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What does that mean to you traducir español

161 traducción paralela
What does that mean to you?
¿ Qué opinas?
And what does that mean to you?
¿ Qué significa eso para usted?
Do good. - What does that mean to you?
Hacer el bien. - ¿ Qué es hacer el bien?
What does that mean to you?
¿ Qué piensas de eso?
What does that mean to you?
¿ Cómo lo ves? Vamos, Prince.
What does that mean to you guys?
¿ Qué significa eso, chicos?
What does that mean to you, sir?
¿ Qué quiere decir?
Christmas, what does that mean to you?
La Navidad, ¿ que significado le dabas?
What does that mean to you?
iQué quiere decir eso para ti?
"Feel me, feel me." Now what does that mean to you?
Siente, siente. " ¿ Qué es esto?
What does that mean to you?
Sí. ¿ Eso qué te dice?
What does that mean to you, John?
¿ Qué significa eso, John?
And what does that mean to you?
Que te dice eso a ti?
Very good. Now what does that mean to you?
Muy bien, ¿ Que significa eso para ti?
" hat's interesting. What does that mean to you?
" ¿ Qué significa para Vd.?
What does that mean to you?
¿ Qué significa eso para ti?
- Yeah, but what does that mean to you?
- Seh, ¿ pero qué significa para ti?
- And what does that mean to you? Well...
- ¿ Qué significa eso para ti?
What does that mean to you, barefoot, pregnant?
¿ Qué significa? ¿ Descalza, embarazada?
Well, that's good to know for future reference for other things that I might need to trust you with, but this is a secret. What does that mean to you?
Es bueno saberlo para futura referencia para otras cosas con las que podría necesitar tu confianza pero esto es un secreto.
- What does that mean to you?
- ¿ Qué te sugiere? - No debería hablar.
- What does that mean to you?
- ¿ Qué te sugiere?
What does that mean to you?
¿ Qué significa eso para tí?
And what does that mean to you?
¿ Y qué significa eso para ti?
All of us have had our say, and we come to the next question, that is "what does a union mean to you?".
Todos hemos dado nuestra opinión, y vamos a la siguiente cuestión : ¿ Qué implica la unión para ti?
You shall only BE yourself. What the heck does that mean really ; to be yourself?
Ser uno mismo. ¿ Qué diablos significa ser uno mismo?
What Gilles was doing this afternoon - does that mean nothing to you too?
¿ No te importa nada saber lo que hacía Gilles esta tarde?
What does that mean... maybe you're not going to Xerox it?
¿ Qué quieres decir... con que quizás no lo fotocopies?
What does she mean? You might as well know, Miles, that reviving you as we did was in strict opposition to government policy.
Será mejor que sepas, Miles, que revivirte tal y como lo hicimos va contra la política del gobierno.
- What does that mean? You're in no condition to travel alone. And with an animal that you don't know.
No está en condiciones para viajar sola y además con un animal al que no conoce.
You know, what has that got to... What does that mean?
¿ A qué te refieres?
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means we have been trying to get you for three days.
Que llevamos 3 días intentando comunicar con ustedes, cambio.
- What does that mean? - Does he look like a professional to you?
- ¿ A ti te parece un profesional?
What do you mean you had to go? What does that mean?
¿ que quieres decir con que tenias que ir?
Thornton, what does that poem mean to you?
¿ Qué significa ese poema para ti?
Mrs. Draper... what does all that mean to you?
Sra. Draper, ¿ qué significa todo esto para usted?
I did. What does that mean, you can't come to the club for a while?
Lo hice. ¿ Qué significa eso, que no puedes venir al club por un tiempo?
What does that passage mean to you?
¿ Qué significa eso para Ud.?
Now what does all that mean to you?
¿ Qué significa todo esto para ud.?
What does that mean wanting to know you?
¿ Qué significa que quiero conocerla?
- Holden, don't even try to come off... like you don't know what I'm sayin'. - What does that mean?
- ¿ Qué significa eso?
- Holden, don't even try to come off... like you don't know what I'm sayin'. - What does that mean?
¿ Qué quieres decir?
And what does that mean, you're on to something?
¿ Eso significa que tienes algo?
What does that young man mean to you?
- Se puede saber que es para ti ese joven.
What does it mean if you dream that your teeth are slowly receding back into your head and the world's leading experts are powerless to stop it?
¿ Qué significará que uno sueñe con que los dientes se te mueven hacia atrás y que los mejores especialistas no pueden impedirlo?
- What does that mean? - We wanna know you're committed to the football program.
Queremos saber que estás comprometido con el programa.
Does that mean no money to show for it, you mean, or what?
que quiere decir, que no tenia dinero para usted?
What the hell does that mean? That you're a threat to your baby.
¿ Qué diablos significa eso?
I don't know what that means. What does that mean, take it to your people? What, you can't close the deal?
La fiscalía demostrará que el acusado no solo cometió brutales agresiones físicas contra tres individuos, sino que mientras lo hacía, cometió un segundo crimen contra un grupo.
And even if she does mean something, you're still an ass and what's really sad, Nathan, is that you're too stupid to get that.
Y si significa algo, sigues siendo un imbécil. Y lo triste, Nathan, es que eres demasiado tonto para entenderlo.
I mean, you gotta consider what that shit does to the community.
Piensa en el mal que hace a la comunidad.

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