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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We don't know that yet

We don't know that yet traducir español

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We don't yet know the range of emotions that motivated her.
Aún no sabemos qué la motivó.
- We don't know that yet.
- Aún no se sabe
We don't want him to know yet that we've found him out.
No queremos que sepa todavía que lo descubrimos.
We don't know that yet.
No sabemos eso aún.
But I hate to think how much he knows that we don't know yet.
Me aterra pensar que él sabe muchas más cosas que nosotros.
He may have a reason for what he did that we don't even know about yet.
Debe haber una explicación que aún desconocemos.
Well, now, we don't know about that as yet.
Todavía no Io sabemos.
No. We don't know that for sure yet!
No, no estamos seguros de eso aún.
We don't know yet, but what we do know Is that you showed a loss last month.
Aún no lo sabemos, pero sí que el mes pasado tuviste pérdidas.
We don't yet know how to repeat the exact conditions that produced these children.
Todavía no sabemos cómo repetir las mismas condiciones.
That he killed both Ffolly-Hardwicke and Compton from a motive that we don't yet know of.
Que mató a Ffolly-Hardwicke y a Compton por un motivo que aún desconocemos.
The competition has come to its conclusion... ... except, we don't know yet what that conclusion will be.
El concurso ha llegado a su final pero todavía no sabemos el resultado final.
- Well, we don't know yet, dear,..... but it's gonna take more than a Band-Aid, I can tell you that.
- Aún no lo sabemos, encanto, pero lo que sí puedo decir es que necesitará algo más que una tirita.
- We don't know that yet.
- No sabemos eso aún.
We don't know that yet.
- Aún no lo sabemos.
- We don't know that yet.
Aún no sabemos eso.
- That's the trouble, we don't know yet.
- Ése es el problema. No lo sabemos.
like, for instance, the power of men, to the stars, to the infinite worlds that we don't yet know.
Tales como el poder de los hombres, Las estrellas... Los mundos infinitos, Que todavia no conocemos.
I don't know, we haven't tried that yet.
No lo sé, aún no lo hemos probado.
We don't know all that much about synchronized hypnosis yet.
Todavía no sabemos tanto sobre la hipnosis sincronizada.
We don't know that yet.
- Es todo esto inútil?
- We don't know that yet, Commander.
- Aún no sabemos, comandante.
I don't have an explanation for that yet... but I think it's time we let Lindstrom know what's going on.
Aún no tengo una explicación pero ya es hora de que Lindstrom sepa lo que pasa.
Hey, don't talk like that. We don't know anything for sure yet. I know!
No hables así, no sabemos nada aún.
Well, I don't know that quite yet, but I figure we ought to be pretty quick about it.
Bueno, todavía no lo sé... Pero me doy cuenta que debemos ser rápidos en ello.
- We don't know that, not yet.
- Aún no lo sabemos.
I don't know yet, but, Eddie, we've got to find that girl... even if we have to work outside the system.
Aún no Io sé, pero, Eddie, debemos hallar a esa chica... aunque debamos romper las reglas.
lewis : We don't know that it was a madman yet.
Aún no sabemos si fue un desquiciado.
- We don't know that dude yet
Nadie le conoce.
Now they're trying to sell protection. - We don't know that they waxed the Klausman kid. - Yet.
- no sabemos si mataron al chico Klausman, aun no con un poco de suerte podemos cogerlos por extorsion. me parece bien como quieres hacerlo?
- We don't know that yet.
- No lo sabemos todavía.
We don't know that he's dead yet.
Todavía no sabemos si está muerto.
- Yes, well, we don't know that anyone pushed her yet.
que está bajo su custodia. Sí, bueno, tampoco sabemos si alguien la empujó.
We don't know the cost of that yet.
Aún no sabemos cuánto nos costó.
And yet we don't need to see our eyebrows to know that they are there.
No necesitamos vernos las cejas para saber que están ahí.
We don't know that yet.
- Eso no lo sabemos todavía.
What they don't know, because I haven't told them yet is that we think some of the telepaths got out before they closed off Brown 12.
Lo que no saben, pues no se lo he dicho todavía... es que creemos que algunos telépatas salieron antes de encerrarse en el sector Marrón 12.
I don't want them to know that we're here. Not yet.
No quiero que sepan que llegamos.
Indeed, we might have, you see, if not for the fact that I've-I've just met this, uh, woman to whom I'd be glad to introduce you, except I-I don't know what her name is yet, so, uh...
Claro que podriamos, mira, si no fuera por el hecho de que acabo de conocer a esta, uh, mujer. a la cual estaria encantado de presentarte, excepto que a-aun no se su nombre, asi que, uh...
We don't know each other that well yet.
Todavía no nos conocemos tan bien.
- We don't know that yet, either.
- Tampoco se sabe todavía.
We don't know yet. That's what we're trying to find out.
Aún no lo sabemos, es lo que tratamos de averiguar.
It could mean that she's a shapeshifter or a skin or some other type of alien that we don't even know about yet.
Podría ser una metamorfa o una Piel... u otra clase de alienígena que todavía no conocemos.
I know we don't know each other too well yet but since we're going to be family I thought that...
Sé que no nos conocemos muy bien... pero ya que vamos a ser parientes... pensé que- -
We don't know that he's dead yet.
No sabemos si ya está muerto.
It wasn't even about Farrel or nothing, it was just us sort of yelling, but I think deep down that's what it was about he's been going to the hospital quite a bit, and he's just getting some tests done, and uh, apparently he's got one more big test, and once they give him that clear, it's looking good, but we don't know yet, so otherwise he might have to keep getting treated, you know.
Ni siquiera era por Farrel o nada, sólo pasábamos gritándonos, pero creo que en el fondo era por... que él a ido al hospital muchas veces y... le hacen algunas pruebas y aparentemente él tiene más pruebas, y una vez que esté claro, parece que estará bien, pero no sabemos aún si podría tener que seguir recibiendo tratamiento, ¿ sabes? .
If Helen is having an affair with a suspect... We don't know that yet.
¿ Ella mencionó a este Davies Jones?
We don't actually know that yet, how good the photographs are.
Realmente no sabemos aún cómo de buenas son las fotografías.
We don't know that yet.
- No lo sabemos aún.
We don't know yet if that's what's happened.
- Eso no es seguro.
- But we don't know that yet?
- No sabemos si es ella.

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