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Vendi traducir español

103 traducción paralela
And I'm going to tell you I've sold it.
Y yo le contestaré que la vendi.
I sold it to you yesterday.
Te la vendi ayer.
- I sold it.
- La vendi.
As for the money, I sold my diamond necklace for it.
En cuanto al dinero, vendi mi collar de diamantes.
I've sold the alphabet book to go to Mangiafoco's show.
Vendi el abecedario para ver el espectáculo de Comefuegos.
I vendi books the stated period.
Vendía libros en cuotas.
I sold a drawing.
Yo vendi un dibujo.
So I sold everything we had.
Así Que Vendi Todo Lo Que Teniamos.
Well, I sold it to an American lady only yesterday.
Bien, se la vendi a una dama americana apenas ayer.
- I sold them.
- Las vendi.
I sold 49 cases of peanut brittle!
Vendi 49 cajas de dulces de cacahuete.
I didn't sell her to anybody
Yo no se la vendi a nadie
I took drugs and sold her to a pimp
tome drogas y se la vendi a un chulo
I sold her to this guy I know who exports
Se la vendi a un tipo que dicen que exporta
A guy names Fat Jack... Is picking her up at a hotel on Burlington
Se la vendi al Gordo Jack... debe recogerla en el hotel Buddington
I told you I sold her by mistake!
te lo dije, la vendi por error
You won't tell him you were sold to a pimp?
Quieres decir que no diras que te vendi a un chulo ¿ A un chulo?
I'd sell my soul to the Japanese if they'd make me an offer.
Yo le vendi de inmediato a los japoneses cuando me hicieron una oferta.
There was a lovely pearl necklace here.
Había un precioso collar de perlas aquí. - - lo vendi
But, yes, I sold it, why?
No era su casa, si la vendi ¿ porqué?
Not really. I sold one electric toothbrush to a flyin'leprechaun.
No realmente, le vendi un cepillo de dientes eléctrico a un duende volador
I sold the house today.
. Vendi la casa
While you were at the market this morning, I sold the house.
Cuando estaban de compras, vendi la casa.
I sold three prints of you today.
Vendi tres fotos tuyas hoy.
I sold this one to L'uomo Vogue.
Vendi esta a "L'uomo Vogue"
Before you came in I sold this information to five other parties - they paid me more.
Antes de que ustedes llegaran le vendi esta informacion a otros cinco grupos - y ellos pagaron mas.
My deal. I sold the lease out to Starbucks for $ 10,000 and a the "cappu" we can "ccino."
Mi trato, le vendi nuestro arrendamiento a Starbucks por 10,000 dolares y todo el "cappu" que podamos "ccino."
My God! I sold him the painting. He knows who I am.
Dios mio, yo le vendi el cuadro, sabe quién soy.
Way to go, Nick! I sold at 590.
Vendi por 590.
This pretty girl, as I was selling her a token, smiled at me.
Incluso a una chica que le vendi una ficha, me sonrió.
I sold it to a guy named Peter.
Se lo vendi a un chico llamado Peter.
I remembered who I sold the car to.
Ya recordé A Quien vendi el auto.
I... sold everything while the old lady was bellyaching.
Yo... vendi todo mientras la vieja se estaba quejando.
I sold it to Dick.
se lo vendi a Dick.
I-I probably sold her.
Yo... tal vez la vendi.
I just sold him some stuff.
solo le vendi algunas cosas.
I sold it to Roger Daltrey.
La vendi a Roger Daltrey.
I sold it to this Korean ship captain.
Se la vendi al capitan de un barco coreano.
I didn't sell my daughter to some smug, star-fucking psychiatrist so he could pick her apart like a goddamn cadaver and turn her into shit and garbage just like everything you touch!
A mi no me pasa nada. No le vendi mi hija a un psiquiatra para que hiciera de ella una muerta en vida y la convirtiera en basura, ¡ como todo lo que tú tocas!
I sold 15 spots.
Vendi 15 lugares.
I sold them, but these are good.
Las vendi, pero estas son buenas.
- I sold the boat.
- Lo vendi.
I sold exactly 3 copies.
Vendi 3 copias.
I was 17 years old, and I sold my soul for a truck.
tenia 17 años y vendi mi alma por una furgoneta.
I sold a car to you about a year ago.
le vendi un coche a usted hace aproximadamente un año.
Actually, Ross, I sold the boat two years ago.
Actualmente, Ross, vendi el bote Hace ya dos años
- I sold the cleaners.
- Vendi la lavanderia.
Yep, sold it.
Si, la vendi.
I jumped at it.
La vendi de inmediato.
Okay, I sold extensions - -used ones.But I still want you to have the cash.
Esta bien, vendi extensiones usadas. Pero yo aun quiero que tengas el efectivo
, I dealt drugs, set up orgies, ate meat With dairy!
vendi drogas, organize orgias, comi leche-carne.

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