This isn't it traducir español
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I just think that you might be trying to turn this into something that it isn't.
Tan solo creo que quizás estás intentando convertir esto en algo que no es.
This isn't weird for you, is it?
No es raro para ti, ¿ Lo es?
This is so stupid, isn't it?
Esto es tan estúpido, ¿ Cierto?
Face it. In 20 years'time, there won't be a house of this size still standing that isn't an institution.
En 20 años, no habrá ninguna casa de este tamaño en pie... que no estén en manos de una institución.
This fantasy isn't about domination, it's about re-creation.
Esta fantasía no es sobre dominación... es sobre recreación.
Well, this is nice, isn't it?
Vaya, esto es lindo, ¿ no es cierto?
This is the kind of love that isn't easy, but if we do it, we will see change like we have never seen before.
Esta es la clase de amor que no es fácil. Pero si lo hacemos... veremos un cambio como nunca antes.
That's the whole point of this summit, isn't it?
Ese es el punto central de esta cumbre, ¿ no?
And, look, yeah, I'm not crazy about you guys taking him out, getting him drunk all the time, but I support him because it makes him happy, because this isn't about us ;
Y mira, sí, No estoy loca por ustedes saliendo con él, emborrachándolo todo el tiempo, pero lo apoyo porque eso lo hace feliz. porque no es trata de nosotros.
This is a... Kind of disgusting little workstation, isn't it?
Esto es... un puesto de trabajo asqueroso, ¿ no?
It's distinctly odd - this spider isn't native to Melbourne.
Es claramente extraño... esta araña no es oriunda de Melbourne.
This is about that secret mission you keep jabbering on about, isn't it?
Es sobre esa misión secreta de la que no para de parlotear, ¿ no es así?
This is what you do, isn't it?
Esto es lo que haces, ¿ no?
This is a date, isn't it?
Esto es una cita, ¿ no?
It took three of you to get this far, and I promise it isn't far enough.
Les tomó tres de ustedes para llegar hasta aquí, y te prometo que no es lo suficientemente lejos.
And I need you to get it, this isn't easy for me.
Y necesito que lo entiendas, esto no es fácil para mí.
This isn't about me, is it?
Esto no es por mí, ¿ verdad?
Horrible, isn't it- - this room- - this is where all the prisoners come to die.
Horrible, ¿ no es así? Esta habitación aquí es donde los prisioneros vienen a morir.
If we don't stop this, the death toll isn't going to be in the dozens, it's gonna be in the thousands, and the world is gonna look quite different... with Braxton in control of all our servers.
Si no paramos esto el número de víctimas, no serán docenas serán miles. Y el mundo será bastante diferente con Braxton en control de todos nuestros servidores.
This isn't about if it gives, it's when.
No se trata de si se da, es cuando.
This is payback for blowing your cover, isn't it?
Es el desquite por dejarte al descubierto, ¿ no?
- Let him go, Gord. This isn't worth it!
- Déjale ir Gord. ¡ No merece la pena!
This is great, isn't it?
Dios mío. Esto es genial, ¿ no?
Yeah, this is basically inedible, isn't it?
Sí, esto es incomible, ¿ verdad?
This isn't just the reason why we're in this trunk, is it?
Esta no es solo la razón, por la que estamos aquí, ¿ no?
This isn't how we end, is it?
No es así como terminamos, ¿ verdad?
But the point is, you have to see that this is life-changing and you can't pretend it isn't.
Pero la cuestión es que tienes que ver que es un cambio en tu vida y no puedes aparentar que no lo es.
This is'cause my mom's a lesbian, isn't it?
Esto se debe a mi mamá es lesbiana, ¿ no es así?
His story should be the saddest story ever, but you spend five minutes with him, and somehow it isn't because while everyone else is crying about all the things that they don't have, this kid, a sick kid, is... is plotting his next move.
Su historia debe ser la historia más triste nunca, pero pasar cinco minutos con él, y de alguna manera no es porque mientras todo el mundo está llorando sobre todas las cosas que ellos no tienen, este chico, un chico enfermo, está... está planeando su próximo movimiento.
I-isn't it this?
¿ No es esto?
This is hard, isn't it?
Es duro, ¿ verdad?
It isn't supposed to go this way.
No se supone que sea de esta forma.
This isn't real money, it's just cut up newspaper.
Esto no es dinero de verdad, es solo periódico recortado.
Which means- - like it or not, Catherine- - this isn't a police case.
Lo cual significa... te guste o no, Catherine... que este no es un caso policial.
How about a quarter? Oh... So, this thing's pretty much for show, isn't it?
¿ Qué tal 25 céntimos? Esto no enseña mucho, ¿ no es así?
This stuff is ugly, isn't it?
Esta materia es feo, ¿ no es así?
This isn't, um... really about protecting the ambassador, is it?
Esto no es... en realidad de proteger a la embajadora, ¿ verdad?
This isn't real time, is it?
Esto no es en tiempo real, ¿ no es así?
Just as well I brought this one along then, isn't it?
Menos mal que le traje este entonces, ¿ no?
Well, this isn't fair, is it?
Esto no es justo, ¿ verdad?
If Lisbon found out that this case isn't closed, it's likely that she'll cancel the wedding and join the hunt.
Si Lisbon se entera de que el caso no está cerrado, es muy capaz de cancelar la boda... y unirse a la búsqueda.
We both know why you're doing this, and it isn't about those girls.
Los dos sabemos por qué estás haciendo esto, y no tiene que ver con aquellas chicas.
You're making this into something it isn't.
Estás convirtiendo esto en algo que no es.
- I take it this isn't part of the plan.
- Supongo que esto no es parte del plan.
Yeah, if this isn't about some old grudge catching up to Roger, well, then we're not gonna solve it without connecting him to Dan Walsh.
Sí, si no se trata de alguien de su pasado que fue a por Roger por un viejo resentimiento, entonces no vamos a resolverlo sin conectarle con Dan Walsh.
Isa... this isn't a very good way to do it, is it?
Isa... esta no es la mejor manera para hacerlo, ¿ verdad?
Isn't it this?
¿ No es lo otro?
This is what you've been putting in my soup, isn't it?
Esto es lo que has estado poniendo en mi sopa, ¿ verdad?
This isn't how I ever imagined it... you know, doing it on my own.
No es como yo me lo había imaginado... ya sabes, hacerlo sola.
Isn't it either this or nothing, right?
. No es esto o nada,. verdad?
Tell me this isn't what it looks like.
Dime que esto no es lo que parece.
this isn't you 235
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't happening 184
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't happening 184