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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have enough time

We don't have enough time traducir español

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I don ´ t think we ´ ll have time enough to reach you, Tony, but we ´ ll try.
No sé si llegaremos a tiempo donde tú estás. Pero hay que intentarlo.
, next time we'll double the bet, with only one we don't have enough.
, la próxima vez doblaremos la apuesta, con una no tenemos bastante.
- We don't have enough time to...
Por poco el agua se lleva todo.
- I saved all I could, sir, but I don't know if we have enough to get back out, or time either.
- Ahorré lo que pude, señor pero no sé si tenemos suficiente para salir ni si tenemos tiempo.
We don't have enough time.
Capitán, no hay tiempo.
I don't know if we have enough time.
No sé si hay tiempo.
No more time. - It's a pity. - We don't have enough time
No hay tiempo... para ocuparnos de todo lo que nos interesa.
They could be here at any time. We don't have enough soldiers.
Podrían estar aquí en cualquier momento.
It still feels like we don't have enough time.
Todavia tengo la impresion de que no hay tiempo.
Don't you have enough sorrows? We'll settle another time.
Ya tiene bastante disgusto, ya lo arreglaremos otra vez.
We don't have enough time.
No tenemos suficiente tiempo.
We may have just enough time. Don't wait too long.
Esperad lo justo.
We don't have enough time.
No hay tiempo suficiente.
You know we don't have enough time.
Ya sabéis que no tenemos mucho tiempo.
We don't have enough time now.
No tenemos tiempo.
We don't have enough time.
- No tenemos tiempo. - Ovídate de eso.
I'm sorry we don't have enough time for romance, my dear.
Disculpa si no tenemos mucho tiempo para el romance, querida.
We don't even have enough to hold him for stealing time from Ma Bell.
No tenemos evidencia ni para condenarlo por las llamadas.
We don ´ t have enough time.
No tenemos suficiente tiempo.
We don't have enough time.
No hay tiempo.
We don't have enough time!
¡ No hay tiempo!
- It means that we don't have enough juice, so either it's your computers or the cooling system. You can't have a cool center and have your computers work at the same time.
Que trabajan tus computadores o el sistema de enfriamiento, pero no las dos cosas juntas.
But I know we don ´ t have enough time to do that
Pero sé que no tenemos tiempo suficiente para hacer eso.
We spend all our time giving cards to people we don't know decorating cakes for people we don't care about or buying presents for people we don't even like enough to have as friends outside of work.
Todo el tiempo estamos dando tarjetas a gente que no conocemos decorando tortas para gente que no nos importa o comprando regalos para gente que no nos cae lo suficientemente bien...
We don't have enough time.
No tenemos tiempo.
- Janice, we really don't have enough time.
- Mamá! Janice, llegamos tarde
We don't have enough time to find new players.
No tenemos demasiado tiempo para encontrar nuevos jugadores.
We don't have enough time for a coke and a pee.
No tenemos tiempo para beber y mear.
I'm gonna have a hard enough time explaining what it is we're making and to sell you two as first-time directors on this scale... you're asking too much. I don't know how to deliver that. " So they wrote Bound.
Me va a ser difícil explicarle a la gente lo que estamos tratando de hacer pero venderlos como directores en algo de esta escala y tan complejo me piden demasiado, no sé cómo hacer eso por ustedes.
And the only we don't have enough of is time.
Y lo único que no tenemos suficiente, es tiempo.
Maybe this is a bad time, I don't think we have enough lasagna.
Quizá sea mal momento no creo que tengamos suficiente lasagna.
But the fact is, we don't have enough time.
No tenemos tiempo.
I don't know if we'll have enough time.
No se si nos alcance el tiempo.
We don't have enough time.What if another player goes into a jealous rage and hurts someone?
No hay tiempo. ¿ Si a otro jugador le da un ataque de celos y lastima a alguien?
I doubt our naquadah generators can supply enough power to sustain the shield, and we probably don't have time to try. When I say rapidly collapsing, I mean rapidly.
Dudo que nuestros generadores de Naquadah puedan suministrar suficiente energía para sustentar el escudo y probablemente no tengamos bastante tiempo para intentarlo ¿ cuando dije que se colapsaba rápidamente... "
- We don't have enough time.
- Grisha, no tenemos tiempo.
We don't have enough time.
No tenemos mucho tiempo.
Jack, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but even if we could recover a sample of the drug, we don't have enough time to engineer an antidote.
Jack, sé que esto no es lo que querías oír pero aunque podamos recuperar una muestra de la droga no tenemos tiempo suficiente para fabricar un antídoto.
OK, look, this is all we've got, and what we don't have is enough time.
Esto es lo único que tenemos. Y lo que no tenemos es tiempo suficiente.
We don't have enough time. Their weekly status report dial-up is in just under two hours.
No tenemos tiempo suficiente su informe de situación semanal será apenas en 2 horas.
But that's not the point... the point is we don't have enough time.
Pero ese no es el tema... el tema es que no tenemos mucho tiempo.
We don't have enough time now.
Porque yo estoy atrasado... Te agradeceria.
We don't have enough time left
No nos queda mucho tiempo.
We don't have enough time, because we gotta go clean up another one of Jimmy's messes.
No tenemos tiempo, porque debemos arreglar otro desastre de Jimmy.
- We don't have enough time.
- No hay tiempo.
I don't think we'll have enough time.
No creo que tengamos mucho tiempo.
And we don't have enough time.
Y no tenemos suficiente tiempo.
I don't think we're going to have enough time.
- no creo que tengamos tiempo suficiente.
I offered a deal, but time's running out, and we don't have enough leverage.
Le ofrecí un trato, pero el tiempo se está agotando, y no tenemos suficiente apoyo.
We don't have enough time.
No tenemos tiempo suficiente.
We just don't have enough time to find out who they are.
No disponemos de tiempo suficiente para averiguar de quiénes se trata.

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