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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have all day

We don't have all day traducir español

183 traducción paralela
I don't see why we have to keep getting down all day?
No entiendo por qué debemos tirarnos al suelo.
Mister, I'm going to sell you this idea if we have to sit here all day, because my landlady and I have just come to the parting of the ways and I don't feel like sleeping in the park tonight.
Voy a convencerle aunque tengamos que estar aquí todo el día, porque mi casera y yo hemos llegado al límite y no me apetece dormir en el parque esta noche.
We don't have all day.
No tenemos todo el día.
well, why don't you bring your friends along... and you and I can have a private talk... for a little while... and then we can all join forces and have a lovely day?
Bueno, trae a todos tus amigos y tú y yo podemos tener una charla en privado durante un rato. Luego todos podemos unir fuerzas y pasar un día espléndido.
My wife is waiting all day. We don't have a maid.
Mi mujer se ha quedado en casa toda la tarde.
We don't have all day.
Comencemos que no tenemos todo el día.
On the double. We don't have all day.
Más ligeros, no tenemos todo el día.
- Matthew, we don't have all day.
- ¡ Matthew, no tenemos todo el día!
We don't have all day, you know.
No tenemos todo el día, usted sabe.
- Major, we don't have all day.
No tenemos todo el día.
We don't have all day, and I wanna teach this lady how to swim.
No tenemos todo el día y quiero enseñar a nadar a esta damisela.
We don't have all day, Barney.
No tenemos todo el día, Barney.
- Come on, we don't have all day.
- No tengo todo el día.
Okay. Let's go. We don't have all day.
Vámonos, no tenemos todos el día.
We don't have all day.
Es para hoy.
Thornton, we don't have all day.
No tenemos todo el día.
We don't have all day.
¡ No tenemos todo el día!
Come on, we don't have all day, okay?
Anda, no tenemos todo el día.
We don't have all day!
No tenemos todo el día.
Then do it, we don't have all day, man.
No tenemos todo el día.
It's stuck in his fly, we don't have all day.
- Se le atoró en la bragueta. - No tenemos todo el día.
Hurry it up. We don't have all day. Hold on.
Rápido, tenemos prisa.
We can stand here all day reminding ourselves just how much we hate each other but you don't have the time.
Podemos seguir expresando nuestra aversión mutua, pero no tiene tiempo.
These are busy people, and we don't have all day.
Esta es gente muy ocupada, y yo no tengo todo el día.
We don't have all day to rub up against each other.
No podemos estar entrelazados todo el día.
All right, I know you're my superior officer and we have to work together but for the rest of the day, just don't talk to me.
Sé que usted es mi superior y que tenemos que trabajar juntos pero durante el resto del día, no me hable.
They deal with Humans every day, So they're programmed with All kinds of characteristics We don't have.
Trabajan con los seres humanos todos los días, así que están programados con todo tipo de características que nosotros no tenemos.
Now, come on, we don't have all day.
Vamos, que no tenemos todo el día!
We don't have all day.
Tenemos disponible todo el día.
We don't have all day!
No tenemos todo el día!
We don't have all day, Mr. Bell.
No tenemos todo el día, Sr. Bell.
- Aphrodite, we don't have all day!
- ¡ Afrodita, no tenemos todo el día!
Hurry up! We don't have all day.
¡ A ver, de prisa, a apurarse que no tenemos todo el día!
Come on, we don't have all day.
Vamos, no tenemos todo el día.
I know, we don't have all day...
Sí, y no tenemos todo el día.
Hurry up, we don't have all day.
Al revés. - Vamos, no tenemos todo el día.
And you will see that it is not any old communism but a very precise communism that will be necessary one day, if we don't want all to perish, in nothingness and ruin, well, we will have to reinvent it!
Y puedes ver que no es cualquier viejo comunismo sino un comunismo muy preciso que alguna vez será necesario si no queremos que todo perezca, en la nada y la ruina, bien, ¡ reinventar!
Well, we don't have all day.
Pues no tenemos todo el día.
We don't have all day!
¡ No tenemos todo el día!
- We don't have all day.
- No tenemos todo el día.
We don't have all fuckin'day.
No tenemos todo el maldito dia.
Come on. We don't have all day.
No tenemos todo el día.
Come, dear, we don't have all day.
Venga. No tenemos todo el día.
Quit gawking, we don't have all day.
Deja de estar ahí, no tenemos todo el día.
Pilar, we don't have all day.
- Eres un idiota.
Come on ladies, we don't have all day.
Vamos, chicas, no tenemos todo el día.
We don't have the manpower to sit on him all day either.
Tampoco tenemos personal que lo vigile todo el día.
We don't have all day.
No tenemos todo el día. Lo sé.
I don't understand how somebody who had all day sitting around to get ready waits till 20 minutes before we have to leave.
Tuviste todo el día y esperaste hasta que faltaran 20 minutos para irnos.
Come on Ernestito, we don't have all day.
Vamos, Ernestito. No tenemos todo el día, querido.
We don't have all day. Let's go!
No tenemos todo el día. ¡ Vámonos!

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