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Undoubtedly traducir español

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Foreigners undoubtedly. Those strange costumes, all those musical instruments... painted canvas.
Esos vestidos extraños, todos esos instrumentos musicales, esas telas pintadas.
Mr. White's paper is very successful. He will undoubtedly make this one more profitable too.
El periódico del Sr. White hará a éste más rentable.
Undoubtedly we can expect something soon.
Seguro que está a punto de ocurrir algo.
This area is undoubtedly heavily mined.
Esta area está fuertemente minada.
A judge of the state supreme court estimated that this man had undoubtedly killed at least 15 others.
Un juez del Tribunal Supremo estimó que este hombre había matado no menos de 15 niños.
They undoubtedly have a man out here.
Sin duda tienen un hombre aquí.
Undoubtedly, Agnese is a beautiful girl, eh?
Sin duda Agnese también es una chica guapa.
Undoubtedly, you're lacking manners.
Eres un maleducado.
Yes, a memory he'd undoubtedly like to refresh.
Si, una memoria, que el indudablemente gusta refrescar.
The new Austrian undoubtedly want to waltz.
La nueva austriaca indudablemente querra valsar.
Now then, you will undoubtedly have read that the Eucharistic Congress will meet next week in Rome.
Habrá leído sobre el Congreso Eucarístico que se celebra la semana que viene en Roma.
Investigation will undoubtedly prove this airplane was ready for the junk heap.
Las investigaciones demostrarán que este avión está para el desguace.
Undoubtedly a young woman, anyway.
Una joven, sin duda.
The bonding company will undoubtedly send out a.. special investigator.
Pero no todo. Nos van a enviar un inspector especial.
Should this reach the capital the minister will undoubtedly move to have you discharged.
Si el Emperador se entera, usará su poder y su influencia para apartaros del cargo.
Scouts, undoubtedly
Exploradores, sin duda.
- Undoubtedly, they've shared the secret.
- Sin duda, ellos comparten el secreto.
With each B-47 delivered, S.A.C's capability of quick retaliation is increased, and an enemy would undoubtedly know it.
Con cada B-47 funcionando, la capacidad de represalia de S.A.C se incrementará rapidamente, y los enemigos indudablemente lo saben.
The woman can undoubtedly read.
Lo habrá leído en alguna parte.
I've a miserable attack of gout, undoubtedly a punishment for being intemperate, and I'm eager to return to my tub of hot water.
Tengo un fuerte ataque de gota, sin duda mi castigo por ser inmoderado, y estoy ansioso por regresar a mi bañera de agua caliente.
Not a gesture. Though one would be worth more than all the words you undoubtedly can produce.
Ni un gesto, aunque uno valdría más que todas las palabras que usted pueda expresar.
Undoubtedly, but i  s not often one needs an elephant in a hurry.
Claro, pero no es frecuente que alguien necesite un elefante con tanta urgencia.
No skull fracture, but there's undoubtedly a concussion.
No hay fractura de cráneo, pero sí tiene una concusión.
Undoubtedly you know of his piano concerto " "Choo Choo Mama." "
Gracias a su concierto para piano Choo Choo Mama.
Red lightning will undoubtedly be leadin'in the stretch.
'Red Lightning'sin duda estará al frente en la recta.
You have undoubtedly heard of the siberian goatherd... Who tried to discover the true nature of the sun.
Indudablemente habrás oído del pastor Siberiano... quien trató de descubrir la verdadera naturaleza del sol.
The führer has told his conference that the documents... are undoubtedly genuine.
El Führer dijo en su conferencia que los documentos son indudablemente genuinos.
If these particulars were brought out in a trial... as undoubtedly they would be... and it was then suggested that Mrs. Rath was so old... so nearsighted that she would sign anything you put in front of her... don't you see what that could lead to?
Si estos hechos salieran a la luz en un juicio... lo cual sucederá, sin duda... y se sugiriera que la Sra. Rath era tan anciana... tan corta de vista, que habría firmado cualquier cosa que Ud. le diera... ¿ se imagina lo que pasaría?
Undoubtedly, they are mutates.
Sin duda, son mutantes.
But he undoubtedly noticed what any railwayman would have, that one of the semaphore lights was not working.
Pero, sin duda alguna cuenta de lo que cualquier ferroviario tendría, de que una de las luces del semáforo no estaba funcionando.
Gentlemen, the general has been taken into custody and troops will undoubtedly move into the project.
Caballeros, el General ha sido arrestado y las tropas van a irrumpir en el proyecto.
Undoubtedly, the answer to your question lies in that remarkable work.
Indudablemente, la respuesta yace en esta magnífica obra.
Undoubtedly, but in courts it will take time.
De eso no hay duda, pero este caso tardará en los tribunales.
- Undoubtedly.
- Indudable.
According to the percentages, you undoubtedly have an ace.
Según las probabilidades, indudablemente tienes un as.
If I'd known Poe, I would undoubtedly have been repelled by his drinking but I would have tried to understand him.
De conocer a Poe, me habría repelido su alcoholismo, pero habría intentado comprenderle.
Captain, the Shinaru will undoubtedly have a destroyer screen. Undoubtedly?
Capitán, sin duda el Shinaru llevará una escolta de destructores.
She must have started loving me again. Differently, undoubtedly, but the road ahead of us was clear.
Ella había vuelto a amarme, de otra manera, sin duda,... pero el camino estaba despejado ante nosotros.
Undoubtedly deserved, believe me.
Indudablemente merecida, cavaliere. Indudablemente, créame.
The most treasured prize of all undoubtedly being the return of summer, and its companion : color.
El premio más valorado de todos indudablemente es el retorno del verano, y su compañero : el color.
Not enough oxygen to sustain us, but undoubtedly enough for some kind of native animal life.
No hay oxígeno suficiente para nosotros, pero sí para algún animal nativo.
Although, when we penetrate her mind block into her suppressed memories, her recall will be undoubtedly colored by her mind's own interpretation of what she experienced.
Pero cuando penetremos su bloqueo mental de recuerdos suprimidos sin duda estos recuerdos se verán influidos por lo que su mente interprete sobre lo que experimentó.
It will undoubtedly lead us back to its home.
Él nos conducirá a su casa, sin ninguna duda.
- Undoubtedly yes.
- Claro que si.
Solitude is undoubtedly the answer.
La soledad es, sin duda, la respuesta.
My real adversary arrives, Lindenbrook,... undoubtedly to claim his rights.
Llegó mi verdadero adversario : Lindenbrook. Sin duda, para reclamar lo que es suyo.
You are, undoubtedly!
Usted es, ¡ sin duda!
- Undoubtedly, that's nothing new.
Hay que ver, qué manía.
- Por supuesto.
The pigmentation is undoubtedly natural. We may overlook something.
Puede que obviase una cosa.

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