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This isn't a good time traducir español

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I know this isn't a very good time to tell you.
Sé que no es buen momento para decírselo. Ni debería decírselo, supongo.
Look, maybe this isn't a good time.
Mire, igual no es un buen momento.
Haru, I know this isn't a good time... but you know those papers and the seal?
Haru, sé que no es un buen momento... ¿ Sabes algo de los papeles y del sello?
This isn't a good time.
Éste no es un buen momento.
This isn't a good time.
¡ Llegan en mal momento!
Is this or isn't it the first good collar we've made on that pair of mutts... in all the time we've been looking to drop them?
¿ Es o no la primera vez que arrestamos a esa pareja de bobos... en todo el tiempo que llevamos tras ellos?
Isn't this as good a time as any to start?
¿ No es éste un buen momento para empezar?
Sorry, this isn't a very good time.
Perdona, no es buen momento.
I know this isn't a good time, but Dan didn't show up.
Sé que este no es el mejor momento, pero Dan no ha venido.
I guess this probably isn't a very good time for you, either.
Supongo que éste no un buen momento para usted, tampoco.
This just isn't a good time.
Pero éste no es un buen momento.
Look bill, I'm sorry, but this really isn't a good time.
Mire, lo siento pero ahora no es el momento.
This isn't a good time for bad news.
Es mal momento para malas noticias. ¿ Qué pasa? No puedo prestarte el dinero.
Look, this... this really isn't a very good time right now.
Mira, este no es muy buen momento.
This isn't a real good time to talk.
No es un buen momento para hablar.
This isn't a good time.
No es un buen momento.
This isn't a good time. What is it?
No es buen momento. ¿ Qué pasa?
It is fun at the time, but then it became all just sort of... "This isn't a very good idea anymore."
Fue divertido, pero no era buena idea seguir así.
I know this isn't a good time for this, but, uh... I have the results of your test here.
Sé que no es un buen momento para esto, pero, eh... tengo los resultados de tu análisis aquí.
- Maybe this isn't a good time.
Los $ 100 de Emily.
This really isn't a good time.
Este no es realmente un buen momento.
Look, this isn't a good time for me right now.
No estoy pasando por un buen momento.
This isn't my idea of a good time.
¡ Richardson! Esta no es mi idea de diversión.
Actually, this isn't a good time to start with new plans.
No es un buen momento para hacer planes nuevos.
I guess this isn't a good time to tell you nobody's ever made it to the center of the maze.
Creo que no es un buen momento para decirte que nunca nadie ha llegado al centro del laberinto.
- This isn't a good time.
- Este no es un buen momento.
Dennis, this isn't such a good time for me.
- No es un buen momento para mí.
Miss Demeanor, this isn't a good time to lie.
Señorita Demeanor, este no es un buen momento para mentir.
I'm sorry. This isn't a good time.
Lo siento, no es muy buen momento.
I suppose this isn't a good time to tell you that number three turbolift has broken down again.
Supongo que no es un buen momento para decirle que el turboascensor 3 se estropeó otra vez.
Lieutenant, I know this isn't a very good time for this... but Zeta Squadron needs a new commander.
Teniente, sé que este no es el mejor momento para esto... pero el Escuadrón Zeta necesita un nuevo comandante.
I guess this isn't a good time to tell him I haven't been comfortable with my sexuality lately.
Supongo que no es un buen momento para decirle que no me he sentido cómodo con mi sexualidad últimamente.
- This isn't a very good time, George.
- No es un buen momento.
Maybe this isn't a good time for a visit.
Quizá no sea un buen momento.
This isn't a good time to be selling your kind of salvage.
No es un buen momento para vender tu "mercancía".
Look, this isn't a good time.
No es un buen momento.
Look, this just isn't a really good time.
Mira, este no es un buen momento.
This isn't a good time, ambassador.
Este no es un buen momento, embajadora.
If this isn't a good time....
Si no es un buen momento...
If this isn't a good time...
Si no es un buen momento...
This isn't a good time.
No es buen momento.
Charlie, this isn't a good time.
Charlie, no es un buen momento.
Well, this probably isn't a good time to bare my soul.
Bueno, no es el momento para hablar de mis sentimientos.
Bill, this really isn't a good time.
No es un buen momento.
So this isn't a good time to thank you for seeing us.
O sea que no hay que agradecerle por vernos.
I guess this isn't a good time?
¿ No es buen momento, supongo?
Frankie, this really isn't a good time.
Frankie, esto realmente no es un buen momento.
- Yeah, this isn't a good time.
- Este no es un buen momento.
this isn't a good time.
no es buen momento.
Um, this, this isn't a good time.
Ahora no es buen momento.
This isn't a good time.
Es un mal momento. Le veo luego.

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