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We had a falling out traducir español

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And since we had a falling out.
Como no nos hablábamos.
See, my mother and me, we had a falling out.
Verá, mi madre y yo tuvimos una pelea.
We had a falling out a while back.
Hace años tuvimos una pelea.
I know we had a falling out and... things were said that... shouldn't have been said.
Que las cosas no salieron bien... Y dije cosas que no quería.
She saw them at the wedding, but we had a falling out.
Ella los vio en la boda, pero tuvimos un tropiezo.
We had a falling out, we haven't spoken in months.
Habíamos reñido y no habíamos hablado en meses.
We had a falling out, you know what she's like.
Tuvimos una discusión, ya sabes como es ella.
I admit we had a falling out.
Admito que tuvimos una discusión.
I do, but we had a falling out over the Jerry Garcia stamp.
Lo conozco, pero tuvimos una riña por una estampilla de Jerry García.
See, I used to be a guide for one of those bigger outfits, but we had a falling out over what I guess you might call creative differences.
Verán, yo solía ser guarda en uno de los grupos más grandes, pero nos peleamos por lo que se llamarían diferencias creativas.
Jack, we had a falling out.
- Jack, estábamos peleados.
We had a falling out. Things got heated. Please?
Las cosas se pusieron calientes. ¿ Por favor?
Me and Uncle Lonnie, we had a falling out.
El Tío Lonnie y yo estamos peleados.
We, um, we had a falling out a long time ago.
Tuvimos, umh, un desentendimiento hace mucho tiempo.
I liked Rod, but we had a falling out.
Me gustaba Rod, pero tuvimos una discrepancia.
We had a falling out.
Tuvimos una pelea.
We had a falling out two nights ago, she and I.
Tuvimos una discusión hace dos noches, ella y yo.
We had a falling-out.
Nos peleamos.
We had a bit of a falling-out.
Tuvimos un desacuerdo.
We were friends, but had a bit of a falling out, I'm afraid.
Éramos amigos, pero tuvimos ciertas discrepancias.
I told you before, we had a falling-out a Long time ago.
Ya te dije que tuvimos una pelea hace mucho tiempo.
We heard you two had a falling out.
Escuchamos que tuvieron una pelea.
- Well, we had a little falling out.
Bueno, no nos llevamos muy bien.
My buddy had a falling-out with this girl, so we took some nude photos he took of her and he put'em up on the net, to get back at her.
Le había hecho una trastada a un amigo. Tomamos unas fotos que le había sacado desnuda y las metimos en Internet para vengarnos.
We had a big falling out, but that was not the reason...
Tuvimos una gran caída, pero ésa no era la razón...
Some of us had a falling out with him and we ended his deal.
Algunos de nosotros hemos tenido "percances" con el, asi es que cortamos su contrato
We had a falling-out when I had a line on her sitcom 10 years ago.
Tuvimos una riña cuando tenía una línea en su comedia, hace 10 años.
Uh-huh. He's been a pain in the butt ever since we had this falling out in high school.
No ha dejado de fastidiarme desde que nos peleamos en la secundaria.
They had a falling-out before we ever got together.
Tuvieron una pelea antes que termináramos juntos.
We had kind of a falling out.
Nos dejamos de frecuentar.
We've heard a rumor that Jamie Cramner might have had a bit of a falling out with Frances Trevelyan over, um, something.
Hemos escuchado un rumor de que Jamie Cramner podría haber tenido una pelea con Frances Trevelyan um, algo.
I'm afraid that we had a... a falling out.
Temo que tuvimos un... un desacuerdo.
'Cause we kinda had a falling out after she swiped my old web site.
Porque tuvimos una discusión después de que me robara mi antigua Web.
We are friends, but we've had a bit of a falling out.
Somos amigos, pero hemos reñido un poco.
He's a great guy, but we had a little falling out when I had a small dalliance with his wife... And his sister...
Es un gran tipo, pero tuvimos un pequeño desencuentro... cuando tuve un pequeño romance con su esposa... y con su hermana...
Anyway, then they had a tremendous falling-out over this cannon we found...
El caso es que tuvimos una pelea acerca de un cañón que habíamos encontrado...
We had a falling-out.
Tuvimos un desacuerdo.
Oh, we had a bit of a falling out.
Oh, nos peleamos un poco.
We hear that you and Lance Corporal Korby had a falling out in Kandahar? Maybe take a shower.
Quizá darse una ducha.
- We had a falling-out. - What, over a case?
Tu tuviste un altercado, el cual, era en un caso?
I said something that offended her, and we had a falling out.
- y nos peleamos.
Yeah, we had a bit of a falling-Out.
Sí, tuvimos una discusión.
- We kind of had a falling out.
- Nos distanciamos.
We had a bit of a falling out.
Tuvimos un poco de pelea.
My mother and I, you know, we just had a really big falling out.
Mi madre y yo, ya sabes, acabamos de tener una gran caida
The moms and I had a falling out, which was a shame- - we had been such good friends.
Las madres y yo discutimos, fue una pena... Habíamos sido muy buenas amigas.
But then we had a bit of a falling out.
Pero luego tuvimos una pequeña pelea.
We had a little, uh, falling out over past-due fees.
Tuvimos un pequeño... desacuerdo sobre las minutas pendientes.
They got me up 4 : 00 in the morning, told me we had birds falling out of the sky.
Me levantaron a las 4 : 00 de la mañana, me dijeron que teníamos aves cayendo del cielo.
Oh, you know, to be honest, I... I don't remember why we had a falling-out.
Ya sabes, para ser honesto, yo... no recuerdo la razón por la que tuvimos una pelea.
Brian heard me and Glitch had a falling out, but we didn't.
Brian me escuchó, y Glitch tuvo una recaida, pero no lo hicimos.

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