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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We should probably get going

We should probably get going traducir español

121 traducción paralela
We should probably get going soon.
Debemos irnos pronto.
We should probably get going.
¡ Deberíamos irnos!
Well, we should probably get going if we wanna see that movie.
Deberiamos seguir, si quieres ver esa pelicula.
We should probably get going.
Debemos irnos.
Well, we should probably get going.
Bueno, deberíamos irnos.
So we should probably get going.
Entonces probablemente deberíamos ir pasando.
Okay, well, We should probably get going.
De acuerdo, pues, probablemente deberíamos irnos.
- We should probably get going. - Yeah.
Deberíamos irnos.
We should probably get going.
Deberíamos marcharnos.
But, umm, I'm supposed to be there two hours early so we should probably get going.
Se hace tarde, deberíamos irnos
Except in Denver, apparently, where it starts at 7 : 30, heh. - Hee-hee. - We should probably get going.
Excepto en Denver, donde al parecer empieza a las 7 : 30.
But we should probably get going if we're gonna catch the movie.
Quizás deberíamos irnos si queremos ver la película.
- We should probably get going.
Deberíamos irnos.
We should probably get going. The roads are murder.
Deberíamos irnos, las carreteras son un infierno.
We should probably get going.
Probablemente deberíamos irnos.
Hon, we should probably get going.
Cariño, probablemente debamos irnos.
- Well, we should probably get going.
- Bien, creo que podemos irnos. - Está bien.
Well, we should probably get going, let Mia and Howard do whatever it is they're gonna do the rest of the night.
Bueno, ya deberíamos irnos, dejemos que Mia y Howard hagan lo que sea que harán el resto de la noche.
Hey. We should probably get going if we're gonna make it to graduation on time.
Oye, deberías ponerte en marcha si vamos a llegar a tiempo a la graduación.
Well, We Should Probably Get Going, Hmm?
Bueno, deberíamos ir yéndonos, ¿ no?
Pam, we should probably get going and see the damage.
Pam, deberíamos ir a ver los daños.
We should probably get going if we don't want to hit traffic.
Deberíamos ir yendo si queremos evitar el tráfico.
We should probably get going.
Deberíamos irnos.
- We should probably get going.
- Quizás deberíamos irnos.
We should probably get going...
Deberíamos irnos...
Well, uh, we wanted you two to be the first to know, and we should probably get going. Got a few more neighbors to shock.
Bueno, queríamos que fuesen las primeros en saberlo, y ahora deberíamos irnos a impresionar a unos cuantos vecinos más.
- We should probably get going.
Creo que debemos irnos.
You know, we should probably get going if we're gonna make that movie.
Está enferma, Wilhelmina. Se está muriendo.
We should probably get going.
Ya nos íbamos.
Right. Well, it is a six-hour procedure, so we should probably get going.
Es un procedimiento de seis horas, deberíamos irnos.
I hate to interrupt, but we should probably get going, we're gonna be late.
- Odio interrumpir, Pero nos tenemos que ir, o llegaremos tarde.
Well, uh, I hate to spoil the goodbye, but, uh, we should probably get going.
Lamento arruinar la despedida, pero deberíamos irnos.
We should probably get going, Riley.
Deberíamos irnos, Riley.
We should probably get going if we're gonna catch that 6 : 00 p. m. flight to JFK.
Deberíamos ir saliendo para tomar el vuelo de Ias 6 : 00 a JFK.
We should probably get going.
Creo que deberíamos irnos.
Well, we should probably get going.
Ya debemos irnos.
Well, we should probably get going So the kids have more time to play before they close.
Bueno, probablemente deberíamos irnos para que los chicos tengan más tiempo para jugar antes de que cierren.
irregardless, trista, we should probably get going.
A pesar de todo, Trista, deberíamos irnos.
Cool, but we should probably get going.
Genial, pero probablemente debemos ir yendo.
We should probably get going.
Provablemente deberíamos ir saliendo.
- No, we should probably get going.
- No, debemos irnos.
You should probably get changed, so we can get going.
Deberías cambiarte para que nos vayamos.
- so we probably should get going.
-... así que debemos irnos.
You know, we... we probably should get going.
Sabes,... probablemente deberiamos irnos.
We probably should get going.
Deberíamos seguir camino.
Hey, we should probably get going.
Hey, deberíamos irnos.
We should get going, probably.
Deberíamos irnos, probablemente.
- We should probably just get going. - Okay.
Un segundo.
Um, we should probably just get going. okay.
Probablemente... deberíamos irnos.
We should probably get going.
Mejor vamos yendo.
I think we should probably just get going.
Podría ser divertido pero creo que probablemente deberíamos irnos.

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