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Try him again traducir español

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Well, I'll try him again.
Bien, lo intentaré de nuevo.
I'll try him again after a while.
Volveré a buscarlo después de un rato.
- Why don't you try him again?
- ¿ Por qué no insistes?
Try him again.
Sigue intentándolo.
Maybe you try him again this afternoon.
Quizá usted ponerlo de nuevo esta tarde.
- Try him again.
- Vuelve a intentarlo.
Should I try him again, a bit closer?
- ¿ Disparo? ¿ Un poquito más cerca?
" Why don't we try him again in a inexpensive format.
" ¿ Por qué no intentamos de nuevo en formato económico?
If they let him off tomorrow, they can never try him again.
Si mañana le dejan libre, nunca le podrán volver a juzgar.
If we try Capone and don't convict him, we can't try him again.
Si lo juzgamos y no lo condenamos, no podremos hacerlo luego.
Try him again.
Vuelve a intentarlo.
Try him again, Davy.
Ahora él lo vuelve a coger.
You better try him again. Tell him to hurry it up.
Pues llámalo otra vez, y que se dé prisa.
Just call him that again. Just try it. I dare you.
¡ No empieces sino te las verás conmigo!
Try to see him again, to talk to him...
Intente verle, hablar con él...
Tell him I'll try again when I get to Chicago.
Dile que volveré a intentarlo cuando llegue a Chicago.
I was writing a letter to Colonel Bailey at Napata... asking him if he wouldn't try again to locate Father. - Mm-hmm.
Le estaba escribiendo una carta al coronel Bailey en Napata... preguntándole si no intentaría nuevamente localizar a papá.
I let him make a mug out of me, but don't anybody try it again.
He dejado que se burlara de mí, pero que nadie vuelva a intentarlo.
I try to imagine him about the place again doing some commonplace thing.
Intento imaginármelo otra vez en casa dedicado a las cosas corrientes.
I'll try to call him again.
Voy a llamarlo otra vez.
And we won't try to see him again.
Y no trataremos de volver a verlo.
Won't you let him try again? No.
- ¿ Dejarás que lo intente de nuevo?
The racers once again try to... overtake him, but it's useless!
Los corredores tratan de alcanzar al nuevo y excepcional descubrimiento del ciclismo internacional, ¡ pero es inútil!
Let him try again.
Deja que lo intente otra vez.
You care to try that last question again? ─ Well, if you really want to know.. Hamish says he's in love with me, and I say I'm very fond of him.
Si no me equivoco es usted americano, a mí me encantan los americanos.
I'll try calling him again.
Trataré de llamarle otra vez.
If you ever try to harm him again...
- Si intentas hacerle daño de nuevo...
Now that spring had come, he must try to find the dwarf and make him change him back again.
Ahora que llegó la primavera, debe intentar encontrar al enano y hacer que lo convierta de vuelta.
- It's better to try again with him.
- Será mejor hablarle ahora.
And if ever you try to see him again... I promise you now you'll be sorry for it as long as you live.
Y si tratas de volver a verlo... te aseguro que lo lamentarás el resto de tu vida.
You try to see him again and you'll soon find out who's going to be sorry.
Intenta volver a verlo y pronto averiguarás quién lo lamentará.
He keeps to himself, but please try to ask him again at another time.
Él es muy malhumorado, pero por favor, trate de preguntarle en otro momento.
Have him tell Glen not to try a crazy trick like that again.
Haz que le diga a Glen que no intente ese insensato truco otra vez.
Then we will try to persuade him again.
Luego trataremos de persuadirlo nuevamente.
Your daughter will try to see him again
Su hija intentará volver a verlo.
I warned him not to try again, but he insisted on getting up. And he went out after more food.
Le advertí varias veces que no lo hiciera... pero él insistió en levantarse... e ir a buscar más comida en la basura.
I sort of felt it wasn't any good... but I just had to go and try and find him again.
De alguna manera sentía que esto no estaba bien... tenía que irme e intentar encontrarlo otra vez.
Look, just a minute, if you ever try to see him or call him again...
¡ Un minuto! ... ¡ si intentas verlo o llamarlo otra vez...!
Now just try that again, you- - - What's that you hit him with, son? - That was a bare necessity.
Trata de hacerlo otra vez- ¿ Con qué acabas de chocar, hijo?
They wanted to kill him once, they're bound to try again.
Ellos intentaron matarlo una vez, De seguro lo intentarán de nuevo.
And whoever tried to harm him will probably try again.
Y quien trató de hacerle daño, probablemente, vuelva a intentarlo.
I'll try to sneak out and see him again if I can get Madame "X" to sleep for more than an hour or two. But the doctors don't think he'll last the month.
Intentaré escaparme y verle de nuevo... si consigo que la Sra. X duerma una o dos horas, pero los médicos no creen que pase de este mes.
Why don't you try calling him again?
¿ Por qué no tratas de llamarle otra vez?
Try him again, Stack.
Inténtelo de nuevo, Stack.
Now, get on that line. Try him again.
Se está acercando.
Try and hit him again.
¡ Sigan!
If the guy calls again, try to keep him on the phone a little longer than normal.
Si el hombre llama de vuelta, trate de mantenerlo en el teléfono un poco más de lo normal.
But you'd better watch him. He'll try it again.
Pero vigílelo, volverá a intentarlo.
One time, I wanted to leave him and try picking things up... again in Warsaw.
Una vez quise dejarle, e intentar arreglar mis cosas en Varsovia.
- You want me to try to get him again?
¿ Quiere que intente de nuevo?
Then he'll try to get back to Paris, where they'll arrest him again.
Luego querrá regresar y volverán a detenerle.

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