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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have time for that

We don't have time for that traducir español

259 traducción paralela
We don't have time for that today.
No tenemos tiempo para eso hoy.
We don't have time for that now anyway.
No hay tiempo ahora.
We don't have any time for that.
No hay tiempo.
We don't have time for a drink... but we've been thinking that we'd have you over for supper someday.
No tenemos tiempo para tomar un trago... pero hemos estado pensando que tendrías que venir a comer algún día.
We don't have time for that, that ridgerunning bush ape.
No tenemos tiempo para eso, ese simio del matorral.
We are busy, Guarniacci. We don't have time for that.
No es el momento, Guarnacci, tenemos un montón de trabajo.
Yes, well, we don't have time for that.
Sí, bueno, no tenemos tiempo para eso.
Spock, we don't have time for that.
Spock, no tenemos tiempo para eso.
Mr. Spock, we don't have time for that.
- No tenemos tiempo.
So we'll have to let it go at that for the time being since we don't have any alternative, and I really can now get on with my game.
Así que, por ahora, vamos a tener que dejar el asunto porque no nos queda alternativa. Y quiero seguir con el juego.
We don't have time for that, honey!
Tesoro, no tenemos tiempo.
I don't have much time and we're not here for that.
Escúchame, tengo poco tiempo y no hemos venido a esto.
Now that John-John has a companion, I think we'd better not have any more for some time, don't you?
Ahora que John-John tiene compañía, creo que será mejor que no tengamos más durante un tiempo, ¿ verdad?
I don't have an explanation for that yet... but I think it's time we let Lindstrom know what's going on.
Aún no tengo una explicación pero ya es hora de que Lindstrom sepa lo que pasa.
We don't have time for that!
¡ No tenemos tiempo para eso!
I don't make that correlation. And we don't have any more time for your passion plays, Detective.
No estoy de acuerdo... y ya no hay tiempo para sus jueguitos, detective.
We don't have time for that, my brother.
no tenemos tiempo para eso, hermano.
- We don't have time for that.
- No tenemos tiempo para eso.
We drudge, we're working here and we don't have time for that.
No paramos de trabajar aquí y allá, y no tenemos tiempo para eso.
We don't have time for all that.
No tenemos tiempo para eso ;
We don't have time for that now.
No tenemos tiempo ahora.
We don't have time for that now. Good luck.
No tenemos tiempo para eso ahora... suerte.
I know you loved that gun, but we don't have time for a treasure hunt.
Hammer, sé cuanto amabas a esa pistola. Pero no hay tiempo para búsquedas de tesoro.
We don't have time for that.
No tenemos tiempo para ello.
We don't have time for that.
No lo puedo hacer. De ninguna manera...
We don't have time for that.
No tenemos tiempo para eso.
This is the Justice Department. We don't have time for that. Mike, just do it, okay?
- Este es el Departamento de Justicia.
I don't have time for your little mind games. I'd like to remind you... that we're laying people off around here.
Quisiera recordarte que estamos despidiendo gente.
But we don't have time for that, do we?
¿ Pero nosotros no tenemos tiempo para eso, nosotros?
We don't have time for that
No tenemos tiempo para eso.
I could spend days taking this thing apart to learn how it works... but we don't have time for that right now.
Pasaría días desmontándola para aprender cómo funciona... pero no tenemos tiempo.
We don't have time for that.
No hay tiempo.
Naw, naw, we don't have time for all that.
Nada. No tenemos tiempo para eso.
We don't have time for that now.
No tenemos tiempo para eso ahora.
I mean, we don't have the same concept of time that, for instance, people do.
No tenemos el mismo concepto del tiempo que tienen las personas, por ejemplo.
I'm sorry, Bullwinkle, we don't have time for that.
Lo siento, Bullwinkle. No hay tiempo para eso.
we don't have time for that.
no tenemos tiempo para eso.
Hey, Pop, we-we don't have time for that. - Oh, sure we do.
- Papá, no tenemos tiempo para eso.
That's a fairy tale doctor and I'm sorry, but we don't have time for that.
Es un cuento de hadas y no hay tiempo para eso.
Mr. Kim, I understand that you're scared, but we don't have time for second thoughts.
Sr. Kim, yo entiendo que tienes miedo, pero no tenemos tiempo segundas opiniones.
I'd kick your ass, but we don't have time for that right now.
Te daría una paliza, pero no tenemos tiempo para eso ahora
We don't have time for that, DarreII, so from now on you put up or you shut up.
No hay tiempo para eso. A partir de ahora, o contribuyes o te callas.
We don't have time for that.
No hay tiempo para eso.
We don't have time for all that, Chef!
¡ Nosotros no tenemos tiempo para esto, Chef!
We don't have time for that Here, put this on
No tenemos tiempo para eso. Toma, ponte esto.
We don't have time for that, Howard.
No tenemos tiempo para eso, Howard.
- We don't have time for something like that.
- No tenemos tiempo para algo así.
We don't have time for that!
- ¡ No tenemos tiempo!
- What's this? - Honey, we don't have time for that.
- Mi vida, no tenemos tiempo.
I would like to thank each of you 100 million personally, but I think it would take up all the DVD, and we don't have all the names, we don't have time for that.
Quisiera agradecer personalmente a cada uno de los 100 millones, pero creo que tardaría el entero DVD, y no tenemos todos los nombres, no hay suficiente tiempo.
In the past, I've encouraged them to ask questions... but we don't have time for that now.
En el pasado, los animé para que cuestionaran, pero no hay tiempo para eso ahora.

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