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Upgrayedd traducir español

18 traducción paralela
We did, however, have to come to an arrangement with her pimp... a gentleman who goes by the name Upgrayedd, which he spells thusly- -
Sin embargo, tuvimos que llegar a un acuerdo con su chulo un caballero que responde al nombre de Upgrayedd, que él deletrea así :
Upgrayedd agreed to loan us Rita for exactly one year... and keep quiet on the matter, in exchange for certain leeways... with the local authorities in running his pimp game.
Upgrayedd aceptó prestarnos a Rita durante exactamente un año y guardará silencio sobre el asunto a cambio de ciertos privilegios con las autoridades locales para ejercer su negocio de putas.
- Man, Upgrayedd didn't tell me they'd be putting me... in no damn coffin with tubes and shit!
- ¿ Qué te pasa? - Upgrayedd no me dijo nada de que me pondrían en un maldito ataúd con tubos y mierdas.
Trust me. Who's Upgrayedd?
- Espera, ¿ quién es Upgrayedd?
That's an interesting name.
- Upgrayedd, un nombre interesante.
There are 9,726 listings for Upgrayedd.
Hay 9762 personas con ese nombre.
Upgrayedd is gonna kill me!
Upgrayedd va a matarme.
Look, Rita, you gotta understand that Upgrayedd's been dead for a long time now.
Mira, Rita, debes comprender que Upgrayedd lleva muerto mucho tiempo.
Upgrayedd don't care where the time machine is.
A Upgrayedd no le importa dónde esté la máquina del tiempo.
All's I know is I better find Upgrayedd before he finds me.
Será mejor encontrar a Upgrayedd antes de que me encuentre él.
Upgrayedd cannot find you, okay?
Upgrayedd no puede encontrarte, ¿ vale?
And even if Upgrayedd... could somehow magically travel through time... we got secret service guys with huge guns protecting us, okay?
Y aunque Upgrayedd pudiese viajar mágicamente a través del tiempo los del Servicio Secreto nos protegen con metralletas, ¿ vale?
It's none of my business, but when we get back... you and Upgrayedd should seriously think about couples counseling, okay?
No es de mi incumbencia, pero cuando regresemos tú y Upgrayedd deberíais consultar con un asesor de parejas.
Besides, you know, I don't think Upgrayedd would be too happy about that.
Además, no creo que a Upgrayedd le hiciese gracia.
It's Upgrayedd.
Es Upgrayedd.
It's not Upgrayedd.
No es Upgrayedd.
- Está bien.

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