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We have to stop her traducir español

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We have to stop her.
Debemos alcanzarla
We have to stop her from coming into Pearl.
hay que impedir que entre al puerto.
We have to stop her.
Tenemos que detenerla.
Oh, my God. Duncan, we have to stop her from testifying.
Oh, Dios mío, Duncan, debemos detenerla de testificar.
No one is questioning your authority, Captain. But we have to stop her before she finishes the sensor array.
Nadie cuestiona su autoridad pero debemos detenerla antes de que termine la batería.
We have to stop her, Your Majesty.
Debemos detenerla, Majestad.
All right, we have to stop her before she does something.
Debemos detenerla antes de que haga algo.
We have to stop her, she'll be slaughtered.
Tenemos que detenerla, ella será asesinada.
I don't blame her for that, but we have to stop her.
No la culpo por eso. Pero tenemos que detenerla.
We have to stop her!
No aguanto mas!
We have to stop her before this happens again, understand? .
Tenemos que pararla antes de esto vuelva a pasar, ¿ comprende?
- We have to stop her.
¡ Tenemos que detenerla!
We have to stop her.
Hay que pararla.
What right do we have to stop her?
¿ Qué derecho tenemos para detenerla?
Well, then we have to stop her.
- Bueno, entonces hay que pararla.
- We have to stop her.
- Tenemos que detenerla.
We have to stop her.
Debemos detenerla.
But we have to stop her. But instead, we'll stand up.
Y en su lugar tenemos que alzarnos todos.
- We have to stop her.
- Debemos impedirlo.
We have to stop her.
Tenemos que frenarla.
She could still stay anakin. ( sighs ) we have to stop her before we truly lose her to the dark side.
Todavía sigue siendo Anakin. tenemos que pararla antes de que se pase al lado oscuro.
No, no, no. We have to stop her.
- Debemos detenerla.
We have to stop her!
¡ Debemos detenerla!
If someone else is involved in this, we have to stop her now.
Si alguien más está involucrado en esto, tenemos que deteneterla ahora.
After we had done the final editing and Hitch was leaving for vacation in Jamaica or someplace, the Virgin Islands, I've forgotten where, he said, " We should never have allowed her eyes to stop on Jimmy
Habíamos hecho el montaje final y Hitch se iba de vacaciones a Jamaica o algún lugar en las Islas Vírgenes, no recuerdo dónde. De pronto me dijo : " No debimos permitir que su mirada se detuviera en Jimmy
What about the girl? She says we have no right to stop her... from taking her father out.
Dice que no tenemos derecho de impedir... que se lleve a su padre.
I feel sorry about her father. We have to stop the dragoons.
Siento lo de su padre, pero debemos intentar detener a los Dragones.
We have to stop referring to her as if she were a real person.
Se reieran a ella como si existiera.
If we're going to stop her, we'll have to blow the core of the Macross's intelligence net!
Si queremos detener a Sharon tendremos que destruir el centro de computo de la Macross.
Tell her we have just this one shot to do and that after this one, we'll stop till tomorrow.
Dile que falta esta sola toma y que luego pararemos hasta mañana.
Look, we still have to stop Amy. We should grab her and...
Hay que detener a Amy, atraparla.
But she's real and we have to figure out - how to stop her before she gets you.
Pero es real y tenemos que encontrar el modo de pararla antes de que te coja.
We have one day to stop this movie. They took the one woman I loved enough... not to stick my hand down her pants.
Nos queda un día para joder la peli... y me quitan lo único que me quedaba de ésa... a quien no metí mano por amor.
We have to find a way to stop her.
Tenemos que encontrar una manera de detenerla.
We just have to stop her from doing the ritual.
Sólo impedir que haga el ritual.
There. All we have to do is go to the party, keep an eye on Mark... and if the ex shows up, you and I will be there to stop her.
Ahora sólo tenemos que ir a la fiesta, vigilar a Mark, y si la ex aparece, estaremos los dos para pararla.
He'll never stop. We have to find her ourselves.
Nunca se detendrá, debemos encontrarla
Okay, Dr. Karev, if we're gonna stop her blushing, we have to expose the sympathetic ganglion chain which resides where?
Bien, Dr. Karev, si queremos parar sus rubores, tenemos que quemar el ganglio del nervio simpático, ¿ que está dónde?
I would have thought, out of deference to me, out of some sort of consideration for the fact that we're all going to have to look at this for the next 50 years, that maybe, maybe you could stop indulging her eccentricities and take a stand!
Hubiese pensado, fuera de la diferencia conmigo, fuera de toda consideración el hecho de que discutiremos sobre esto por los próximos 50 años que quizá, ¡ podrías dejar de perdonar sus excentricidades y ser más estricta!
Even if she doesn't have all the information she needs, we need to stop her from sending what she's learned so far, to the Wraith ships that are on the way.
Aunque ni siquiera tenga toda la información que necesita tenemos que impedir que envíe lo que ha descubierto hasta ahora a las naves Espectro en camino.
* lilly comes when you stop to call her * you know, we don't have to go through this to see each other.
lilly llega cuando la dejas de llamar ustedes saben, no tenemos que pasar por esto para vernos.
No, I also have to say that we should stop this malarkey and try to find the bloke who really killed her.
No, también debo decir que deberíamos parar con esta charla sin sentido y tratar de hallar al tipo que, en realidad, la mató.
Maybe if we all stop wringing our hands, we could solve this thing and let her live to have a few more nightmares.
Tal vez, si dejamos de frotarnos las manos, podamos resolver esto y dejarla vivir para tener unas cuantas pesadillas más.
On the reasons-to - stop-seeing-her side, we have
En la lista de motivos para dejar de verla tenemos lo siguiente :
If we stop the medication, she could develop a more serious condition and we would have to keep her here a lot longer.
Si interrumpimos la medicación, podría desarrollar una enfermedad aun más grave y tendría que permanecer aquí por mucho más tiempo.
We have to find the queen and stop her.
Debemos encontrar a la reina y detenerla.
And if we were to stop paying rent, it'd take a blink of an eye for her to have the bailiffs upon us and see us evicted.
Y si dejásemos de pagar el alquiler, no le tomaría más que un abrir y cerrar de ojos enviarnos los alguaciles y hacernos desalojar.
I don't see why we have to listen to him. Will you stop? He'll bring her straight to Bristol.
No veo por qué tenemos que escuharle.
But, dr. So-and-so, we don't have the power to stop her.
Pero, Dr. lo-que-sea, no tenemos el poder necesario para detenerla.
Well, we're gonna have to stop protecting her sooner or later.
Bueno, tarde o temprano tendremos que dejar de protegerla.
The a.C. In the car is broken, so we have to stop every ten blocks and freeze her face to preserve it.
El aire acondicionado del coche está roto, así que tenemos que parar cada diez calles, y refrescarle la cara para conservarla.

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