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Try to get some rest traducir español

152 traducción paralela
Shall we try to get some rest?
Necesitamos descansar un poco.
You should try to get some rest, Mrs. Warren.
Debería descansar.
Try to get some rest.
Trata de descansar.
About those things you heard him say... try to get some rest.
No tenga en cuanta lo que le ha oído decir. Procure descansar.
Try to get some rest. I'll try.
¿ por qué no intentas ponerte un poco cómoda?
Now will you stop teasing that shoulder of yours and try to get some rest?
¿ Puedes dejar de tocarte el brazo y descansar?
Why don't you try to get some rest?
¿ Por qué no descansas un poco?
Why don't you go along home and try to get some rest, Mrs. Pryor.
Por qué no vas a casa y trata de tomar un descanso, Sra. Pryor
Sit down try to get some rest...
Siéntate intenta descansar.
Try to get some rest, sir.
Intente descansar, señor.
Try to get some rest.
- Intente descansar.
Let's try to get some rest, hmm? We'll talk this out tomorrow.
Vamos a descansar, hablaremos mañana.
Now, let's try to get some rest, hmm? How'bout it?
Vamos a intentar descansar un poco.
Please, try to get some rest.
Trate de dormirse, por favor.
Try to get some rest.
Procurad descansar.
Ray, I'm worried Well, don't be just try to get some rest
- Estoy preocupada. - No tienes por qué. Trata de descansar.
Try to get some rest, Laureen.
Intenta descansar algo, Laureen.
Try to get some rest.
Intente descansar un poco.
Try to get some rest.
Trata de descansar un poco.
Try to get some rest, kid.
Trata de descansar, muchacho.
You too, try to get some rest.
Usted también, trate de descansar.
Now promise me you'll try to get some rest.
Ahora prometeme que intentaras descansar.
I want you to try to get some rest, Mrs., uh, Kensington- -
Quiero que descanse, Sra. Kensington.
Just try to get some rest.
Intente descansar.
I think I'll just get a bite to eat here and try to get some rest.
Creo que sólo tomaré un bocado aquí, y trataré de descansar
You all try to get some rest.
Ustedes intenten descansar.
Well, try to get some rest.
Bueno, intente descansar.
Try to get some rest.
Intenta descansar un poco.
In the meantime, try to get some rest.
Mientras tanto, intenta descansar.
Try to get some rest.
Intenta descansar.
Why don't you try to get some rest?
¿ Por qué no descansas?
Try to get some rest.
- Intenta descansar.
You're okay. But try to get some rest.
Todo está bien pero creo que debería descansar un poco.
I'm dying. - Try to get some rest.
Necesitamos que te tranquilices.
Try to get some rest.
intenta descansar.
Try to get some rest and in a week's time you can walk home from here
Trate de descansar un poco y en una semana se puede ir caminando a casa desde aquí ­
Just try to get some rest and some hot chow.
Yo me ocuparé. Traten de descansar y coman algo caliente.
- Try to get some rest.
Trate de descansar.
- Just try to get some rest, okay?
- Sólo trata de descansar, ¿ de acuerdo?
- Just try to get some rest.
- Intenta descansar.
You should try to get some rest.
Intente descansar.
"Try to get some rest " because tomorrow's a big day.
"Intentad descansar porque mañana es un gran día."
You should try to eat and get some rest.
De todos modos, procura alimentarte y descansar.
You ought to try and get some rest.
Debería descansar un poco.
Meantime, some of us can go out and try to get the gas, then we can come back for the rest of the people.
Mientras, dos podemos intentar salir, poner gasolina y volver a recogeros.
Get some rest, Bruno : try to build your strength up.
Descanse, Bruno. Busque recuperar fuerzas.
Go and get some rest, try to sleep.
Vaya y descanse un poco, trate de dormir.
In the meantime, I want you to try to take it easy and get some rest.
Entre tanto, quiero que no hagas esfuerzos y que descanses.
Try to get some rest.
Intenta descansar algo.
Well, for now why don't you try to get some more rest.
Por ahora, ¿ por qué no descansa un rato?
I want you to try and get some rest, Monica. Hmm? Try and sleep.
Quiero que intentes descansar un poco, Monica, ¿ eh?

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