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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We have to help them

We have to help them traducir español

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We have to help them to break out of their chains to be independent, to follow their instinct and true aspirations
Tenemos que ayudarlas a romper sus barreras de siglos a ser independientes, a no avergonzarse de sus instintos y aspiraciones.
- We have to help them.
- Tenemos que ayudarles.
That's why we have to help them.
Por eso tenemos que ayudarles.
We have to help them.
Debemos ayudarlos.
But they're in trouble and we have to help them.
Solo sé que están en apuros y nosotros tenemos que ayudarles.
We have to help them, not to despise them.
Tenemos que ayudarlos, no despreciarlos.
We have to help them.
Tenemos que ayudarles.
It's also about the responsibility we have to help them.
Se trata de nuestra responsabilidad de ayudarlos.
Dear Adelina, we have to help them to stay in their splendid world,
Estimada Adelina, tenemos que ayudarles a quedarse en su mundo espléndido,
My people are working on a way... right now... to get us out of here, and we have to help them if we can.
Mi gente esta buscando el modo de sacarnos de aquí. Si podemos, tenemos que ayudarlos.
We have to help them.
Tenemos que ayudarlos.
- We have to help them.
- Debemos ayudarles. - No.
We have to help them.
Tenemos que ayudarlas.
C'mon, Squirts! We have to help them!
Tenemos que ayudarles.
We have to help them get home, Michael.
Tenemos que ayudarles a volver a casa, Michael.
We have to help them.
Tenemos que ayudarlos
- We have to help them, Fanda.
- Tenemos que ayudarlos, Fanda.
- We have to help them.
- Nos tenemos que ayudar.
Tomorrow we shall have 10,000 volunteers to help them.
Mañana, 10.000 voluntarios les ayudarán.
( guns firing ) Get through to Fort Tokotu and tell them we must have help!
Avisen a Fort Tokotu que nos envíen ayuda.
- The boars have them all cut off. We were unable to break through their lines and ger help to them.
Los Boers los tienen aislados y no hemos podido ayudarles.
- That won't help. We got one chance. Have the men on this side get ahead of the herd... and we'll try to stampede them back into the Indians.
Que los de este lado se adelanten al ganado... e intentaremos lanzarlo en estampida contra los indios.
You're right, we have them, but they'll help us to re-form our clan.
Tienes razón, las tenemos, pero nos ayudarán a reformar nuestro clan.
If we're unable to recall them I'd say we're going to have to help you destroy them.
Si no somos capaces de hacer que vuelvan entonces les ayudaremos a destruirlos.
We could not help them, but we have returned your people and your ship to you.
No pudimos ayudarlos pero a ustedes les regresamos su gente y su nave.
Now, we have chance to stop them but we need your help.
Si lo hiciera, lo matarían. Tenemos una oportunidad...
We have to help and teach them as best we can and as much as we can.
Debemos enseñarles Lo mejor y Lo más posible.
My grandma Dindinha gives them some rice and beans every Saturday... to help them out, and I share my cruller'cause mom taught us... to share the little we have with those who have less.
Dindinha, mi abuela, todos los sábados le da un poco de frijoles y arroz... para ayudarlos, y yo comparto mi buñuelo porque mamá me enseñó... que uno debe compartir la pobreza con quienes son aún más pobres.
They have no legal right to our water, but we've been trying to help them out.
No tienen derecho legal al agua, pero estamos tratando de ayudarles.
We have to bear them a few hours, until help arrives.
Tenemos que darles algunas horas, hasta que llegue la ayuda.
Yes, I have. We have a handicapped Olympics every year... and we help them get to their races and their events on time.
Tenemos olimpíadas anuales para discapacitados... y los ayudamos a llegar a las carreras y a otros eventos a tiempo.
We don't have to help them. They can't force us.
No tenemos porque ayudarles, no pueden forzarnos.
A great many things, but I think the most important task I have is to help young people gain a more prominent role in world affairs than the one we currently afford them, or rather deny them.
Muchos, pero creo que la tarea más importante que tengo es ayudar a que la juventud juegue un papel más prominente en los asuntos mundiales que el que le damos en la actualidad, o que el que le negamos que tengan.
Master, we've failed in assassinating He Suo... and have been chased after I want to... go with them... and help them
Maestro, hemos fallado en el asesinato de He Suo... y hemos sido perseguidos Quiero ir... con ellos... y ayúdarles
- We have to find a way to help them.
- Debemos pensar en cómo ayudarles.
I think our employees have got a new emphasis on job security... and we want to try and help them with that.
Nuestros empleados ponen un nuevo énfasis en la seguridad laboral y queremos intentar ayudarlos con eso.
We need them to... help us fill in the missing pieces because we almost never have all the facts.
Los necesitamos para ayudarnos a completar el puzzle porque siempre nos faltarán algunas piezas.
If we look at what it is that's made them develop so fast, improve so fast, it might help us to guess why our brains have, too.
Si estudiamos las causas de su veloz desarrollo, quizá podamos comprender el de nuestro cerebro.
We have decided how sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate our genius, but we hope the book will help them to do so a little, though no one could fully appreciate us.
Nos pareció triste que otros no sepan apreciar nuestro genio. Esperamos que este libro les ayudara un poco, a apreciarnos un poco mas.
We have a chance to help them. How can we ignore that?
Podríamos ayudarles. ¿ Cómo puede cerrar los ojos a esta oportunidad?
Then we have to use our political... diplomatic power... and convince them to change their policies... and to help find countries of refuge... for these unfortunate souls.
Entonces deberíamos utilizar nuestros poderes políticos... y diplomáticos... y convencerlos para que cambien las políticas de algunos... países y buscar refugio... para estas personas desafortunadas.
We have to get back to the ship and get some help... for them and for you.
Debemos regresar a la nave y buscar ayuda, para ellos y para usted.
We just have to help them understand that.
Debemos ayudarles a entender eso.
We have information that Dr. Venable, as she calls herself now, was very willing to help them.
Tenemos información que la doctora Venable, como ahora se llama... estaba muy dispuesta a ayudarles.
We have to go back and help them finish the fight.
Deberíamos regresar, y ayudarles a acabar con la lucha.
Now we'll have to help them forget again.
Necesitamos ayudarles a olvidarlo nuevamente.
I do not know if we can help, but you have to explain all of them.
A ver si vamos a ayudarlos y no digo que podamos. Van a tener que informarnos de todo esto, un paso a la vez.
You have to gather your things, and we'll help you carry them to the landing stage.
Juntaremos tus cosas ; las llevaremos al embarcadero.
Now, the government has asked all of us to come up with suggestions and ideas that we might have to help them to fight terrorism.
Bien... ¡ El gobierno nos ha pedido que aportemos sugerencias e ideas que nos puedan ayudar a combatir el terrorismo...
We have to help them.
debemos ayudarlos.
We have to go help them!
Tenemos que ayudarlos!

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