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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We can't stop now

We can't stop now traducir español

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Now, listen, this is terrific. If we can get all the members of that organization to cooperate with us then the president of China can't stop us.
Si convencemos a sus socios para que colaboren, nadie nos detendrá.
We can't stop now.
No podemos quedarnos ahora.
But we can't stop now!
¡ Pero no podemos parar ahora!
Wall street will be closed tomorrow because i don't see how we can stop fisk now.
Han perdido el juicio en la Bolsa, están locos gritándose entre sí.
Oh, bosh! We can't stop now for a lot of silly native superstitions.
No podemos dejar que viejas supersticiones nos detengan.
If we all get together now, they can't stop us!
¡ Vamos todos juntos y no podrán pararnos!
Now don't misunderstand me, I'm happy because this marriage means that we can all settle down and stop worrying.
Me alegro porque este matrimonio significa... que podemos sentar cabeza y dejar de preocuparnos.
Well, we can't stop him now, he's on his way.
Ya está en camino.
We can't stop now when we may be close.
No podemos parar ahora que quizá estemos cerca.
We can't stop now, Briscoe.
No podemos detenernos.
Johnny, that's all I can say-- - it's Johnny lt's fine after all these years in this town we didn't stop and talked and-- - l never had any trouble talking like just now lt's true
Johnny, es todo lo que puedo decir. Es "Johnny". Es curioso que tras todos estos años en la ciudad, parándonos y hablando y...
Very cold. But we can't stop now.
- ¡ Pero no podemos detenernos ahora!
We can't stop now, can we?
No podemos parar ahora, ¿ no?
We can't stop now.
No podemos parar ahora.
But we can't stop now, can we?
Pero ahora no podemos detenernos, ¿ verdad que no?
Yeah, we can't stop now, gonna go till the break of day
Bailaremos hasta que amanezca aunque la noche ya se esté yendo
Well, we can't stop now, gonna go till the break of day
Bailaremos hasta que amanezca aunque la noche ya se esté yendo
Please can't we stop now?
Por favor, ¿ podemos detenernos ahora?
We can't stop now.
Ahora no podemos parar.
- Come on, we can't stop now. We've got to keep going.
Vamos, no podemos detenernos, tenemos que seguir.
That's just great. Mark, we can't stop now.
- Mark, no podemos detenernos.
We can't stop now.
No podemos detenernos.
We can't stop to look at carriages now.
Ahora no podemos mirar cochecitos.
We can't stop now!
¡ No podemos parar ahora!
We can't stop now, we gotta get to the Armory so I can get some sleep.
No podemos parar ahora. Tenemos que llegar a donde Ia Guard ¡ a. allí podré dorm ¡ r.
Only, we can't stop now, just when we found the man to do the job.
Pero no podemos detenernos hasta hallar al hombre y hacer el trabajo.
Now, we can stop pretending, can't we?
No puedes dejar de fingir, ¿ no?
We can't stop him now.
No podemos detenerlo.
Hook, baby, can't we stop now?
Hook, cariño, ¿ podemos dejarlo ya?
- We can't stop now! - We can!
- ¡ No podemos detenernos ahora!
Oh, I don't know, but we can't stop now.
No sé, pero no podemos detenernos.
We can't stop it now!
Vete! ¡ Ya no podemos pararlo!
We can't stop you now.
No podemos detenerte ahora.
- No! We can't stop now!
- ¡ No podemos parar ahora!
Can't we stop now?
¿ Podemos parar?
We can't stop now after coming this far!
No podemos detenernos ahora después de llegar hasta aquí!
We can't stop now.
Ahora no podemos detenernos.
Can't stop now, we got a job to do
No hay que parar, hay que terminar
Well, we can't stop now.
Pues no podemos parar.
Well, let's stop now and let's see if we can't reverse this whole process.
Bien, paremos ahora y veamos si podemos revertir el proceso entero.
Everyone knows what to do in your own neighborhood, at the bus stop. We can't go back to work now, because if we do, we will never raise our heads again.
- Todos saben que hacer de sus vidas en la parada de autobús, donde él va a trabajar, saben que no pueden... volver a trabajar ahora, porque se volvemos a trabajar ahora, nunca más vamos a levantar la cabeza.
Can't we stop talking about your wife now and head over to our little hideaway on 59th Street and just hide away a little?
¿ No podemos dejar de hablar de tu mujer ahora... e irnos un ratito a nuestro escondite de la 59?
We can't stop now.
No podemos detenernos ahora.
This machine's hot, we can't stop now.
Esta máquina está caliente, no podemos parar.
We can't stop now, what about them after us?
No podemos parar. ¿ Y si nos cogen?
But then the virus mutates and we can't stop it now and we could've then.
Luego el virus sufre una mutación y ahora no podemos detenerlo.
Sally, we can't stop now.
Sally, no podemos dejarlo ahora.
We can't stop, now.
No podemos detenernos ahora.
- We can't stop now.
- No podemos parar ahora.
Either way, we can't stop to worry about this now.
En cualquier caso no podemos preocuparnos por eso ahora.
Now that we're this close, I can't let you stop him.
Ahora que estamos tan cerca, no puedo dejar que se lo impida.

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