío esto... primero porque Ud. es suizo... y segundo porque sé que está muy capacitado...
But my Scotch blood is working right this minute... and it tells me that there is one thing in your life that's worrying you... something that you find very difficult to handle... because all your strength and your courage... and your authority in the town seems to be of no avail.
Pero mi sangre escocesa está trabajando en este momento... y me dice que hay una cosa en su vida que lo preocupa... algo que le resulta muy difícil manejar... porque toda su fuerza y su valentía... y su autoridad en la ciudad parecen no servir de nada.
No doubt you've heard that life is pleasant in this regiment, that it's a fashionable catch-all for young men of good family with no talents to speak of, that we're called "The Gay Policemen," because we do little more than stand guard here and there a few hours a day and keep the peace, such as it is, in Seville.
Ya habrá escuchado que la vida aquí es placentera y que es una asignación elegante para jóvenes de buenas familias y escaso talento y se nos conoce como los "alegres policías" porque hacemos poco más que estar de guardia unas horas al día para mantener la paz en Sevilla.
My dear, all France is in danger of an explosion because of this conspiracy in which you were used.
Cagliostro hace que la gente actúe en contra de su propia voluntad.
I know that all this talk of yours about the earnings report is part of a campaign to put me on the defensive because you want something.
Sé que toda esa reserva sobre el informe de ganancias es parte de una campaña para ponerme a la defensiva porque quiere algo.
All of this is happening because of your own doing, you know.
Todo esto pasa por lo que has hecho, lo sabes.
And because of all this, poor Francesco is up to his neck in merda. You and your darned visions, darling.
Lo siento, querida, pero tienes un lío con tu visión.
Now, the reason I'm showing you all this fun and games is not because i'm some kind of astronomy freak.
Bien, la razón por la que muestro toda esta diversión y juegos no se debe a que yo sea alguna clase de fenómeno de la astronomía.
Because all you can think of is this creature ; It's more important to you than me.
Porque lo que creo es que esta criatura es más importante que yo.
Thomas, I'm sorry, all of this is my fault because I pressured you into doing this because I only had enough money to stay for a week.
Thomas, disculpa, es mi culpa porque te presioné para que lo resuelvas rápido ya que sólo tengo dinero para una semana.
This is the first time in all these months... I've felt this great stone in my head... and on my chest even begin to lift... and all because of that young man out there... whom you so offended with your filth.
Es la primera vez en todos estos meses... que he sentido el peso que llevo dentro de mi cabeza... y en mi pecho empezar a levantarse... y todo debido a ese jovencito... que tú has ofendido con tus obscenidades.
Now, what I'm suggesting is that we not compromise that at this point, that we not say to her, "Okay, because you've, you've taken all this so well, now we're gonna take the one person with whom you feel some sense of strength away."
Ahora, lo que sugiero es que no comprometamos eso en este momento, que no le digamos, "Bueno, como has tomado todo esto tan bien, ahora vamos a sacarte la persona que te hace sentir cierto sentido de fuerza".
This is simply a ruse to waste five months of training after which you'll claim you can't fly after all because it makes your ears go "pop".
Es un truco para pasarse cinco meses de instrucción y luego dirá que no puede volar porque se le taponan los oídos.
You know what? When all of this is over, I really hope we can remain friends. Because believe it or not, I have really taken a liking to you two.
Espero que todos seamos amigos realmente disfruto con ustedes dos.
This is gonna be the biggest search in the central coast since what? Since probably World War II, and it's all because of you.
Va a ser la búsqueda mas grande de la costa central desde... probablemente desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
But this is rather more interesting because crystals are what you get when atoms, all of the same kind, are allowed to stack up together in a way that they "want to do".
Este caso es más interesante, pues los cristales se obtienen cuando átomos de un mismo tipo, se adhieren entre sí en la forma que ellos "quieren".
Man, you understand me, we hurt and suffer but it is the best, because lady. by the fate of his son we let's get a good benefit of all this because we're going to get such a criminal complaint against the couple that they are going to lose their hair.
Hombre, entiéndeme, nos duele y sufrimos pero es lo mejor, porque señora gracias a la suerte de su hijo vamos a sacar una buena tajada de todo esto porque le vamos a meter una querella criminal a la parejita
there's my card... you want to know anything about the northwest music scene... this is a great place to start because all the cards... have the contact information of the band on the back.
ese es mi cromo... si quieres saber cualquier cosa sobre la escena musical del noroeste... es un gran lugar para comenzar porque todos los cromos... tienen informacion para contactos de la banda al reverso.
All of this is because of you. Because of the meld.
Si todo esto existe es por usted por la fusión mental.
You had a dream, a nightmare, because of all the emotions this case is stirring up for you, but...
Tuviste un sueño, una pesadilla, debido a todas las emociones que este caso te provoca,
To think this fuss is all because of you!
Pensar que todo este alboroto es por culpa tuya.
Gotta have luck in this world, part of it is your genetic make-up, that's luck and then, what you do out there is also partly genetic, because hard work is genetic the desire to do hard work, the willingness to work hard and be determined and not be turned aside, that's all genetic, too!
Hay que tener suerte en este mundo, parte de ello es tu composición genética. Eso es suerte y luego, lo que haces ahí fuera también es en parte genético, porque el trabajo duro es genético el deseo de hacer trabajo duro, la voluntad de trabajar duro, y ser decidido y que no te dejen a un lado, también es genético...
MaritZa says that the doctor says that all this is going on because of the drugs that we did before she was pregnant, you know.
Maritza dice que el doctor dice que todo esto está pasando por las drogas que usábamos antes de que ella quedara embarazada.
This is all because I got to be Krusty's sidekick instead of you, isn't it?
Todo esto es porque fui compinche de Krusty y tú no, ¿ verdad?
Is it unrealistic to think that at this point you are a danger to yourself, to all of us because of your anger toward me, which happened 10 or 15 years ago which is so distorted in your head!
¿ Es poco realista pensar ahora que eres un peligro para ti misma, para todos nosotros por tu rabia hacia mí por lo que ocurrió hace 10 o 15 años y que has distorsionado?
I say "your civilization" because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization which is, of course, what this is all about.
Y digo "vuestra civilización" porque cuando empezamos a pensar por vosotros, se hizo la nuestra porque de eso se trata.
This is a hard time for me... because this is the time in the pageant... when you realize that tomorrow night... all but one of these girls is gonna walk away a loser.
Son tiempos difíciles para mi... porque este es el momento en el concurso... en que te das cuenta de que mañana a la noche todas menos una de estas chicas va a caminar como una perdedora.
Do you really believe that all this is happening because of sick - building syndrome?
Realmente crees que esto está pasando debido al sindrome del edificio enfermo?
So you're saying all the bad things happening to us... is because of this Kyung-ah?
Entonces, ¿ quieres decirnos que todo lo malo que nos ocurre es culpa de Kyung-ah?
And I have to say that being here today, experiencing this firsthand finally getting to be in all the pictures I wouldn't trade this for anything, because I'd much rather be a part of what you guys have now than what you had then. That point where everything is forgiven.
No cambiaría por nada del mundo el estar aquí hoy ahora que lo he vivido en primera persona y que por fin logré salir en las fotos porque prefiero ser parte de lo que tienen ahora cuando se llega al punto en que todo se perdona.
This is all that remains of our people, because of you.
Esto es todo lo que queda de nuestro pueblo, por tu culpa.
As a segue to trying a regular, real gay guy, Mm-hmm. because you've decided your inability... to have a long-term relationship with a woman... is due not to your fear of intimacy... but because you've realized at the age of 54... that you've been a gay man all this time... trapped in a straight man's body,
Como transición, en vez de probar con un homosexual normal... porque decidiste que tu incapacidad para tener una relación seria... con una mujer no se debe a tu miedo a la intimidad... sino a que te diste cuenta a los 54 años... que siempre has sido un homosexual... atrapado en el cuerpo de un heterosexual...
This is all because of incompetent teachers like you
Todo esto es por profesores incompetentes como tú
You know, it was really kind of interesting, because in the middle of all this celebrating, this game is still being played.
Esto es muy interesante porque a mitad de la celebración el juego siempre sigue adelante
You know, it was really kind of interesting, because in the middle of all this celebrating, this game is still being played, every minute of every day.
Esto es algo interesante porque a la mitad de la celebración el juego siempre continúa adelante. A cada minuto de cada día
gun in your hands and the police come and you say well I'm sorry but I was only trying to kidnap him this import does you no good at all a murder committed in the course of the kidnap any action which is because of
Y viene la policía y usted les dice : lo siento sólo quería secuestrarlo. Eso no le sirve de nada ante un juez.
Come on, this is it, the biggest of the big scores and it's all because of you.
Vamos, esto es, el mayor de los grandes logros y todo es por ti.
This is all happening because of you!
¡ Todo esto pasa por tu culpa!
- Me? All this is happening because of you.
Todo esto pasa por tu culpa.
You know, all of this is moot because after what he did to Portico he's gonna slaughter us, okay?
Saben, todo esto no tiene sentido porque después de lo que le hizo a Portico él nos va a destrozar, ¿ de acuerdo?
But you always want to be very careful about how you proceed, because the one thing that you worry about I know I worried about it all the time, is just charging somebody with this kind of a crime is enough to ruin their lives.
Pero hay que actuar con cautela... porque lo que más te preocupa, y a mí me preocupaba todo el tiempo, era que con sólo acusar a alguien... de este tipo de delito puede arruinar su vida.
You think this is all because of me. No.
Usted piensa que todo esto es por mí.
So I'm sitting there in the middle of this board meeting and I completely lose all concentration because all I can think about is you.
Así que ahí estoy sentado en mitad de esta reunión y totalmente descentrado porque sólo puedo pensar en ti.
Look, I know this is awkward for you because of work and all, but I think we can work this thing out.
Sé que esto es raro para ti, por lo del trabajo y eso pero creo que podríamos resolver esto.
So why don't you save us all a lot of hassle and just tell me why you decided to teach these men the true meaning of respect because that's what this is about, isn't it, Gavin?
Así que por qué no nos ahorra un montón de problemas y me dice por qué decidió enseñarles a estos hombres el verdadero significado del respeto. Porque de eso se trata esto, ¿ verdad, Gavin?
d'Cause that's the shit that got me kickin'out d d Makin'these Gs d d My brother Steve's on the court d d'Cause to ball is his dream d d Mind the rhyme, how it is how it always has been d d See it's not the lines that you read d # But the shit is between # d Thugs is made out of dirt yet I still stay clean d d Because I'm real d d This is for all my people riding'the trains Stay real d d Just to go to work in small-time chains d
Subtítulo por Betorivas para aRGENTeaM

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