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Varney traducir español

91 traducción paralela
Serves me right, Varney.
Me lo tengo merecido.
Give me that bird, Varney.
Dame ese pájaro, Varney.
What would I do with Varney?
¿ Qué haría con Varney?
Thee has not strength enough for a mason, Varney.
No tienes fuerza para ser albañil.
- Just the same, I'll give Varney work.
Es igual. Le daré trabajo.
What do you think about it, Varney?
¿ Qué te parece, Varney?
It's enough that thee is an honest man, Varney. That thee ran all this way to tell me where she is.
Eres lo bastante honrado como para correr a decirme dónde está ella.
Where? To monk varney's up in aberdeen.
A casa de Barney, en Aberdeen.
I'll call Bill Varney over at the Roaring'20s.
Le diré a Bill Varney que vaya al Roaring'20s.
- This is Dr. Rachel Varney.
- Esta es la Dra. Rachel Varney.
Get me Varney at home, or Kovler.
Llama a Varney. O a Kovler.
- O'Neal-Varney... - the'I didn't do it'boy...
- O'Neal-Varney... el chico de " No fui yo';..
How are we, Varney?
¿ Cómo estamos, Varney?
Varney's the best bravo and guard in the Underside, everyone knows that.
Varney es el mejor asesino a sueldo y guardia de Abajo, todo el mundo lo sabe.
Mister Varney, if you could wait behind?
Mister Varney, ¿ puede esperar detrás?
Varney's the finest bravo and guard in the Underside.
Varney es el mejor asesino a sueldo y guardia de Abajo.
Mister Varney told us so himself.
El propio Señor Varney nos lo dijo.
I assumed it was Mrs. Varney.
Supongo que era la Sra. Varney.
Name on the check, Paula Varney.
Es de Paula Varney.
Mrs. Varney, is this your husband?
Sra. Varney, ¿ es éste su esposo?
Judge signed the warrant, Munch and Fin are on their way to toss Varney's room.
El juez firmó la orden, Munch y Fin irán a registrar la habitación de Varney.
Daniel Varney.
- Daniel Varney.
M.E. says Varney's knife matches the wounds on all four victims.
El cuchillo de Varney coincide con las heridas de las víctimas.
They're on their way to the lab with bloody clothes from Varney's room.
Van al laboratorio con ropa ensangrentada del cuarto de Varney.
Docket number 3-5-2-1-4... People vs. Daniel Stephen Varney.
Caso número 3-5-2-1-4, La Fiscalía contra Daniel Stephen Varney.
Their blood was found on clothing in Mr. Varney's apartment.
La sangre se halló en ropa que había en su apartamento.
Just an overworked judge, Mr. Varney, and I ask the questions, not you.
Sólo soy una jueza que trabaja demasiado, y yo hago las preguntas, no usted.
Mrs. Varney, please.
Sra. Varney, por favor.
Mrs. Varney, a terrible thing happened to you and your family and I am sympathetic...
Sra. Varney, a usted y a su familia les ha pasado algo terrible y comprendo...
D.A. just signed the papers to seek the death penalty against Varney.
El fiscal acaba de firmar la petición de muerte contra Varney.
Daniel Varney may appear to be psychotic... but his loss of memory suggests something else is going on.
Quizá Daniel Varney parezca psicótico pero su pérdida de memoria sugiere que le pasa otra cosa.
Mrs. Varney, please, understand that... we are not trying to make this any worse than it already is...
Sra. Varney, por favor, comprenda que no intentamos empeorar las cosas más- -
Varney's medical history ends three years ago... which is about the time that his wife says his bizarre behavior began.
El historial de Varney acaba hace tres años, la fecha en la que su mujer dice que empezó a actuar raro.
You were right, Mrs. Varney.
Usted tenía razón, Sra. Varney.
Mrs. Varney, your husband has syphilis.
Sra. Varney, su esposo tiene sífilis.
Mrs. Varney, if you ask the insurance company... why your husband was rejected, they have to tell you.
Si le pregunta a la aseguradora por qué rechazaron a su marido, deben decírselo.
Paula Varney got an answer from All-Atlantic Life.
Contestaron a Paula Varney de All-Atlantic Life.
And health department would have notified Varney if they'd known.
Y sanidad hubiera avisado a Varney si lo hubieran sabido.
You never reported Daniel Varney's syphilis as required by law...
Nunca informó de la sífilis de Daniel Varney, como exige la ley...
$ 1.50 worth of penicillin would have cured Daniel Varney... and prevented the carnage he caused.
$ 1,50 de penicilina hubiera curado a Daniel Varney y evitado la matanza que hizo.
And when the families of the murder victims and Daniel Varney's wife sue... you'll settle.
Y que cuando lo demanden los familiares de las víctimas y la Sra. Varney, pacte.
Then I rule the defendant Daniel Stephen Varney... not competent to assist in his own defense... therefore unfit to proceed to trial.
Entonces declaro al acusado Daniel Stephen Varney no apto para su propia defensa y, por tanto, no apto para un juicio.
Liz Varney from tennis.
Liz Varney, de tenis.
41571 is the zip code for Varney, Kentucky.
Is that Reg Varney?
Es que Reg Varney?
No, it's Jim Varney.
No, es Jim Varney.
- That's Reg bloody Varney. - Your name?
Ese es el maldito Reg Varney.
Lark Varney!
¡ Lark Varney!
Now, what we got here is Lark Varney, French Ellis, Skunkhair Wallace, all of them dead.
Lo que tenemos aquí es a Lark Varney, French Ellis, Skunkhair Wallace todos muertos.
You see, Varney, now that he's mine...
¿ Veis? Ahora que es mío, le he enseñado un truco nuevo.
Varney's wife is having a baby.
La mujer de Varney está de parto.

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