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Toothpicks traducir español

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And a man who cannot make his own laboratory out of toothpicks and a piece of string. he should buy his ideas along with his fine equipment.
Y un hombre que no puede hacer su propio laboratorio... con palillos y una cuerda... debe comprar sus ideas junto con su equipo.
That the man who couldn't make his own lab out of a few toothpicks and a bit of string had better buy his ideas along with his fine equipment.
Si un hombre no puede hacer su propio laboratorio... con palillos y una cuerda, que compre sus ideas con su equipo.
If they ever get their hands on that monster, they'll make toothpicks out of him!
¡ Si agarran a ese monstruo le garantizo que lo queman vivo! ¡ Le cortarían la cabeza!
Pig-sticking. We're going to ride all around Gopal sticking toothpicks into pigs.
Cabalgaremos por Gopal clavándoles escarbadientes a los cerdos.
No, lo siento.
I almost forgot the toothpicks.
Es verdad, ¡ Ios palillos!
I'll bust this joint into toothpicks.
Convertiré esta barra en palillos de diente.
Something you put together with toothpicks?
¿ Algo que puedes armar con palillos?
No toothpicks, even.
- Ni siquiera palillos.
Downstairs in the office they got my pistol And my hat and the toothpicks, do I get them now or..
Mi pistola y sombrero están abajo. ¿ Me lo van a dar o...
You'll find your bride-to-be sticking toothpicks in the shrimps.
Encontrarás a tu futura esposa clavando palillos a las gambas.
I make those things every night when I go home out of matches and toothpicks.
Yo hago eso de noche al volver a casa con cerillas y palillos.
I chew toothpicks, tons of them.
Mastico palillos, miles de ellos.
Well, I think I saw a tray of rather revolting little lumps on toothpicks here.
Creo que vi una bandeja de bultos asquerosos con palillos.
Toothpicks. That's all they are now.
Buena puntería, ¿ eh?
Don't forget the toothpicks, huh'?
No olvides los palillos, ¿ eh?
Most people think we still wear derbies and chew toothpicks.
La mayoría piensa que llevamos bombín y un palillo en la boca.
I'll make a shovel with these toothpicks. And drop some ashes into the center.
Con esto hago una paleta así, y en el medio pongo la ceniza.
Your job is to get the ashes out of the center. Pay attention. You must only move two toothpicks.
Ahora necesito sacar la ceniza moviendo solo dos palillos, y tenéis que rehacer la pala dejando la ceniza fuera.
I've placed ashes in the center of the shovel. You must move two toothpicks to form a new shovel with no ashes. - Only two, understand?
Hay que sacar la ceniza de la paleta, sin tocar la ceniza y moviendo solo dos palillos.
From tomorrow, no more toothpicks on the table.
A partir de mañana, no más palillos de dientes en la mesa.
Calipers and some toothpicks.
Calibradores y algunos mondadientes.
¿ Mondadientes?
City, banjo, toothpicks, shoelaces, teachers, football, telephone
Ciudad, cordones, profesores, fútbol, teléfono
You know, them big graveyard toothpicks they got up there.
Son esos escarbadientes grandes de tumbas.
They were giving out those little sausage samples on toothpicks.
Que le estaban dando a los pequeños muestras de chorizo en palillos de dientes.
He's sawing'toothpicks. He'll be fine.
Esta roncando feliz.
Lots of...... coins and toothpicks.
Muchas... monedas y palillos.
Wake up! Bring toothpicks to pinch open your eyes.
Ponte palillos en los ojos para que no se te cierren.
- I don't have my toothpicks.
Por supuesto, no tengo mis palillos.
You don't need toothpicks.
No necesitas palillos.
- I don't have my toothpicks.
No tengo mis palillos.
- You don't need toothpicks.
Se te resbalarán.
If we're gonna be here all morning with no maple syrup and no toothpicks...
Estaremos aquí toda la mañana sin jalea de arce ni palillos.
Miss, he needs toothpicks.
Señorita, necesita palillos.
Toothpicks. He needs toothpicks.
Necesita palillos.
Can we just get him some toothpicks?
¿ Le puede dar palillos?
Sorry about the toothpicks.
Perdón por lo de los palillos.
- Toothpicks.
- Palillos.
That's more than 82 toothpicks.
Hay mucho más de 82 palillos.
How many toothpicks are in there?
¿ Cuántos palillos había en la caja?
He counts toothpicks.
Cuenta palillos.
They spilled a box of toothpicks on the floor... and he took one look and knew exactly how many there were.
Se cayeron palillos al piso y él sabía exactamente cuántos había.
How many toothpicks came out of that box?
¿ Cuántos palillos se cayeron de esa caja?
You chewed toothpicks, played dominoes, spit, dated policemen. But Jack was exciting.
Masticabas palillos, jugabas al dominó, escupías, salías con un policía pero el club de Jack era muy divertido.
Toothpicks, toothpicks.
Escarbadientes. Escarbadientes.
Hey, Tommy, I didn't come 10,000 fuckin'miles to watch these guys whack each other with big toothpicks
Tommy, no he viajado 16.000 kilómetros para ver a unos tipos luchar con palillos gigantes.
Quick, make a cross with toothpicks.
Haz una cruz con palillos. ¿ No ves lo que ocurre?
I'd like some also. Got any toothpicks?
Yo también quiero. ¿ Tienes palillos?
Lollipops, toothpicks, breath mints?
¿ Chupetines, escarbadientes, pastillas de menta?
Tell him about the toothpicks.
Háblale de los palillos.

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