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Untranslated traducir español

872 traducción paralela
- Untranslated subtitle - to the end. "
Mantendremos nuestras exigencias hasta el final ".
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"If only he'd come, my beloved!"
"Que venga aquél que amo". Untranslated subtitle -
Yes? - What reason could there be... for the murder of this girl? - No reason!
- Untranslated subtitle - para matar a esta joven?
Right, Keyston? - l?
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Let's go. - What for? What's going on?
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Among their colleagues were men such as David Mitchell, governor of Georgia, and James Bowie, hero of the Alamo.
- Untranslated subtitle - y James Bowie, héroe de El Alamo.
The masters themselves encourage them.
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Do you know what my husband says? " Go on, get busy!
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The more children you have, the happier you'll make me.
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Do as you please.
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I get rich, and you have a good time. "
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In this shop, you don't pay for what you break, and I pick up the pieces.
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Excuse me, ma'am, where is the church at Turner Bridge?
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I don't understand. I'm German.
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- Where is church? - Three miles down road.
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- What's happening here, ma'am? - Very interesting.
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They're cutting the Negro who broke 20 virgins at the Peterson plantation.
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- Cutting what? - Cutting his balls, what else?
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He's through fucking.
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The pliers! The pliers!
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If on the one hand the masters allowed their slaves an almost unlimited sexual freedom, it was also true that he would be furious if that freedom cost him money.
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On every plantation there were always a number of virgins destined for the marketplace.
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Their virginity had a very definite value, and if you took it, you were a thief.
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Such thieves were publicly castrated, and the castration took place at the very scene of the crime.
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Hewlett, a Louisiana man, wrote in 1831 :
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" Such an exciting spectacle was a pleasant interruption to the boredom of a Sunday afternoon.
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Males, females and puppies enjoyed it from start to finish.
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The more the victim screamed, the more fun they had. "
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The master calls for the pliers.
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No, not my balls!
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Shut up! Take the balls with your hands and pull.
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- Quick, put the balls in the pliers. - He's pissing! He got me all wet!
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Not my balls! No!
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- Do you want to go in? - No, thank you.
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- Listen. - Squeeze!
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Did you hear that? It's done.
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- What did they use for the operation? - Horse pliers.
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- It's horrible to make him suffer so. - No, Negroes never suffer.
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That Negroes felt physical and moral pain less that white men was a widely held belief.
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The scientific writings of that time, first among them those by the authoritative Samuel Cartwright, a professor at the University of Louisiana, mention "poor motor skills, typical of monkeys and subhuman species in general."
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No one suspected yet that all the folklore, the excesses, the collective hysteria don't Negate the presence of pain.
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On the contrary, they underline its intensity.
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At this point I have only to remind you that God condemned to slavery the damned line of Canaan from the time ofJoshua.
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God ordered Abraham's descendants to keep slaves, and he decreed that those slaves were to be inherited by their children.
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God recognized Abraham as the master of the slaves.
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And Jesus ordered that any who dare object to or disrupt the institution of slavery be repudiated as subversive individuals, whose behavior is...
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The Protestant Church, then even more powerful than the Catholic Church in America, approved of and preached slavery as a divine decree.
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The sermons of the most influential ministers, like this one, by Reverend Stringfellow of Virginia, were bound and published in volumes.
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The curse in the Old Testament on the black man, Canaan, the evil son of Noah, who had castrated his father, was falling heavily on his descendants, who were now reduced to slavery.
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The Baptists said, "Flog them."
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