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We want it back traducir español

349 traducción paralela
- I'm afraid we want it back.
Y el Gobierno quiere recuperarlos.
It's our money, and we want it back.
Era dinero del Gobierno y debo recuperarlo.
We want it back.
Los queremos.
We want it back.
We want it back now.
Nosótros lo queremos de vuelta, ahora.
We want it back now you slimy little shit.
Pero nos lo vas a devolver ahora mismo, pedacito de mierda.
Dear Maria, I go with Dr. Johannes to attempt the north face because it leaves me no peace I want to prove that I can achieve something, too Don't be angry, we'll be back this evening and hopefully we'll stay alone after that.
Querida María, parto con el Dr. Johannes para intentar subir la cara norte porque no me la saco de la cabeza. Quiero probar que también puedo conseguir alguna hazaña. No te enfades, estaré de vuelta al atardecer y, con un poco de suerte después estaremos a solas.
Yeah, we want you to promise us you won't give it back.
Sí. Y queremos que te comprometas a no darnos ni un céntimo.
They want their money back. We can't afford it.
Quieren que les devuelva el dinero.
You didn't want to come back because you didn't wanna payoff. And when we did come back, it was to save your investment.
¡ Y volvimos para salvar tu inversión!
It's ice we want to clap on the back of his neck.
Necesitaríamos hielo.
We all sort of figured the Union troops might have to leave us... to fight in the war back east. But we didn't want to think about it.
Sabíamos que las tropas de la Unión podían tener que abandonarnos... para combatir en la guerra del este.
When you get back we can talk all you want, and it won't cost a...
Cuando vuelvas, hablaremos sin pagar ni...
Keep it bright. But seriously, Father, we've made a bad loan... and we want our money back.
Padre, en serio, hemos dado un mal préstamo... y queremos nuestro dinero.
Ah, but, Julia, you don't have to send them back. We want you to join the act. You mean it?
No hace falta, te queremos en el grupo.
We're liable for around $ 10,000 for what he stole. I want as much of it back as possible. Of course.
Somos responsables de 10.000 dólares y quiero recuperarlos lo antes posible.
I know you're angry very angry with me but don't be harsh I want to get back with you forgive for what has happened forget it and don't be spiteful if you think about it we all make mistakes.
Yo sé que estás enojada muy enojada conmigo pero no seas renegada quiero regresar contigo perdona lo que ha pasado olvida y no seas ingrata pos viéndolo bien mira'o todos metemos la pata.
Let each man take what he needs. We'll come back for more when we want it
Que cada uno coja lo que le haga falta.
We want to revive, we want beauty, we want to give back... Who could class such an enterprise as unproductive, when it has the support of all citizens?
Voluntad de renovación... voluntad de belleza... voluntad de reconstruir que es de nuestra estirpe.
- When we come back, I want it found!
- Cuando vuelva, quiero que haya aparecido.
Listen, if you want it as much as I do, we'll see each other again, but it's the normal thing for you to go back and find them.
Escuche, si lo desea tanto como yo, volveremos a vernos. Pero vaya con él, es normal.
Hookens and Pat Rogers want to get married. The scuttlebutt has it we're shipping out as soon as we get back.
Hookens y Pat Rogers quieren casarse antes de que embarquemos.
You want to go back and get it? - We'll look for it?
- ¿ Quiere volver a por él?
If we want to win it back, we'd better get on with the game.
Si queremos recuperarlo, habrá que seguir jugando.
Well, I didn't want to believe it either, but we picked up their trail today. They doubled back on their tracks right down the main road.
Yo también creía... pero aquelîa pista hoy... sañîa directo en la ruta principal.
You want to take a chance that this stock of yours will not be used against us in order to give it to the world, fine, we knew that and feel big, bold and generous and then there is a war, and it does come back and it kills us
Bien : lo hacemos, y nos sentimos fuertes, atrevidos y generosos. Luego hay una guerra y nos matan con eso.
You stay back in camp. And when we've got everything fixed up just the way we want it, then we'll bring you back, see how you feel about it.
Quédate en el campamento y cuando todo esté tal y como lo queremos, te traeremos a ver qué te parece.
I want you to come back in 10 days, we'll see if it's worth you visiting one of my colleagues.
¡ Ha hecho mucho calor últimamente! A pesar de ello, le ruego que vuelva a verme dentro de de diez días. Ya veremos si conviene que la visite un colega mío.
We want it all back.
Queremos todo eso de vuelta.
I want this building to stretch back just as far as it'll go, because I want to be able to fit in that 30 foot bar that we've got.
Tendrá que aprovechar todo el terreno hasta el fondo, para la parte nueva del saloon. Quiero construir dentro un mostrador lo más grande posible.
It's all we have to work with if we want to get back home.
Es todo lo que tenemos para regresar a casa.
Tom y yo vamos a dar un paseo y cuando volvamos... no quiero oír hablar más de la boda... porque ya está decidida.
I may want to come back and if we find you washing windows, it puts a damper on things.
Quizá quiera volver y si te encontramos limpiando las ventanas, nos aguará la fiesta.
All being well, we'll be in touch Then it will be up to you to decide if you want him back or not
Si todo va bien, les avisaremos y entonces decidirán si desean acogerle.
But they said, if we didn't want it, we could kick it down the back jigger.
Pero dijeron que si no lo queríamos, podíamos tirarlo al basurero.
So, if you want to make it back to your campsites, we'll try and get the food to you.
Si retornan a sus campamentos, les daremos de comer.
Just don't want a hothead looking to get even, coming back halfway through... saying, "It ain't enough,"'cause it's all we're gonna get.
No quiero a alguien impetuoso que quiera vengarse y que diga... que con eso no basta, porque es lo único que podemos hacer.
Some property of ours was stolen. We want him to get it back for us.
Nos robaron algo y queremos que lo encuentre.
We want to and we'll do it. We'll bring back the King who'll bring us our freedom!
Lo queremos y lo traeremos... al rey, al rey que nos traerá la libertad.
If we don't want it to come back to the'30s... and bloody Harlan... and all of this crowd - women and men - can get out on the picket line two or three times, we've got it made.
Si no queremos volver a los años 30... al sangriento condado... y si la gente... mujeres y hombres... sale de la línea de piquete dos o tres veces, volveremos.
He shouted, " Take back your thing! We don't want it!
Dijo : " ¡ No queremos su cosa!
We want to know if she'll make it to Mabula and back.
Queremos saber si irá y regresará.
We've been considering it for some time but we didn't want you in hospital thinking you didn't have a home to come back to.
lo estuvimos considerando por un tiempo pero no queríamos que estuvieras en el hospital pensando que no tenías un hogar al que volver.
Listen, why don't we decide who's gonna answer the door, and then that person can go and answer it, and find out who it is and who they want to see, come back in here and tell whoever it is that there's someone to see them.
Podemos votar para ver quién abre la puerta. Y a quien le toque, pues va y la abre y mira a ver quién es y por quién pregunta. Entonces, viene y le dice al interesado que preguntan por él.
They want it back. 96,000 bucks. Think they care what we gotta do to get it?
Quieren sus 96.000 dólares, No les importa de dónde los sacamos...
If you want me to help you get rid of these headaches, we must go back two months in time, back to where it all started.
Si quiere que yo le ayude a deshacerse de esas jaquecas, debemos retroceder dos meses en el tiempo, de regreso a dónde comenzó todo.
Pero tome nota, después volverá al tema.
Whether we want it or not, we always come back.
Si lo queremos o no, siempre volvemos.
We can put it back together if you want.
Si quiere, se la podemos volver a armar.
I understand you want to take Louis back to America, but we may have a negotiated peace this year, and I would welcome it.
Entiendo que quiera llevar a Louis de vuelta a América, Pero creo que podemos tener una negociación de paz este año, y podría ser bien recibida.
And that's the way it is in our family, if you want to commit suicide, we back you up.
¡ Y así somos en mi familia! ¡ Si quieres suicidarte, te apoyamos!

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