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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / Were you looking for me

Were you looking for me traducir español

668 traducción paralela
- Were you looking for me, Mabel?
- ¿ Me buscabas, Mabel?
Were you looking for me?
¿ Me buscabas?
Were you looking for me?
¿ Me buscaban?
- Were you looking for me?
- ¿ Me estaba buscando?
Were you looking for me?
¿ Me buscaba?
Were you looking for me or for Nene?
¿ Me buscabas a mí o a Nene?
- Were you looking for me?
- ¿ Me buscaba, diputado?
I... Were you looking for me?
Yo... ¿ Me estaba buscando?
Were you looking for me?
¿ Vienes conmigo?
Were you looking for me, Signore Mariotti?
¿ Me buscaba, señor Mariotti?
Were you looking for me?
Estaba buscando a mí?
- Were you looking for me?
- ¿ Me buscaba?
Were you looking around for me?
¿ Estuviste buscándome?
I'll take your word for it, Franz... provided... you can tell me... who the man was that you were looking for and that you found in that building.
Voy a tomarte la palabra... con una condición... puedes decirme... ¿ Quién era el hombre que buscaban y encontraron allí?
Oommissar, I think I know what those two were looking for. - Thank you!
¡ Me imagino lo que buscaban!
- You were looking for me?
¿ Buscándome?
This officer says you were looking for me, Mr. Chan.
Este agente dice que me estaba buscando, Sr. Chan.
Excuse me, were you looking for some girls?
Perdonen, ¿ estaban buscando chicas?
You boys were looking for me.
Me estabais buscando.
If I were looking for that type, Dr. Fleurot, I would long ago have adored you.
De estar buscando ese tipo, Dr. Fleurot, ya me habría enamorado de usted.
- You were looking for me?
- ¿ Me estabas buscando?
You certainly didn't hurry about looking me up. There were reasons for it.
No te has dado prisa en llamarme.
I heard you were looking for me... so I hurried to present myself.
Supe que me buscaba, y he venido enseguida.
You were looking for me?
¿ Me buscaba?
Excuse me, were you looking for someone?
- Interesado.
You didn't find what you were looking for, so why don't you let me go to bed?
Si no han encontrado lo que buscaban, Déjenme que me vaya a la cama.
Ideal for servants in a place like this. Were you looking for me, Ulysses?
¿ Me buscabas, Ulises?
I simply came to bring you what you were looking for so desperately in me :
Sólo vine para traerte lo que buscabas tan desesperadamente en mí :
- I thought you were looking for me.
- Pensaba que me buscabas
Viart, Bréget told me you were looking for a job.
Viart, Bréget me ha dicho que buscas trabajo.
They told me you were looking for extras for a film about Napoleon.
Me han dicho que buscaban extras para el film de Napoleón y aquí estoy.
You were looking for me?
- No, me han dicho que me buscaba.
I heard you were looking for me.
Oí que me estabas buscando.
Now, I heard they were looking for you, but I thought by now you would've skipped the country.
Me dijeron que te buscaban, pero creí que te habrías ido del país.
Now, you were looking for me?
Ahora, ¿ me buscaba?
My sister said you were looking for me.
Mi hermana me dijo que estabas buscándome.
But why were you so long looking for me?
¿ Pero por que me buscaste durante tanto tiempo?
You were looking for one of them, and I lost the other.
Me buscabas a uno, y yo pierdo al otro.
He said you were looking for someone.
Me dijo que estaba buscando a alguien.
Mr. Morel told me that you were looking for a secretary.
Sí. El señor Morel me dijo que estaba buscando un secretario.
I don't think you were really looking for me that night in my uncle's bedroom.
Creo que esa noche no me buscabas a mí en el cuarto de mi tío.
I know you were looking for me.
Sé que me han estado buscando.
After you had gone, the young ladies approached me - they were looking for him.
Después de irse usted las chicas vinieron, le estaban buscando.
Now tell me whom or what, you were you looking for?
Ahora dígame, ¿ a quién o qué está buscando?
That honest sweat you were looking for- - it'all used up.
El sudor honesto que estaba esperando... ya se gastó. No me quedó nada de líquido.
Why didn't you tell me you were looking for Broum?
¿ Por qué no me dijisteis que estabais buscando a Broum?
You were looking for me, right?
¿ Me estabas buscando, verdad?
If I just knew what you were looking for- -
Si me dijera lo que está buscando...
Because of me, you were running around without your clothes and Paul is out there in the streets with a cold, looking for a place to sleep.
Por mi culpa has estado por ahí sin ropa y Paul anda por la calle buscando un sitio para dormir. ¿ De quién es la culpa?
I've all these messages that say you were looking for me!
Recibí todos esos mensajes que decían que me estabas buscando.
Then what were you looking at me that way for?
Entonces ¿ por qué me mirabas así?

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