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Unforgivable traducir español

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And outside of marriage, unforgivable!
Y fuera del matrimonio, imperdonable!
But you can be assured, that I will do my best, to amend this unforgivable mistake!
Pero puede estar segura de que haré lo imposible... para arreglar ese error imperdonable.
That is the unforgivable thing : to have put his revenge above everything else... and to have destroyed himself.
Eso es lo imperdonable... que haya puesto su venganza por sobre todo... y que se destruyera a si mismo.
Your Majesty, you must have very little affection for me to criticize one of my relatives in public that way. I beg you to forgive me, even if I am unforgivable.
Señor, poco afecto me tenéis, cuando públicamente ofendéis a mis familiares.
I lost my patience, is unforgivable
He perdido la calma y es imperdonable.
It was simply a habit of mine but... unforgivable in a lady's presence
Un gesto automático, pero imperdonable en presencia de una dama.
That is unforgivable.
Eso es imperdonable.
To have so invited myself into your home is.. Is an unforgivable intrusion.
Haber invadido tu casa es una intromisión imperdonable.
She finds human imperfection unforgivable.
La imperfección humana es imperdonable.
Y déjame que te diga otra cosa sobre ese imperdonable crimen llamado celos.
Your behaviour of late has been completely unforgivable.
Tu comportamiento es incalificable.
- It's just, I thought it unforgivable that he didn't call on you after starting his contract with me.
- Me parece imperdonable que no te llamara después de conseguir el contrato.
"... to shark the flesh of the people is an unforgivable error, "
"... escabullirse del pueblo es imperdonable, "
What I did was unforgivable.
Lo que hice fue imperdonable.
It's unforgivable.
Es imperdonable.
It was an unforgivable impiety even if it was meant as a ruse
Un pecado imperdonable aun cuando era una medida desesperada.
Cheap perfume is unforgivable. Now let me see...
El perfume barato es imperdonable A ver, déjame ver...
And we do understand. I'll add that my crime, my unforgivable crime, is to be impervious to your charms.
Mi crimen imperdonable sería ser insensible a sus encantos.
The way I acted tonight was unforgivable.
Mi conducta ha sido imperdonable.
You're unforgivable!
¡ Ud. es imperdonable!
No, you've done nothing really unforgivable.
No, no has hecho nada realmente imperdonable.
That was unforgivable, wasn't it?
Eso fue imperdonable, ¿ verdad?
¡ Imperdonable!
It's unforgivable! A young man like you shouldn't let them get away!
Un joven como Ud. no debería dejarlas escapar.
You know? I know this scene is unforgivable... Try to understand, my love.
Sé que esta escena es imperdonable... intenta entenderlo, amor mío.
It was unforgivable.
Fue imperdonable.
It was unforgivable, your leaving without me.
Fue imperdonable que me dejaras.
Reports, complaints, unforgivable stupidities, downright dishonesty, thievery!
Informes, quejas, estupideces imperdonables. Fraudes evidentes, robo. Vamos, miradlo.
Of all his misdeeds, this one was unforgivable he killed the cart driver Parrinello.
Entre muchos otros delitos suyos, uno no tenía perdón : ... había matado al carretero Parrinello.
I found out something about him that's unforgivable.
He descubierto en él algo imperdonable.
Through unforgivable negligence, your report read positive... when it should've read negative.
Debido a una negligencia imperdonable, tu prueba dio positivo... cuando debió dar negativo.
- It's unforgivable.
- Es imperdonable.
It is one unforgivable thing, in my opinion... and the one thing of which I have never... never been guilty.
Es lo único imperdonable, según mi opinión y lo único de lo que yo nunca he sido culpable.
Preston, but to me, it is murder of a peculiarly vicious and unforgivable kind.
Preston, pero para mi, es un crimen especialmente vil y cruel.
Maybe certain things are unforgivable.
Tal vez ciertas cosas son imperdonables.
What I did was unforgivable.
Lo que hice es imperdonable.
This is the unforgivable crime, do you know that?
Este crimen es imperdonable, ¿ sabes?
If he bluffs it out and endangers an entire mission, it's unforgivable.
Si alguien pone en peligro toda la misión, será imperdonable.
That is the biggest and most unforgivable lie you have ever told me.
Esa es la mentira más grande e imperdonable que jamás me hayas dicho.
This is unforgivable.
Es imperdonable.
Only one sin, one sin is unforgivable.
Sólo hay una cosa, una cosa imperdonable.
You insulted my father, mother and me, and it's just unforgivable!
Insultaste a mi madre, a mi padre y a mi. ¡ Es imperdonable!
It's really unforgivable!
¡ Es imperdonable!
The way I treated you when you came in to ask me for a job was unforgivable.
La forma en que Ie traté cuando vino a pedirme trabajo es imperdonable.
I hate to tell you something else, because it`s... almost too grotesque... almost unforgivable in your eyes, I imagine.
Odio tener que decirte otra cosa que lo hace casi demasiado grotesco. lmagino que, para ti, será casi imperdonable.
You've done the one unforgivable thing.
Has hecho una cosa imperdonable.
You're holding grudges towards them, it is unforgivable.
¡ Ha hecho muy mal! Se ha dejado llevar por los sentimientos, ¡ es imperdonable!
- An unforgivable lie.
¡ Una mentira imperdonable!
But an error made at a crucial moment is an unforgivable crime.
Pero cometer un error en un momento crucial es un crimen imperdonable.
You're unforgivable.
Me hubiera llamado o escrito, es imperdonable
Es inconcebible.

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