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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have the money

We don't have the money traducir español

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Shiraito, this is no tme to be sending money to Tokyo, We don't even have any money for the troupe members!
Shiraito, que sepas que ahora no es momento de enviar dinero a Tokio porque ni siquiera nos queda para pagar a los miembros de la compañía.
Don't you see what a bad humor he's in. Well if we don't get that money, Mother Peep's gonna be turned out of the shoe, and she won't have any place to sleep.
Pero si no conseguimos ese dinero... echarán a madre Peep de su zapato... y no tendrá ningún lugar para dormir.
And just think, in another week or so, we'll have enough money for the deposit, and then you can send it right on to the owner. Well, i don't know, honey.
Una semana más y tendremos dinero para la entrada, podrás enviársela directa al dueño.
What if we don't have the money to pay you?
¿ Y si no tenemos dinero para pagarle?
What if we don't have the money?
¿ Y si no tenemos dinero?
Don't tell me it's at the bottom of the sea. We all know that. I want a passport and I'm going to have one, or the money now.
Quiero mi pasaporte, y sabemos que no está en el fondo del mar.
in the meantime we can order no, I wouldn't dare ordering if I don't have money
Mientras tanto, podemos ir pidiendo. No, no me arriesgo a pedir si no tengo los cuartos. - ¿ Por qué?
Well, I always wanted to, but frankly, we don't have the money.
Bueno, yo siempre quise, pero francamente, no tenemos el dinero.
Hurry. The truth is we don't have enough money to get through the end of the month.
La verdad es que no tenemos dinero suficiente
- We don't have the money.
No tengo tanto.
We don't want the money. you can have it.
No queremos el dinero, es todo tuyo.
We don't even have the money to get our own son out of trouble.
Nosotros ni siquiera tenemos dinero para sacar de apuros a nuestro hijo.
We haven't much money, but even friends, who are well off, don't have the books and records we do.
No tenemos dinero, pero a nuestro alrededor hay gente que gana mucho dinero y no tiene los libros o los discos que tenemos.
It costs money to go to the hospital. We don't have that money.
Además no tenemos dinero para gastar así.
I want to expand, but we don't have the money.
Quiero ampliar, pero no tenemos dinero.
I mean, Miss Mojiwaka we don't have the money to rent a room for tonight. What'll we do?
quiero decir, Señora Mojiwaka no tenemos el dinero para alquilar una habitación esta noche. ¿ Qué vamos a hacer?
We don't have to raise a finger, and the money comes rolling in.
Sin tener que mover un dedo, el dinero nos viene rodado.
We don't have the money in this richest nation in the world.
No tenemos el dinero en el país más rico del mundo.
We don't have the money to pay for this dinner.
No tenemos dinero para pagar la cena.
We just don't have the money.
No tenemos dinero...
Except iff you don't have the money, or iff I ain't back in 18 minutes ffrom now, or iff somebody tries to ffollow us, or tries to stop us leaving'affter we get the money, we'll kill that little boy.
Si no ha traído el dinero o si no vuelvo dentro de 18 minutos, o si alguien intenta seguirnos o detenernos cuando tengamos el dinero, mataremos al chico.
If my pa don't get to the mother lode before Colonel Ames, Then we won't have any money, And I can't go to miss Hunter's college.
Si mi papá no llega a la Veta Madre antes que el Coronel Ames entonces no tendremos dinero y no podré ir al colegio de la Srta. Hunter, ¿ entiendes?
But we don't have the money.
Pero no tenemos el dinero necesario.
If we don't have enough money to pay the railroad or the trucks when we get there.
No tendremos dinero para el tren o el camión cuando lleguemos.
I don't know how we lost contact with each other... all these years. You have the money?
No sé cómo hemos perdido el contacto... durante todos estos años.
It's the truth, we don't have money.
Es verdad, no tenemos dinero.
Don't pay heed to him, he wants to string along you because the bell tower is tumbling down and we have no money to restore it.
No le hagas caso. Quiere quedar bien contigo, porque el campanario se está cayendo y desgraciadamente no tenemos dinero para restaurarlo.
We will have to call in a doctor from abroad. It'll cost a lot of money... - Don't worry about the money, doctor.
Tendremos que llamar a un doctor externo doctor
We don't have an insurance programme, but, as you know, we have on occasion lent some of the men money, at standard rates, for medical emergencies.
no tenemos un programa de seguros, pero hemos prestado dinero a algunos trabajadores, a un interés normal, para emergencias médicas.
Don't waste the taxpayers'money. We have a clean outfit.
No malgaste el dinero de los contribuyentes.
We don't have the money now.
No tenemos ese dinero.
OK, brother, but where will we get the money since we don't have it?
Oye, hermano, pero, ¿ de dónde vamos a sacar dinero, si no tenemos?
Oh, brother, we don't have the money to go!
¡ Ay, hermano, si no tenemos dinero para ir!
Doctor... we don't have the money
Doctor... no tenemos dinero.
If we still don't have the money, down goes "Jennifer". All 2 thousand million dollars of her.
Si aún no consiguen el dinero, adiós a "Jennifer" y a dos mil millones de dólares.
- We don't even have money for the bus.
- No tenemos dinero ni para el bus.
Flap, we don't have enough money to pay the bills now, all tenure means is, we won't have enough money forever!
¡ Eso significa que no tendremos suficiente dinero para siempre!
And we don't have the money to fix me.
Pero no tenemos el dinero para que me cure.
But we don't have the money.
¡ Pero no tenemos dinero!
[Switek] So the guy told me, "Hey, Stan, we'd love to give you more money, but we don't have any."
Stan, nos encantaría darte más dinero, pero no podemos.
- We don't have the money.
- No tenemos dinero.
We don't have the money.
No tenemos dinero.
So we don't have the money anymore. I mean, we still have a great deal to be thankful for.
Nos hemos quedado sin el dinero, pero tenemos mucho que celebrar.
Truth is, we really don't have the money.
La verdad es que no tenemos el dinero.
Gee, Al, if you don't have enough money for the track- - Aw, heck, we're buddies.
si no tienes mucho dinero para salir... somos camaradas.
Besides, we don't have the money.
Además, no tenemos dinero.
If we don't find that money soon the Army's gonna have us for breakfast.
Si no encontramos pronto el dinero, el ejército hará un banquete con nosotros.
Ray, we don't have the money.
No tenemos el dinero.
Do you remember the old days, when we didn't have any money and we said... now, don't get all pitiful, Graham.
¿ Recuerdas cuando no teníamos nada y...? No te pongas nostálgico.
If we don't have the money, how can we keep spending it?
Si no tenemos dinero, cómo podemos gastarlo?
And when our children ask for a toy, we don't have the money to buy it.
Nuestros hijos piden... un juguete y no tenemos dinero para darles. ¿ Por qué?

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