We don't have it traducir español
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Uh, well, we... we don't have all the details yet, but it looks as if he died ten years ago, around the time he went missing.
Bueno, nosotros... no tenemos todos los detalles aún, pero parece que murió hace 10 años, por el tiempo en que desapareció.
Look, if you have a comment, why don't you save it for when we're at home instead of 20,000 fans?
Mira, si tienes algún comentario, ¿ por qué no te lo ahorras para cuando estemos en casa en lugar de frente a 20 000 aficionados?
If we have a shot at nabbing this guy, I don't want to miss it.
No desperdiciaré la chance de atraparlo.
I just want this day to be here so we don't have to talk about it anymore.
Quiero que llegue el día para que no tengamos que seguir hablando de ello.
It's coming up very soon, so don't go anywhere, because we're going to have a little bit more questions from the magic box.
Llegará muy pronto, así que no se vayan, porque tenemos... unas cuantas preguntas más de la caja mágica.
- We don't have it.
- No tenemos.
We don't have to do it this way.
No tenemos que hacerlo así.
It's OK, we don't have to talk.
Está bien, no tenemos que hablar.
Look, I don't know what happens back home either, what kind of a life we have or we don't have, whether it's together or apart, but there will be a life.
Mira, tampoco sé qué pasará cuando estemos de vuelta en casa, qué tipo de vida tendremos o no, si estaremos juntos o separados, pero habrá una vida.
The doll looks like it's alive - don't we have work to do?
Retz es increíble, su muñeco parece tener vida. En lugar de eso, ¿ No tenemos trabajo que hacer?
Yeah, but we don't have it.
Sí, pero no la tenemos.
Lizzy, babe, if... if it's too much, we don't have to do this right now, okay?
Lizzy, cariño, si es demasiado, no tenemos que hacerlo ahora, ¿ de acuerdo?
We don't have to do it.
No tenemos que hacerlo.
What? Did you tell him we don't have it?
¿ Le dijiste que no lo tenemos?
We're gonna be having so much sex that I'm gonna have to invent some kind of tandem pants that we can wear so we don't have to stop doing it when we're out in public.
Vamos a tener tanto sexo que voy a tener que inventar un tipo de pantalones para dos para que lo podamos llevar y así no tendremos que parar cuando estamos en público.
- but we don't have to let it. - Uh-huh.
- pero no tenemos que dejarlo.
If you don't fix it, I... I don't know what kind of future we can possibly have.
Si no lo arreglas, yo no sé qué clase de futuro podemos tener.
I know we put that childhood drawing to rest, but... I still don't have any answers about what it means or what you are.
Sé que dejamos ese dibujo que hice de niño apartado, pero... aún no tengo ninguna respuesta sobre lo que significa o lo que eres.
We don't have any huge grocery stores or seafood markets or farmers markets. I mean, it's rural.
No tenemos los grandes supermercados o mercados de mariscos o mercados de agricultores.
We can have it and we don't need to kill anyone.
Podemos tenerla y no necesitamos matar a nadie.
[Kenny Alexander] When I was growing up, my favorite place was Indian Dunes. They just don't have places like that anymore, and you know what, we need to find someplace like that. We need to recreate that feeling so we can, you know, turn it onto our kids.
Cuando era chico mi lugar favorito era Indian Dunes ya no hay lugares como ese, tenemos que encontrar un lugar así necesitamos recrear eso, ese sentimiento así podemos, ya sabes, pasárselo a nuestros hijos.
Any of the guys you're considering can do the job, but unless you're planning on being impeached or getting a stroke, I don't think we have to worry about it.
Cualquiera de los que estás considerando puede hacer el trabajo, pero sólo si planeas ser destituido o tener un derrame, no creo que debamos preocuparnos por eso.
If you don't have it, don't recommend it'cause we were all excited about it.
Si no lo tenéis, no lo recomiendes Porque estábamos entusiasmados con él.
Remember, we don't actually have any photos, so it's all on your reaction when you see him - that's what'll sell it.
- Recuerda, de hecho no tenemos ninguna foto, así que depende todo de tu reacción cuando lo veas... así es como se venderá.
I don't either, but it seems we have one.
Yo tampoco, pero parece que tenemos una.
We're splitting this list into five sections, and we don't stop until we have tracked down every name on it.
Vamos a dividir esta lista en cinco secciones y no nos detendremos hasta que hayamos localizado cada nombre en ella.
Yeah, but if it doesn't have a light bulb in it, we don't know how to make it work.
Sí, pero sino tiene una bombilla, no sabemos cómo hacer que funcione.
It's just we don't think that plants have that ability, and I think that's what's fascinating, because we just have this line that we have drawn that says animals can do this but plants cannot.
Es solo que no podemos pensar que las plantas tengan esa capacidad, y creo que eso es lo fascinante, debido a que simplemente tenemos esta línea que hemos trazado que dice que los animales pueden hacerlo, pero las plantas no.
♪ then we whisper the wind and release it ♪ ♪ we don't have to know ♪ ♪ we don't have it all worked out ♪
* Yo era muy bueno * * Podía haber ido a las Olimpiadas *
♪ we don't have it all worked out ♪
* Porque él decía * * Una y otra vez *
Don't play with the tofu, we have to serve it
No juegues con el tofu, tenemos que servirlo.
- I don't have a problem with- - - Help me let it go, and then- - and then we can get out of here.
- Ayúdame a liberarlo, y después nos vamos de aquí.
John, sorry, we just don't have it.
John, lo siento, no lo tenemos.
You don't even know Calvin, and I can say that for a fact because I hardly know him, because we're too busy getting high and doing it to have an actual conversation.
Vosotros no conocéis a Calvin, y puedo darlo por hecho porque yo apenas lo conozco, porque hemos estado muy ocupados poniéndonos juntos y haciéndolo para tener una conversación decente.
We don't have to talk about it.
No tenemos que hablar de ello.
If it's too painful, we don't have to talk about it.
Si es demasiado doloroso, no tienes que hablar de ello.
Okay, we don't have to talk about it.
Vale, no tenemos que hablar sobre ello.
If you don't have it wrapped up by then, we'll be back here deciding how deep a pit to toss you into.
Si no lo tienes finiquitado para entonces, volveremos aquí para decidir la profundidad del pozo donde te tiramos.
To be brutally honest, from that, which is impressive, we don't get much of an idea of what the car looks like so we've got a still of it so we can have a look. Are they sandals?
Para ser brutalmente honesto, de eso, que es impresionante, no obtenemos mucha idea de lo que el coche parece por lo que hemos conseguido un alambique de ella para que podamos echar un vistazo. ¿ Son las sandalias?
Look, I don't know how or why, but we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here, and I want to apologize for whatever part that I might have played in it.
Mira, no sé cómo ni por qué, pero parace que hemos empezado con el pie izquierdo y quiero pedir perdón por mi parte de culpa.
Jesus, Spazinelli, we told you it's obviously not the draft- - we don't have gerbils or hot sauce.
Dios, Spazinelli, te dijimos que evidentemente no es el draft... no tenemos jerbos ni salsa picante.
We don't have to like it.
No nos tiene que gustar.
Between the footage they gathered and all the information Dwight so foolishly leaked, it'll take every trick we have in the book... okay, don't give yourself a heart attack there, cronkite.
Entre las imágenes que reunieron y la información que Dwight tan tontamente filtró, va a tomar todos los trucos que tenemos en el libro... vale, que no te dé un ataque al corazón, tío.
I'm afraid we don't have it, and as to its whereabouts, I'm as baffled as you are.
Me temo que no lo tenemos, y en cuanto a su paradero estoy tan desconcertada como usted.
Don't worry. It was good that they were there, otherwise we couldn't have proven anything.
Estuvo bien que estuvieran, de otro modo no hubiera probar nada.
And here's your extra large Dr. Pepper which I don't know why you ordered it because we both know you're going to have to go to the bathroom before you get halfway through.
Y aquí está el Dr. Pepper extra grande que yo no sé por qué lo ordenaste porque ambos sabemos que vas a tener que ir al baño antes de que acabes la mitad.
Okay, listen, I don't know where that is, but here in America, we have a hydrogen pipe running right underneath this house, and unless you want to be inside of it when it blows up, I suggest you vacate.
Está bien, escuche, no sé ni dónde está eso, pero aquí, en América, tenemos una tubería de hidrógeno que pasa justo por debajo de esta casa y si no quiere estar dentro de ella cuando estalle, le sugiero que se marchen.
Since it has been brought to the Senator's attention you don't have a mandate to close any more firehouses, we'd like you to sign it.
Desde que ha llamado la atención del senador que usted no tiene la autoridad de cerrar más cuarteles de bomberos, nos gustaría que lo firmara.
Well, I don't have anything rehearsed, so unfortunately, I don't think we're gonna be able to do it tonight, but...
Bueno, no tengo nada ensayado, así que desafortunadamente, no creo que seamos capaces de hacerlo esta noche, pero...
Well, maybe we don't have to figure it out just now.
Bueno, quizás no tengamos que averiguarlo ahora mismo.
We don't play it to take away all this greatness that America's supposed to have, we play it the way the air is in America today.
No lo tocamos para eliminar Ia grandeza que supuestamente tiene el país. Lo tocamos para reflejar la atmósfera que se vive hoy.
we don't know each other 51
we don't have much time 440
we don't have one 55
we don't have 70
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't care 92
we don't know 1067
we don't have much time 440
we don't have one 55
we don't have 70
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't care 92
we don't know 1067