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We need to go back traducir español

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We need to go back to pascal's rationality, which I feel has been largely abandoned along the way.
Es necesario que volvamos a la racionalidad de Pascal, que siento que ha sido grandemente abandonada por el camino.
We need to go back and that's it.
Tenemos que regresar y ya está.
No, we need to go back to the hotel now.
No, tenemos que volver al hotel.
We need to go back to Aisle 3 where that cute guy is.
Debemos regresar al pasillo tres donde está ese chico guapo.
We need to go back Park Woods.
Debemos volver al Parque Woods.
We need to go back.
Tenemos que volver.
Maybe we need to go back up top and rethink this whole thing.
Quizá debamos volver arriba y replantearnos todo esto.
- We need to go back!
- ¡ Tenemos que regresar!
We need to go back to camp.
Necesitamos volver al campamento.
We need to go back to what were maybe not good days but certainly were better days.
Se necesita volver a aquellos, no sé si buenos, pero en todo caso viejos y mejores tiempos.
I'm sorry. We need to go back to Washington.
Perdón Sr. Hemos de volver a Washington.
We need to go back now.
- No, Sr. Debemos volver ahora.
We need to go back to town, bring back enough firepower to kill that thing.
Debemos regresar a la ciudad, y traer un arsenal para matarlo.
We need to go back to the station.
Hay que volver a comisaría.
We need to go back to the wedding.
Tenemos que volver a la boda.
We need to go back to him.
Tenemos que volver a él.
Jim, we need to go back to the hospitals.
Jim, necesitamos regresar al hospital.
We need to go back to Lydia Johnson's van and have another look.
Necesitamos regresar a la furgoneta de Lydia Johnson y......echarle otro vistazo.
We need to explore the bottom of the lake. We must go back to camp and equip ourselves to get ready for a dive.
Debe de ser un lago sagrado donde los sacerdotes inmolaban a las víctimas que sacrificaban a la diosa.
No, I don't want to go back there. We need the police.
No quiero volver, necesitamos a la policía.
We shall have to go back to France, and we shall need a lot of these.
vamos a tener que volver a Francia, y tenemos un montón de ellos.
We need you to go back home.
Necesitamos que vuelva a casa.
You're gonna go back to Section, | give us what we need.
Voy a llevarte a la Sección para interrogarte.
It's just what we need to calm things down and everything'll go back to normal.
Es lo que hace falta para calmar las cosas y que todo volverá a la normalidad.
We don't need to go back yet.
No es necesario volver todavía.
We don't need to go back.
No necesitamos regresar.
I'm telling their buddie's to go back and tell them we got all the water they need.
Voy a soltar a esos para que les digan que tendran toda el agua que quieran.
We go get the police, be back here within two hours but we need to go now.
Llamamos a la policía, y regresamos aquí en dos horas.
We can't go back now. But I don't want to see. No need.
Pero no quiero verlo
Not good. We need replacement parts, and we can't exactly go back to where we came from.
No muy bien... necesitamos piezas de repuesto, y no podemos regresar exactamente desde donde vinimos.
We... need to go... but we will come back.
Nosotros necesitamos irnos pero volveremos.
We need to get back to where we were before everything unfreezes. Go.
Tenemos que volver donde estábamos antes de que se descongele todo.
Perhaps you were hoping if you turn the tables on me, I might get paranoid. Because I'm always the one that's stopping things and now you are so maybe I need to go further. Maybe even pay a visit to the free clinic stock up on goodies and bring them back here, and then we'd have sex.
Esperabas que cuando invirtieras los papeles yo iba a querer seguir adelante porque como soy yo quien pone los frenos quién sabe, hasta quizás hubiera podido ir al Dispensario a buscar material para poder hacer el amor contigo.
- We'll need to go back. - Be direct but be discreet.
Huele a política a un kilómetro.
We need to come back to base, rearm, regroup, and then we can go back out.
Tenemos que volver a la base, armarnos y reagruparnos entonces podemos volver.
You need to go back and do what we came for.
Tienes que regresar y hacer aquello por lo que vinimos.
OK, go back to his boss at the hotel, we need an address.
Bien, vuelvan con su jefe en el hotel, necesitamos una dirección.
Now, I'll find her, but I need you to go back to the vilage and light a fire so we can find our way home.
La encontraré pero necesito que vuelvas a la villa y enciendas un fuego de forma que podamos encontrar el camino vuelta a casa.
So, we need a small ship, piloted by two small agents to go in and take a closer look. If you find anything out of the ordinary, you return, you report it back here.
Entonces, necesitamos una pequeña nave, piloteada por dos pequeños agentes para entrar y tomar una mirada mas de cerca y si encontraran algo fuera de lo comun, regresen, reportensen de vuelta aqui.
We'll go there, we'll come back, and then you can keep him for as long as you need, as long as it takes you to realize that he's innocent... as innocent as you or me.
Vamos a ir allí y volveremos. Y, entonces, podrá proceder según sea necesario. Hasta que entienda que es inocente.
We need boundaries, so why don't you go back to your place.
Hay que definir los límites. ¿ Por qué no vas a tu casa y nos dejas solos?
When we get back, when we're done with this, we need to go away.
Cuando volvamos, cuando hayamos terminado con esto.. ... necesitamos irnos.
Maybe you ´ ve learned what you need to and we should go back.
Tal vez ya aprendiste lo necesario y debemos volver.
Need I remnd you, Ralph, that if Russell reports back that we're not gay, we go to jail, pal.
Te recuerdo, Ralph, que si Russel le informa de que no somos gay, vamos a la cárcel, colega.
But, uh, we need something more to go back at them with.
Pero necesitamos algo más para volver con ellos.
So instead of working with Booker, you just decided to go over his head and blow the whistle on him. I just think that we need to step back and ask ourselves some hard questions.
Sólo creo que debemos detenernos y preguntarnos algunas cosas.
That money could go into our school systems to rehire all of those support teachers that we need back, the support personnel.
Este dinero podría ser utilizado para nuestras escuelas, y reemplear a todos los auxiliares y docentes que necesitamos.
So we're going to see him. And you'll tell him everything you need. So that I can go back home.
Por eso iremos a verlo y tú le dirás todo lo que sea necesario así yo me puedo volver a casa.
When I got in I said : "I need to be there". So I didn't go back to work, I went straight there with some friends and well, we got to the centre of the city and it was chaos.
Ni bien llego digo, tengo que estary no volví al trabajo, me fui para allá directamente con estos amigos, y bueno, llegamos al centro y era un caos.
We need you to go back into that building.
Necesitamos que vuelvas a ese edificio.
I think we need to go through it back at the lab.
hay que revisarla bien.

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