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We get married traducir español

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If we get married in June we should have kids after that
Si nos casamos en junio debemos tener niños rápido.
So if we get married, and what they say is true We'll go together
Si nos casamos... y lo que dicen es cierto... nos iremos juntos.
I don't think that we can figure out all of our problems before we get married.
No creo que podamos resolver todos nuestros problemas antes de casarnos.
You think, "When we get married," or, "When we have kids," or, "When the kids go and it's just us again..."
Piensas : "Cuando nos casemos" "Cuando tengamos niños" o "Cuando los niños se vayan y estemos los dos solos"...
Shit. Should we get married?
Carajo. ¿ Nos tenemos que casar?
"Shit. Should we get married?" Yeah.
"Carajo. ¿ Nos tenemos que casar?" Sí.
If we get married, she will be obliged to answer me.
Si nos casamos, ella será obligada a responderme.
We get married!
¡ Nos casamos!
When we get married, I don't... want this.
Cuando nos casemos, no... quiero esto.
How will we get married?
¿ Cómo nos vamos a casar?
But what if we get married?
¿ Y si nos casamos?
You know, and I figured he'd eventually get that, you know, we weren't getting married.
Ya sabes, y me imaginé que el finalmente comprendería, ya sabes, que no íbamos a casarnos.
We thought we'd go to Barcelona to get really married.
Que nos íbamos a Barcelona, a casarnos de verdad.
If I had not gone to get married secretly, perhaps we could have a day off.
Si no te hubieses casado en secreto, nos habrían dado el día libre.
Or if you're already married and wish to get married again We can arrange that for you today
O si están ya casados... y desean casarse de nuevo... podemos hacerlo por ustedes hoy.
Well, where are we gonna get married now?
Bueno, ¿ dónde vamos a casarnos ahora?
Look, I love Todd, and we're going to get married, and we're going to have a great life together.
Mire, me encanta Todd, y vamos a casarnos, y que vamos a tener una gran vida juntos.
We could get married.
Podríamos casarnos.
Point is, we need to get married and I'm really sorry to bug you, but I really need you to sign those papers.
La cuestión es que tenemos que casarnos, lamento molestarte, pero de verdad necesito que firmes los papeles.
- You and me, we could get married. - Jesus Christ.
Podríamos casarnos.
And we were gonna get married in the January and then I got that offer from La Scala.
Y nos íbamos a casar en el mes de enero y luego me dieron esa oferta de La Scala.
Remember, we went engaged in seven years before we could afford to get married.
No olvides que estuvimos juntos 7 años antes de que pudiéramos darnos el lujo de casarnos.
We met five hours ago and we want to get married.
Nos conocimos hace cinco horas y queremos casarnos.
We will get married.
Vamos a casarnos.
We were supposed to get married, but then it wasn't to be.
Se suponía que íbamos a casarnos, pero luego no fue así.
So, can we get married now? What makes you think we're getting married?
No puedo responder por ustedes.
I had a dream, and the angel said that we would get married, and he promised that we would be happy, but he did say I might have to get rough with you.
Pastor, gracias.
It was the day we got married... - So I forced him to get our picture taken.
Fue el día que nos casamos así que le obligué a hacerse la foto.
We've seen her, we've seen her boyfriend Levi, the father of her child, but we haven't really gotten to talk to them about whose idea it was to get married and why, for example Levi on his Myspace page
La hemos visto a ella, a su novio Levi, el padre de su hijo, pero no hemos podido hablar con ellos sobre de quién fue la idea de casarse y por qué, por ejemplo, Levi en MySpace
I think we should get married right in front of the fountain there.
¿ Por qué no nos casamos aquí, frente a esa fuente?
We can go down to the courthouse get married, then leave if it makes it easier.
Podemos ir al juzgado... casarnos y marcharnos si te parece mejor.
I don't think we're ready to get married.
No creo que estemos listos para casarnos.
We are gonna get married, we are gonna be happy, and we are gonna be fine.
Vamos a casarnos, vamos a ser felices, y todo estara mas que bien.
Honey, if we're getting married, shouldn't I get a ring?
Cariño, si vamos a casarnos, ¿ no debería tener un anillo?
And it was fun and it was exciting and I got pregnant with Martin and then we just decided to get married.
Era divertido, emocionante y quedé embarazada de Martin y decidimos casarnos.
I think we knew even back then we were gonna get married.
Creo que sabíamos en aquel entonces que nos ibamos a casar.
And me not wanting to say more just means we'll get married that much faster.
Y no quiero decir más para que nos casemos más rápido.
So, I got it into my head that we should get married.
Así que, se me metió en la cabeza que deberíamos casarnos.
We're tryin'to get married here!
¡ Estamos intentando casarnos!
My mother was not thrilled when we decided to get married and didn't want her daughter to have to suffer any negativity from others.
Mi madre no estaba muy emocionado cuando decidimos casarnos y no quería que su hija a tener que sufrir cualquier negatividad de los demás.
And so we did get married.
Y por lo que se ha casado.
We're supposed to get married two weeks later.
Se supone que nos casamos dentro de dos semanas.
On the first night of the next'Navratri'we'll get married.
En la primera noche del próximo'Navratri " nos casaremos.
We should get married.
Deberíamos casarnos.
We could get married and then get some lunch.
Podríamos casarnos y después almorzar algo.
Then you wouldn't have forgotten that we promised each other that we will get our children married.
Entonces, ¿ no has olvidado que prometimos casar a nuestros hijos? .
We will get married, won't we?
Nos casamos, ¿ no?
We don't have to get married right now.
No tenemos que casarnos ya mismo.
In front of the Gypsy, who watches over us and provides the magic and mystery in our lives we agree among sisters, under the threat of curse that none shall have babies until we all get married and can all have babies at the same time.
En frente de la gitana, que vela por nosotras y proporciona la magia y el misterio en nuestras vidas, las hermanas estamos de acuerdo bajo la amenaza de maldición, que ninguna tendrá bebés hasta que estemos todas casadas y podamos todas tener bebés al... mismo... tiempo.
* And we're gonna get married *
Y nos vamos a casar
* And we're gonna get married... *
Y nos vamos a casar...

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