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Were you in love with her traducir español

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Were you in love with her?
¿ Estabas enamorado de ella?
- Were you in love with her?
- ¿ Estabas enamorado de ella?
- Were you in love with her?
¿ Estabas enamorado de ella?
Were you in love with her?
¿ Acaso está enamorado de ella?
Were you in love with her?
¿ Estaba enamorado de ella?
- Were you in love with her?
- ¿ Se enamoraron?
Were you in love with her?
¿ Estabas enamorado? Sí.
Were you in love with her?
¿ Pero usted la quería?
Were you in love with her?
¿ Estuviste enamorado de ella, al menos por un día?
Were you in love with her, Beast?
¿ Te enamoraste de ella, Bestia?
- You were in love with her!
- Usted estaba enamorado de ella!
You were too much in love with her.
Estabas tan enamorado de ella.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
I wish You were in love with her.
Me gustaría que estuvieras enamorado de ella.
You know, I'd fall in love with her if she were as old as you, for instance.
Sabes, me enamoraría de ella si tuviera tu edad, por ejemplo.
Were you in love with her?
¿ Se enamoró de ella?
You were in love with her, weren't you?
- Usted la quería, ¿ no es cierto?
I told Julia you bought this for Sheila and that you were in love with her.
Le dije a Julia que la compraste tú porque estabas loco por Sheila.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme que porque él vino y la vieron con él, conduciendo y todo eso piensan que ellos tenían razón al decir que estaba enamorada de él antes?
I know you were in love with her.
Sé que estuvo enamorado de ella.
As you once thought you were in love with her is no reason to go on lying about it. You must tell her.
Una vez creíste estar enamorado de ella, pero no es razón para seguir mintiendo, debes decírselo.
Would you tell me what it was about Rosemary's letters that made you think you were in love with her.
¿ podría decirme qué le hizo enamorarse de ella?
- Have you even told her - you were in love with her?
¿ Alguna vez le dijiste que estabas enamorado?
But you were in love with her, weren't you?
Pero estabas enamorado de ella, ¿ cierto?
You were in love with this woman, life is not of much interest to you any more, so you wanted to take the blame for these crimes, to erase the memory of her death.
Usted amaba a esa mujer, no siente mucho aprecio por la vida, de modo que quiso cargar con los crímenes y limpiar así la memoria de una muerta
Mr. Walters, if you were a judge and this man realized this young girl was unfortunately in love with him and agreed to help her get over him...
Sr. Walters, si fuera juez y viera que la jovencita se cree enamorada de ese hombre y que el cooperara para que ella...
Before I knew it, you were married to her. And you were in love with her.
Antes de darme cuenta te habías casado con ella y estabas enamorado.
You know, I didn't believe you when you told me you were in love with her.
No te creí cuando me dijiste que estabas enamorado de ella.
- I think you were in love with her.
- Creo que estabas enamorado de ella.
You were secretly in love with her.
Estaban secretamente enamorados de ella.
Were you... in love with her?
¿ Estabas... enamorado de ella?
If you were in love with her, what would you do?
Si fueras tu el que estuviera enamorado de ella, ¿ qué harías?
If you were in love with her, would you know you were in love with her?
Si estuvieras enamorado de ella, ¿ lo sabrías?
I always knew in my heart you were still in love with her.
Siempre supe en mi corazón que seguías enamorado de ella.
You were in love with her!
¡ Estabas enamorado de ella!
Because now I know you were in Lago Maggiore with her and a band played love music under your balcony.
Que estuviste en Lago Maggiore con ella y.. Una banda le tocó música romántica.. Debajo de su balcón
You were terribly in love with her.
Estabas muy enamorado de ella.
You were in love with her.
Te enamoraste de ella.
But you were in love with her.
Pero tú estabas enamorada de ella.
- Did you tell her you were in love with her?
- ¿ Le dijiste que estabas enamorado?
But I'm saying you always imagine some extra magic when you're looking at the outside portion of the female. But you really were in love with her? I mean, it lasted some time.
Encontrarían que en una relación entre hombres y mujeres me preocupaba más por las mujeres de lo que se preocupaban por mí.
She told you about the Bay City Rollers and you were in love with her until the following Wednesday.
Ella le habló sobre los Bay City Rollers y usted se enamoró de ella hasta el viernes siguiente.
The day Corinne and I got married, at the altar, you told me you were in love with her.
El día en que me casé con Corinne, me dijiste que estabas enamorado de ella.
I'm sorry, I know you were in love with her.
Lo siento. Sé que la amabas.
If you both take this potion and you were in love with her but she really never was in love with you, you will love her for the rest of your life, and she will hate you for the rest of hers.
Si los dos se la toman y tú la amas pero ella nunca te amó realmente tú la vas a amar el resto de tu vida y ella te va a odiar el resto de la suya.
In fact, you've done it since the very beginning... even when you were still in love with her.
Lo ha hecho desde el principio aún cuando estaba enamorado de ella.
- You were in love with her, weren't you?
- Ud. estaba enamorado de ella, ¿ verdad?
You were in love with her, weren't you?
Ud. estaba enamorado de ella, ¿ verdad?
- Were you really in love with her?
- ¿ Te enamoraste de ella en serio?
- That you were in love with her.
- ¿ Saber qué? - Que estabas enamorado de ella.
You said you were in love with her.
Se dijo que estaba enamorado de ella.

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