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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ T ] / This isn't working

This isn't working traducir español

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Hey, where's Clark? Isn't he working in this with me?
¿ No hace esta escena conmigo?
You've been working up to this. It's all part of some horrible plan. It isn't.
Has estado trabajando en esto y todo forma parte de un horrible plan.
Well, I figured it out this way. Quirt, don't really want that land. Because working isn't exactly in his line.
Y se me ocurrió algo, Quirt, tú no quieres esa tierra, trabajarIa no es Io que más te va.
This lamp isn't working now.
La lámpara no actúa ahora.
This isn't working.
You can't handle this alone. Isn't your husband working these days?
No puede atender sola ¿ Su esposo no trabaja estos días?
- Yes... This telephone isn't working!
- Sí... ¡ este teléfono no funciona!
- This TV stuff isn't working.
- La televisión no surte efecto.
This isn't working out, Blue.
Esto no está funcionando, Blue.
- This trafficker pretends he's working for me, but he isn't.
- Ese traficante sostiene... que está en una misión para el servicio.
"and maybe this isn't working or that is working."
"... tal vez no funcione o esto otro funcione. "
Look at this. The collision wiped out so many instruments, I can't tell what's working and what isn't.
El impacto ha destrozado tantos relojes que no sé cuál funciona y cuál no.
I don't wonder that brother of mine isn't working his head off to get out of prison with cooking like this, Mattie.
No me sorprende que mi hermano no trabaje duro para salir de prisión si cocinas así, Mattie.
- This isn't working.
- Esto no está funcionando.
Margaret, I've been thinking. It just isn't fair... me wearing this comfortable suit while you're working up a sweat to stay warm.
No es justo que yo traiga este traje cómodo... mientras tú sufres por mantenerte caliente.
This Pip isn't working anymore.
Este Pip ya no da una.
There are so many cases, this isn't the only one we're working on.
Hay muchos más casos y solo estamos trabajando en este.
- This isn't working.
- Esto no funciona.
This isn't working.
Esto no funcionará.
This isn't working.
No puedo.
This isn't working. I can't get it.
No puedo, no me sale.
Sam, this isn't working.
Sam, esto no está funcionando.
This situation isn't working.
Esta situación no está funcionando.
This sword isn't working!
¡ Esta espada no funciona! .
This isn't working.
Esto no funciona.
- Howard, this isn't working.
- Howard, esto no va bien.
Come on, don't tell me this bloody machine isn't working.
No me digas que esta máquina no funciona.
This isn't working, Mr. Craven.
Esto no funciona, Sr. Craven.
This isn't working for me!
Esto no se ajusta a mí.
This isn't working.
Esto no va bien.
Dad's working on this right now, isn't he?
Papá esta trabajando en esto horita mismo, ¿ o no?
We have to face it, Steve. This stuff isn't working.
Tenemos que afrontar eso, Steve Esta cosa no esta funcionando.
This isn't working out, Dalton.
Esto no va bien, Dalton.
- This obviously isn't working out.
Honey, this modelling thing isn't working out. But I have an idea.
Cariño, lo de ser modelo no está resultando bien pero tengo una idea.
- This isn't working.
- Esto no marcha.
This isn't working. - Back me up, dude.
No funciona. ¡ Dame una mano, Amigo!
- This isn't working out.
- Que no. Esto no va bien.
I'll tell Nelson this isn't working out and get you reassigned.
Diré a Nelson que esto no funciona y consiga un nuevo reemplazo.
This isn't working, Cindy.
Esto no funciona, Cindy.
This isn't working, Sam.
Esto no funciona, Sam.
This isn't working at all.
Esto no funciona.
Look, you guys, this just isn't working.
Miren, esto no funciona.
I don't understand why this isn't working.
No puedo entender por qué esto no funciona.
This isn't working.
Esto no está funcionando.
Uh, that's not funny. This isn't really working out, Hamid.
Uh, eso no es gracioso esto no es realmente trabajar fuera, Hamid
- So walk like a... - This isn't working.
# Así que camina # No está funcionando.
This thing isn't working.
¿ Por qué no funciona?
Damn it! This thing isn't working.
¡ Maldición, no funciona!
This pop isn't working, Benny.
Esta soda no sirve, Benny.
Because this isn't working.
porque esto no está funcionando.

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