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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have long

We don't have long traducir español

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I don't know if I can stretch one small chicken... but as long as the water's running, we'll have soup enough.
No sé si puedo estirar un poco de pollo, pero por lo mientras tenemos agua, y vamos a tener suficiente sopa.
I would have taken you into my confidence long ago, but I haven't felt inclined to do so do you mean that we don't deserve your confidence?
Yo os hubiera tenido confianza hace mucho tiempo, pero no me siento inclinado a hacerlo. ¿ Qué quieres decir, que no merecemos tu confianza?
I'm a woman. I don't care how much we appease so long as we don't have a war.
Soy mujer, y no me importa nada mientras no haya guerra.
They'll be there all year too, but we don't have to wait that long. Shut up.
Podrá estar todo el año, pero yo no voy a esperar tanto.
We don't have to tell him how long I've been practicing, do we?
No debemos decirle cuan lejos he estado practicando, ¿ verdad? .
I don't care what we have, as long as we're together.
Lo que importa es estar juntas.
Darling, since we don't have to stay here very long, I just love it.
Como no vamos a estar mucho aquí, me gusta.
Uh, how long have we been down here? I don't know.
- ¿ Cuánto tiempo llevamos aquí abajo?
We're going to have to wait till those mortars lift, if they don't take too long.
Debemos esperar a que los morteros paren... si es que no tardan demasiado.
We don't have to worry as long as they stay away from the El Corte mountains.
Nada especial, mera rutina de buen policía, nada más.
We don't have him yet, but it shouldn't be long now.
No le tenemos, pero no tardaremos.
Sir, as long as we stick together, we don't have to worry, and the good name of the service is gonna be preserved.
Mientras estemos juntos, no hay por qué preocuparse, y el buen nombre del servicio estará a salvo.
We don't have long to go now.
Ya no nos falta mucho.
- It seems to me, that we don't have long to wait.
Me parece que no nos queda mucho.
How long do you think we'll have to stay here? Well, I don't know, Mother.
- ¿ Cuánto tiempo estaremos aquí?
As long as we don't have any record on paper, As long as we run national projects, A legitimate business operation.
Pero mientras no haya pruebas escritas, mientras en Proyectos Nacionales llevemos actividades legales, paguemos impuestos por ganancias legales,
I don't know how long we'll have to stay down there.
No sé cuánto tiempo tendremos que permanecer ahí abajo.
Yes, yes, yes, but it's going to take such a long time, and time we don't have.
Sí, sí, sí, pero llevará demasiado tiempo...
I just didn't want the commissioners to become involved in a long drawn out highly technical discussion we just don't have the time.
extensa y muy técnica para la cual no tenemos tiempo.
But if we don't break out... I'd rather we didn't have to wait too long for the end of it.
Espero que la desintegración de la nave sea rápida.
We don't have to maintain it very long, Mr. Scott.
No tenemos que estar ahí mucho tiempo.
if I talked to her... joan, don't be naive We have one alternative We decided that a long time ago
Pero si hablaras con ella, si yo hablara con ella... Joan, no seas ingenua. Tenemos una sola alternativa.
As I said before, I don't think we have a long time left.
Como dije, no creo que al mundo le quede mucho.
We don't have very long to wait.
No tenemos que esperar mucho.
We don't have to stay long, daddy
No nos quedaremos mucho tiempo, papi.
As long as we don't have to dig'em up.
Mientras no tengamos que desenterrar
Oh, Maag, I don't know how we have stayed alive so long!
Maag, no se como hemos estado con vida tanto tiempo.
We do have reserve air in the high pressure system, but we've gotta conserve it. We don't know how long this is gonna take'em.
Tenemos aire de reserva en el sistema de alta presión, pero hay que conservarlo no sabemos cuanto va a durar la operación.
We'll know tomorrow if they'll have to operate, and to cut a long story short, we don't have any, no.
Mañana sabrá si le tienen que operar, en resumidas cuentas, no hay apio.
We may have just enough time. Don't wait too long.
Esperad lo justo.
As long as we don't have any unpleasant surprises from the ship or the crew.
Mientras no tengamos ninguna sorpresa desagradable por parte de la nave... o de la tripulación.
As long as we have to deal with the problem of conscience, don't you think?
La forma de tratar con un problema de conciencia, ¿ no te parece?
Look, I really don't care what you gentlemen think as long as we don't have to listen to it.
Miren, caballeros, no me interesan sus ideas mientras no tenga que escucharlas.
- We don't have heavy coats or long johns.
No tenemos ni abrigos ni calzones largos.
You don't have to apologize as long as we're together.
No tienes que disculparte, mientras estemos juntos.
Don't worry, we don't have to stay long.
No te preocupes, no nos quedaremos mucho.
Don't take too long, we don't have much time.
No tome demasiado tiempo, no tenemos mucho tiempo.
Well, we don't have much time because the Red Sox were involved in another long, boring extra-inning game.
Bueno, no tenemos mucho tiempo porque los Medias Rojas estuvieron involucrados en otro largo, aburrido juego extra-inning.
I think we should worry about the hearing now, cos we don't have long.
Deberíamos preocuparnos por la audiencia.
This is good! We don't have long!
¡ Magnifico, porque no tenemos mucho tiempo!
Dick I don't know what's going to happen, or how long we have So I want to thank you, For saving the professor, and for everything
Dick no se lo que va a ocurrir, ni cuanto tiempo nos queda, por eso quiero darte las gracias, por haber salvado a mi hijo, y por todo
I don't know how long my dinner will take but could we have a drink later?
No sé cuánto durará esa cena ¿ podemos tomar una copa después?
Don't know how long we'll have to wait.
No sabemos cuánto tendremos que esperar.
d if you don't rock me, mama d d I'll be staying out all night long. d Ryan! We have a guest.
Ryan, tenemos una invitada, ella respondio nuestro correo
- We don't have to stay here long.
- No tenemos que quedarnos.
What I wanna say is, if we don't get rescued we might have to live here for a long time.
Les digo que, si no nos rescatan, tendremos que convivir por mucho tiempo.
How long have we known each other? I don't remember.
- ¿ Hace cuánto que nos conocemos?
Peg, as long as I have my pool to frolic in we don't need an air conditioner.
Peg, mientras tenga mi piscina para jugar no necesitaremos aire acondicionado.
As long as we're stuck with that report, we don't have a murder.
Mientras subsista ese informe, no hay homicidio.
You don't have to say another word as long as we're here, but I think I really need to talk.
No hace falta que vuelva a hablar mientras estemos aquí pero yo necesito hablar.
We don't have a long time.
No podemos esperar.

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