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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ U ] / Univision

Univision traducir español

10 traducción paralela
I've been watching Univision all night, and all they speak is Spanish.
Llevo toda la noche viendo Univisión y hablan puro español.
The CNN-Univision Democratic Debate :
El debate democrata de CNN-Univision :
CNN Chief National Correspondent, John King... and Univision anchor, Jorge Ramos.
el corresponsal de CNN, John King... y el lector de noticias de Univision, Jorge Ramos.
As we speak, Jenna is sitting at home, with no Game Show Network, no MTV2, no Univision.
Mientras hablamos, Jenna está sentada en casa, sin Game Show Network, ni MTV2, ni Univisión.
But luckily she only watches Univision.
Pero por suerte solo ve "Univision".
You've seen Univision.
You've seen Univision.
Welcome to Queso por Dos, which I just sold to Univision.
Bienvenido a "Queso por Dos", el cual acabo de vender a Univision.
" univision chicago aired a piece
" Univision Chicago emitio un comunicado
" to univision immediately.
"inmediatamente a Univision."

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