Unbecoming traducir español
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Very unbecoming.
Muy poco atractivo.
You have to agree with me that this dancing is unbecoming.
Convendrás conmigo que este baile en inapropiado.
You know I'd never do anything unbecoming.
Sabes que nunca haría nada indecoroso.
Now you're making very unbecoming faces, Mr. Plunkett.
Está haciendo gestos muy indecorosos.
Unbecoming but quite harmless.
Poco favorecedora, pero inofensiva.
It's unbecoming to fight a man with bad legs.
No es correcto luchar con alguien con defecto en las piernas.
Siempre pienso que la nieve es un color de lo más desfavorecedor.
This conduct is unbecoming.
Qué forma es esta de proceder.
Dr. Weeks, it is my unhappy duty to inform you that the Surgical Committee considers your work as unbecoming a resident surgeon of this hospital. And they demand your immediate dismissal.
Dr. Weeks, tengo el penoso deber de informarle de que el Comité de Cirugía cree que su trabajo no es digno de un residente de cirugía de este hospital, y exige su inmediato despido.
I've told you before, Brandes... your antic behavior, your irresponsible attitude... is conduct unbecoming an officer.
Ya se lo había dicho, Brandes : sus payasadas, su actitud irresponsable... son conductas impropias de un oficial.
It seems the manly art of bashing beezers has suffered a large and unbecoming black eye.
Parece que el arte viril de destrozar narices... ha sufrido un ojo negro grande y poco favorecedor.
You're nice, but this behavior is unbecoming of Fanny.
Siento simpatía por usted, por eso encuentro inapropiado el comportamiento de Fanny.
Well, Marine or civilian unbecoming for a West Point cadet to engage in fisticuffs on a public street.
Fuera marinero o civil está muy mal que un cadete se enzarce en una riña callejera.
It was most unbecoming of you to go about parading your feelings, whatever you think they are.
Fue muy indecoroso que mostraras tus sentimientos... o lo que creas que sientes.
It isn't because it's unbecoming, I find that it just doesn't fit.
No es porque sea impropia, sino porque me parece que no acaba de encajar.
How unbecoming for a hostess to hide herself away.
No está bien que la anfitriona se esconda.
Well, I'm just an immoral character. Kicked off a train for conduct unbecoming to a lady. Consorting in a vulgar way with the troops and stealing one white orchid.
Soy una persona inmoral, expulsada por conducta escandalosa, coquetear con soldados y robar una orquídea.
If he had been forgotten, it had been as a gap in our great feast, and all-thing unbecoming.
Si le hubiéramos olvidado, se sentiría un gran vacío en nuestro festín... y desde todo punto lamentable.
Conduct unbecoming and officer and a lady.
Esta conducta no es propia de un oficial y una dama.
Your posture's most unbecoming.
Tu postura es de lo más impropia.
This modesty is most unbecoming.
Esta modestia no te va bien.
It is unbecoming!
¡ Eso le sienta mal!
They are unbecoming.
No te favorecen.
Hate's unbecoming in a man like you.
El odio no favorece a un hombre como tú.
We cannot hope to accomplish this if we must be continually subjected to the.. To these singularly unbecoming strains and tensions.
No vamos a llegar si nos retrasamos por peleas y tensiones innecesarias.
It looks most unbecoming.
Te sienta muy mal.
It was conduct completely unbecoming, even for a Harvard man, to...
Fue un comportamiento indigno, hasta para un graduado de Harvard- -
He wasn't really discharged, you know, he was expelled for conduct unbecoming a cardiac patient.
No lo aceptarán. En realidad, no le dieron el alta. Lo expulsaron.
Conduct unbecoming an officer and a what-do-you-call-it.
Conducta indecorosa para un oficial o lo que sea.
Any employee who conducts himself in a manner unbecoming...
Cualquier empleado que se comporta de manera...
It's been brought to my attention that you're guilty of unbecoming conduct.
Me ha llegado que su comportamiento no es digno de nuestra firma.
Conduct unbecoming an angel.
Una conducta impropia de ángel.
For fornication and conduct unbecoming a man of the cloth.
Por fornicación y conducta indecorosa para un hombre que lleva hábitos.
First of all, it would be unbecoming for you to be your father's brother in law.
En primer lugar, sería... indecoroso para ti ser el cuñado de tu padre.
It's unbecoming an officer of the Iaw.
No es propio de un agente de la ley.
You raised an artificial spirit in the lad unbecoming to his station in life.
Ha suscitado un espíritu irreal en el chico impropio de su clase social.
It's most unbecoming.
Es impropio.
And Berlioz? Such behaviour is most unbecoming to a lovely gentleman.
Berlioz, ese comportamiento es propio de maleducados, no de un caballerito.
Your conduct was not only unbecoming in an officer, it was equally reprehensible as a medical man!
Su conducta ha sido impropia de un oficial e igualmente censurable en un médico.
"Insubordination, conduct unbecoming officers, violations of articles 13 through 27, with a repeat on 26."
"Insubordinación, conducta impropia de unos oficiales, infracción de los artículos 13 a 27, con reincidencia en el 26".
Reply to report of conduct unbecoming a commanding officer, filed by Majors Houlihan and Burns. "
Asunto : Responder a reporte de conducta inapropiada de un comandante... presentado por la mayor Houlihan y el mayor Burns ".
Bribery, corruption, conduct unbecoming an ape.
Soborno, corrupción, conducta indigna de un simio.
That by this action he has betrayed the trust posed on him by his Colonel, brought the name of this regiment into dishonour, and conducted himself in a manner unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman.
traicionando la confianza depositada en él por su coronel y deshonrando el nombre de este regimiento. Su conducta se considera indigna de un oficial y de un caballero.
This is unbecoming of you
Esto es imprevisto de usted
There is something stately in him to be sure, but it is confined to his air and is not unbecoming.
Hay algo imponente en el seguramente, pero está confinado a su aire y no es imprópio.
As of right now... you're all on report for gross insubordination... conduct unbecoming officers and anything else I can think of.
Desde este momento... voy a reportarlos por insubordinación... conducta impropia de oficiales y todo lo que se me ocurra.
That is unbecoming of a gentleman from my position.
Eso es impropio de un caballero de mi posición.
Very unbecoming and I made him shave it off.
Le sentaba mal. Hice que se la afeitara.
I grew up in the military, but I have never seen such deviance unbecoming an officer.
Crecí entre militares... pero nunca vi tanta desviación impropia de un oficial.
Barbara, do not come rushing down the stairs, it's extremely unbecoming.
Vendrá Philippe y...
Petya, let me give you a hand. It's unbecoming for the commander - to be to dig holes in the ground.
No es apropiado para un comandante andar cavando hoyos en el suelo.