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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't have to talk

We don't have to talk traducir español

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- We have to talk, don't get mad.
Tengo que decirte algo
I don't think We'll have to talk much.
No creo que tengamos mucho de lo que hablar.
I don't think We'll have to talk any.
No creo que tengamos que hablar de nada.
For the present, why don't you run on over to the hotel, and take your bath and we'll have a little talk later.
De momento, ¿ por qué no va corriendo al hotel, toma su baño y ya hablamos después?
Look, Inspector, why don't you let me take this guy down to headquarters where we can have a nice quiet talk?
Inspector, deje que lleve a este tipo a comisaría para hablar tranquilamente.
And if we meet in the future we don't have to talk about personal things... - about you and me.
Y si nos encontramos en el futuro no tenemos que hablar sobre asuntos personales - sobre tú y yo.
We don't have to talk at all unless you want to.
No tenemos por qué hablar si no tiene ganas.
Ya lo sabes.
No, no tenemos que hablar de él, pero me alegra, que antes del final supiera lo que es ser un hombre.
Well, we don't have to talk about it now, Pa.
No tenemos que hablar de ello ahora.
We don't have to talk about it.
No hablemos de ello.
We have a date at 9. Why don't you ask him to dinner? We can talk before dinner.
Bien, invítale a cenar aquí y hablaremos antes de la cena.
We don't have to talk about it now, do we?
No vamos a hablarlo ahora, ¿ verdad?
We have so many things to talk about, I don't know where to begin.
Tenemos tanto de lo que hablar que no sé por dónde comenzar.
I don't know why we have to worry about Chelm's attitude. Talk's no good.
No sé por qué tiene que preocuparnos su actitud.
The first plane to Nairobi, six seats. Yes and if they don't have any, talk to the right man and tell him if he kicks other people off the plane we'll make it worth his while.
Sí, y si no quedan plazas, diles que dejen en tierra lo que sea, que les compensaremos con creces.
We meet up and if we talk we don't even have time to kiss.
Cuando nos vemos, si hablamos no tenemos tiempo para darnos un beso.
- Even if we're only friends we don't have to talk exclusively about your problems.
- Incluso si solo somos amigos no tenemos por qué hablar exclusivamente de sus problemas.
I've got to talk to you. We don't have much time.
Hay que actuar, y rápido.
I invited you because I wanted to talk to you. I don't think we have anything to talk about.
Pensaba ofrecerle cualquier cosa, por mucho que fuera, con tal de que renunciara a Fernando.
We don't have to talk about it if you'd rather not.
No tienes por qué hablar de ello si no quieres.
And if you don't see it that way... I think we ought to sit down right now and have a serious talk.
Y si no lo ves de esa manera, deberíamos sentarnos y tener una conversación seria.
We have to talk and I don't want mother to hear us.
Tenemos que hablar y no quiero que mamá nos oiga.
But, uh... i know you don't want to talk about it - that's why we haven't said anything - but, uh... something must have happened, bob.
No tengo ni idea.
- We don't have to talk about this.
- Lo dice muy a la ligera.
Apollo we're willing to talk, but you'll find we don't bow to every creature who happens to have a bag of tricks.
Apolo podemos negociar pero no nos inclinamos ante cualquier ser que tiene unos cuantos trucos bajo la manga.
Why don't I talk with these people here... and then I'll get back with you... and then if we have to sign anything up... and if you need any insurance, which I'm sure you will want,
Hablaré con ellos y luego te llamo. Si tenemos que firmar algo... y seguramente él querrá garantías...
We don't consider you a suspect. You don't have to talk to us if you don't want.
No es usted sospechoso, no tiene porqué hablarnos si no quiere.
No. Well, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
No tenemos que hablar del tema si te incomoda.
We don't have to talk every minute, do we?
No debemos hablar cada minuto, ¿ verdad?
So if you don't mind, I'll go on doing what I have to do and we can talk.
Así que, si no le importa, haré lo que tengo que hacer mientras hablamos.
Shouldn't he have the right to talk, even though we're stupid and don't understand?
¿ Podemos hablar? Aun siendo estúpido Y no comprender nada,
I thought you wanted to talk. So why don't you quit attacking me and we try to have a rational adult conversation?
Pensé que querías hablar, así que, ¿ por qué no dejas de atacarme y tenemos una conversación racional y adulta?
We don't have to talk about it now.
No tenemos que hablar de eso ahora.
I don't think we have anything to talk about.
Creo que no tenemos nada de qué hablar.
We have to go talk to your boss if you don't talk to us.
Debemos hablar con su jefe si Ud. no nos habla.
We don't have that much to talk about.
No tenemos tanto de qué hablar.
You know what this means, don't you? We're gonna have to make you talk.
Significa que tendremos que hacerte hablar.
I don't have to remind you about Charlie Wang. We know the pressure they put on him... and we know they called him in for a talk. The next day he was fished out of the harbor.
No tengo que recordarte de Charlie Wang conocemos a la presión que le sometieron, y sabemos que lo llamaron para "hablar"... el otro día, se lo llevaron del puerto
I know that it's a little soon, perhaps, to talk about a reconciliation but I don't see why we have to finalize our divorce.
Ya sé que es un poco pronto para hablar de reconciliarnos, pero no veo por qué tenemos que divorciarnos.
- We don't have to talk about that.
- No tenemos que hablar de eso.
J.R. will be glad to take me home. We have a lot of things to talk about, don't we, J.R.?
Pero si te he entendido correctamente, todavía está carente de cierta sustancia clave.
Bobby, we just don't have time to talk right now.
No tenemos tiempo para hablar ahora.
- Don't talk about it! I wasrt! - Okay, we don't have to say anything.
No tenemos que decir nada.
We still have to talk our way to the bridge. I don't like changed plans.
Aún tenemos que conseguir llegar al puente. ¡ Me hace cambiar de planes!
Ma'am, we don't have time to stand around and talk it over.
Señora, no tenemos tiempo que perder.
He said, in fact, we don't even have to talk to you anymore.
De hecho, dijo que ya no teníamos ni que hablarte.
We don't have to talk about anything at all.
No hace falta que hablemos de nada.
I don't have all the details, but I'm certain that Alfred won't talk to anyone official... which means that right now, we're the only ones between him...
No tengo detalles, pero no hablará con órganos oficiales. Lo que significa que ahora somos los únicos entre él y el más allá.
I mean, we don't have the time today to talk about that.
Quiero decir, hoy no tenemos tiempo de hablar de eso.
I guess we don't have to talk about any bribe.
Supongo que no tenemos que hablar de cualquier soborno.

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