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What were you trying to do traducir español

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What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué intentabas hacer?
What were you trying to do, wreck the boat?
¿ y qué querías, hacer naufragar el barco?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué diablos de enredo se inventó?
What were you trying to do tonight?
¿ Qué intentabas hacer esta noche?
What were you trying to do out there just now, mow us down?
¿ Qué tratabas de hacer? ¿ Afeitarnos las piernas?
What were you trying to do out there, kill yourself?
Qué estaba probando hacer allí, matarse?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué trató de hacer?
What were you trying to do?
Sé como van las cosas.
What were you trying to do here, strangle it?
¿ Qué intentabas hacer aquí, estrangularla?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué intentaba hacer?
What were you trying to do anyway?
¿ Qué tratabas de hacer?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué iba a hacer?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué estabas tratando de hacer?
What were you trying to do, set me up?
¿ Que estás tratando de hacer?
HAMMOND : What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué intentaba hacer?
What were you trying to do, Damien?
¿ Qué pretendía, Damien?
- What were you trying to do?
- ¿ Qué pretendía?
what were you trying to do, seduce him into a deal?
¿ Qué tratabas de hacer? ¿ Seducirlo para llegar a un trato?
Ross shut up you bastard... what were you trying to do with my daughter?
Cállate bastardo... ¿ Qué intentabas hacerle a mi hija?
- What were you trying to do?
- ¿ Qué crees que has hecho?
Sibyl. What were you trying to do out on that stage? Honey, listen.
Sibyl, ¿ qué has intentado hacer durante el número?
- What were you trying to do?
-? Se puede saber qué intentas?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué querías hacer?
What a jerk you are. What Were you trying to do, scare me?
Qué idiota eres. ¿ Qué estabas intentando?
What were you trying to do?
- ¿ Qué intentaba hacer?
- What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué intentabas hacer?
What were you trying to do?
¿ Qué estaba tratando de hacer?
And what were you trying to do?
¿ Y qué tratabas de hacer tú?
What were you trying to do, anyway?
¿ Qué pretendías?
Oh, I know what you were trying to do. Save little Willie's career from the bad, bad woman.
Intentas salvar la carrera del pobre chico ante una mala mujer.
You'll die with us if we do. I thought they were trying to take something away from me, but they werert, were they? We know that's not what you wanted.
Tú también, sabemos que no era tu intención.
Well, is that what you were trying to do for me?
¿ Eso era lo que tratabas de hacer para mí?
What you can do is admit that those men were not trying to escape.
Pero lo que sí puede hacer... es admitir que no fue un intento de fuga.
¿ Qué estaba intentando hacer?
Do you remember what you were trying to do, Ted?
¿ Recuerdas lo que intentaste hacer?
I know what you were trying to do.
Sé lo que querías hacer.
Just exactly... what were you guys trying to do?
¡ ¿ Que querían... hacer exactamente esos tipos?
You know what those monks were trying to do to us last night?
¿ Sabes qué querían hacernos esos monjes?
He knew what you were trying to do.
Lo sabía perfectamente.
Oh, that's what you were trying to do.
Oh, eso es lo que estás tratando de hacer.
- What the hell were you trying to do?
- ¿ Qué diablos intentaba hacer?
What the hell were you guys really trying to do back there?
¿ Qué es lo que intentaban hacer en el museo?
Well, I mean, what if... what you were trying to do... on some subconscious level... was to try and get your parents to notice you again?
Pues, digo, ¿ qué tal si lo que intentabas hacer en un nivel subconsciente era hacer que tus padres volvieran a fijarse en ti?
If they knew what you were trying to do to him, they...
Si supieran lo que tratabas de hacerle, ellos- -
What would you do if you were the planet trying to defend against this pesky, troublesome species?
Que harían ustedes si fueran el planeta... tratando de defenderse contra esta peste...
I know what you were trying to do for me and I love you for it.
Sé lo que estás intentando hacer por mí y te amo por eso.
- I know what you were trying to do.
- Sé lo que querías hacer.
Dead because you listened to a bunch of mutinous cowards who were too blinded by fear to see what I was trying to do.
Muerto por haber escuchado a unos cobardes cegados por el miedo.
What did you think you were trying to do?
¿ Qué tratas de hacer?
What the hell were you trying to do?
¿ Qué diablos intentabas hacer?
What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important.
Solo querías sentirte más importante.

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