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Trippy traducir español

260 traducción paralela
Hello, Trippy, darling.
Hola, Trippy, querido.
- Hello, Trippy.
- Hola, Trippy.
Trippy has a job now and is working hard.
Trippy tiene trabajo. Trabaja mucho.
I thought if I bought new dresses and gave a dinner party it might encourage Trippy to make more killings.
Pensé que si compraba vestidos y daba una cena lo alentaría a ganar un poco más.
All right, Trippy, darling.
Está bien, Trippy, querido.
Trippy, George was just telling me that they have a huge glass of orange juice every morning in California.
George me contaba que, a la mañana, beben un vaso de jugo de naranja en California.
- But what will we tell him about Trippy?
- ¿ Pero qué le diremos sobre Trippy?
Trippy's kept me in practice.
Por Trippy he tenido mucha práctica.
Mr. Skeffington? I'm George Trellis, Trippy's cousin.
Soy George Trellis, primo de Trippy.
Miss Trellis, Trippy's sister.
La Srta. Trellis, la hermana de Trippy.
George, did you explain to Mr. Skeffington about Trippy?
George, ¿ le explicaste lo de Trippy?
Trippy feels sure he can shake the cold off overnight and be at his desk in the morning.
Trippy está seguro de que mañana podrá ir a trabajar.
Trippy never said a word about that.
Trippy nunca mencionó eso.
As you may know, Miss Trellis and Trippy have no father or mother.
La Srta. Trellis y Trippy no tienen padres.
Has Trippy done something awful?
¿ Trippy hizo algo terrible?
Does Trippy know you know?
¿ Trippy sabe que usted sabe?
Poor Trippy.
Pobre Trippy.
Mr. Skeffington, you may as well know that Miss Trellis and Trippy are stone broke.
Sr. Skeffington, la Srta. Trellis y Trippy están en la ruina.
When my father died four years ago he did leave a considerable estate but, you see, Trippy insisted on managing it.
Cuando mi padre murió, nos dejó posesiones que Trippy insistió en administrar.
Unless, of course, Trippy could get another job and pay you back a little each week.
Salvo que Trippy consiga trabajo y le devuelva un poco cada semana.
- I could wring Trippy's neck.
- Le retorcería el cuello.
- Good morning, Trippy.
- Buen día, Trippy.
Trippy, what are you going to do now?
Trippy, ¿ qué vas a hacer?
Oh, now, you stop that Trippy Trellis.
Alto, Trippy Trellis.
Trippy, dear...
Trippy, querido...
- Oh, Trippy, you mustn't.
- Trippy, no.
- Trippy.
- Trippy.
Trippy, don't say such things.
Trippy, no digas eso.
- Yes, he was, Trippy.
- Así es, Trippy.
Why, Trippy Trellis she would love you very much.
Bueno, Trippy Trellis ella te querría mucho.
Mr. Skeffington, I want you to know I didn't come here to talk about Trippy.
Sr. Skeffington, quiero que sepa que no vine a hablar de Trippy.
Georgie, I was wondering would it be considered charity if we use the money for Trippy?
Georgie, estaba pensando ¿ sería beneficencia si lo usáramos para Trippy?
When I saw you the night I came to see Trippy you looked very beautiful.
Esa noche, cuando fui a ver a Trippy estabas muy hermosa.
- Georgie, do you know where Trippy is?
- Georgie, ¿ dónde está Trippy?
- Trippy, darling.
- Trippy.
Trippy, you'd better go up to your room.
Trippy, ve a tu cuarto.
- Oh, Trippy.
- Trippy.
- Trippy, you're excited.
- Trippy, estás nervioso.
Trippy, how could you?
Trippy, ¿ cómo pudiste?
- I was afraid to tell you, Trippy.
- Temía contártelo, Trippy.
I'll tell you this much, Trippy.
Te diré esto, Trippy.
Trippy, I'm very fond of Job but I love you.
Trippy, siento mucho cariño por Job pero a ti te quiero.
Trippy, go down and apologize.
Trippy, ve a disculparte.
Trippy, listen to me. You're being so stubborn, and you're wrong.
Trippy, eres muy terco, y te equivocas.
- Oh, Trippy, you're out of your mind.
- Trippy, estás loco.
¡ Trippy!
Georgie, isn't that Trippy?
Georgie, ¿ ése no es Trippy?
Georgie, it is Trippy.
Georgie, es Trippy.
¿ Trippy?
It isn't anything about Trippy, is it?
No se trata de Trippy, ¿ verdad?

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