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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We can't leave him here

We can't leave him here traducir español

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What about Moll? We can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejar a Moll aquí.
I don't mean we can leave him here in this desert to die.
No quiero decir que le dejemos aquí para que muera en el desierto.
We can't leave him here in the windowseat.
No podemos dejarlo en el arcón.
Leave him here? - We'll have to. We can't take him with us.
No podemos llevárnoslo.
Oh, but, steve, we can't leave him here like this. He's all right.
No podemos dejarle así.
We can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't either take him with us or leave him here.
Así no lo podemos llevar, y dejarlo aquí tampoco.
We can't leave him here if he's playing with knives.
No puede quedarse aquí si juega con cuchillos.
George, you know we can't leave him here, we have to take him...
Ya sabes que no podemos dejarle aquí. Tiene que venir...
Well, we can't leave him here. Let's take him into the city.
No podemos dejarle aquí, llevémosle a la ciudad.
He ain't gonna leave the mouth of the cave unless we can draw him in here somehow.
No abandonará la entrada de la cueva a menos que le hagamos venir aquí.
I mean, we can't just leave him here. He'd starve to death.
No podemos dejarlo aquí, se moriría de hambre.
We can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarle aquí.
We can't leave him here.
- Pero... - No, no, no.
- We can't go off here and leave him.
- No podemos dejarle.
- But we can't leave him here.
- Pero no podemos dejarlo aquí.
- We can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo así.
We can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't just leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
Miss Elisabeth, we can't let him leave here now.
Ahora no podemos dejar que se vaya.
We can't leave him here. True.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't leave him here.
No podemos salir de aquí.
- We can't just leave him here.
- No podemos dejarle aquí.
We can't leave him here.
No podemos abandonarlo.
Well, we can't just leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't leave him here!
No podemos dejarlo ahí!
We can`t leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
Get that man in an ambulance. We can't leave him here.
Llévense a ese hombre, no podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't carry him anymore we leave him here.
Ya no lo podemos ayudar. Lo dejamos aquí.
But we can't leave him lying here.
Pero no podemos dejarle aquí.
- We can't just leave him here.
- No podemos dejarlo aquí.
We can't leave him here if there's even a chance he's still alive.
No podemos dejarlo aquí si hay una posibilidad de que siga vivo :
- Oh, we can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejarle ahí.
George, we can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejarle. Puede ahogarse.
- But we can't just leave father here. - l know where they're taking him.
- No podemos dejar aquí a mi padre.
~ We can't just leave him here, Johnno.
- No podemos dejarlo aquí, Johnno.
¡ No podemos dejarlo aquí!
No, Jim, we can't just leave him here!
¡ No, Jim, no podemos dejarle ahí!
We can't just leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo así.
We can't leave him here.
No lo podemos dejar aquí.
Captain, we can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo aquí.
Well, let's just see how hard he's laughing when he comes back here, finds us all gone. We can't just leave him here.
Quisiera ver si se ríe cuando baje y vea que todos nos fuimos.
We can't just leave him here.
No podemos dejarle aquí así.
We can't just leave him here in this country, can we?
? verdad?
We can't leave Shak'I here and we can't get him back to the gate, without running in to Apophis.
No podemos dejar a Shak'l aquí... y no podremos llevarlo a la Puerta sin toparnos con Apofis.
- No, we can't leave him here.
- No, no le podemos dejar aquí.
- No, we can't just leave him here.
No, no podemos dejarlo aquí.
- Dharma, we can't just leave him here.
- Dharma, no podemos dejarlo ahí.
- We can't just leave him here!
- ¡ No podemos dejarlo aquí!
- We can't just leave him here.
- No podemos sólo dejarlo aquí.
- We can't just leave him here.
- No podemos dejarlo solo.

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