Whatever you're going through traducir español
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Whatever it is, you're not going through with it... because i'm taking the bull by the horns and spitting in both his eyes.
Sea lo que sea, no lo llevarás a cabo... porque agarraré al toro por los cuernos y le escupiré en los dos ojos.
Whatever you're going through Mom and I have probably gone through it.
Sea lo que sea, mamá y yo habremos pasado por ello.
Whatever you're going through, you're not an animal.
Por muy mal que lo pases, no eres un animal.
I'm sorry for whatever personal turmoil you're going through, son.
Siento que estés confuso o lo que sea.
Whatever you're going through, Morph, I've been there.
Por lo que sea que estás pasando, Morph, yo lo pasé.
Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through but whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.
No sé lo que está pasando, pero no merece la pena morir por ello.
Being with them will make whatever you're going through feel like nothing.
La agonía de estar con ellos hará que esto parezca poca cosa.
Whatever phase you're going through, embrace it.Because at least it's interesting.
Sea lo que sea, acéptalo, es interesante.
Trust me, whatever you're going through is not half as bad as what I'm facing.
Créeme, lo que sea que te está pasando no es ni la mitad de malo que mi apuro.
Whatever his connection is to the dig, You're just going to have to bluff your way through long enough to let me poke around a little.
Sea cual sea su relación con la excavación, tendrás que hacerte pasar por él... lo suficiente como para que pueda echar un vistazo.
Maybe this is responsible for whatever you're going through
Tal vez esto sea responsable de lo que estás pasando
Being with them will make whatever you're going through feel like nothing.
La agonía de estar con ellos va a hacer que lo que estas parezca nada.
In spite of whatever problems you're going through, it's important that you and me and Sam are able to trust each other and we're on the same side.
Independientemente de los problemas que tengan, es importante que tú, yo y Sam... confiemos en los demás y estemos todos del mismo lado.
tyr, whatever you're going through, fight through it.
Tyr, lo que te está pasando, lucha con ello.
Okay, look, Miles, whatever you're going through, whatever is...
Oye, mira, Miles sea lo que sea lo que te esté pasando, lo que sea...
Whatever you're going through, I hope you don't blame me.
No sé por lo que estás pasando, pero espero que no me culpes a mí.
Which means whatever it is fell through... or you know I'm not going to like it so you're proceeding without me.
Lo cual significa que sea lo que sea, falló. O sabes que no me gustará, por lo tanto procedes sin mí.
I'm sorry, but whatever it is you're going through, you'll have to figure it out alone.
Lo siento, pero sea lo que sea, tendrás que arreglártelas tú solo.
Listen, Nathan, whatever you're going through, I'm sorry about your dad.
Escucha, Nathan, por cualquier cosa que estes pasando, siento lo de tu papa.
Look, whatever it is, whatever you're going through, it'll pass.
No sé qué te pasa, pero lo superarás.
Just... whatever you're going through, I have the feeling I've been there too.
Lo que sea que te haya pasado, tengo la sensación de que yo también lo viví.
Whatever you're going through, killing yourself is not the answer!
¡ No importa qué te esté pasando, el suicidio no es la respuesta!
Whatever you're going through, just let it happen.
Sin importar lo que esté pasando, deje que suceda.
Well with all the stuff you're going through, I guess something like that could be hard. Whatever.
Con todos los problemas que tienes, no debe de haber sido fácil para ti.
And then, when you're through with that, you're going to go to school, where you're going to apply your natural inquisitiveness to whatever is happening in that classroom.
Y entonces, cuando hayas terminado con eso, vas a ir a la escuela donde vas a aplicar tu inquisidad natural a lo que sea que esté pasando en ese salón.
Whatever you need, because I know what you're going through.
Para lo que necesites, porque sé por lo que estás pasando.
Whatever you're going through, we can help.
Sea lo que sea, podemos ayudarte.
We just want to say How sorry we are For what You're going through, But we're here To do whatever we can
Sólo queremos decir que lamentamos por lo que están pasando pero estamos aquí para hacer todo lo que podamos para traer a Michael a casa.
Whatever you're going through I want to be there for you.
Sea lo que sea que estés atravesando quiero estar allí para ti.
So if I get information through torture I have no way to verify anything because, well, I would just assume that you're going to tell me whatever the hell you want so the pain stops.
Si conseguimos la información con tortura no puedo verificar nada, porque supongo que me dirías cualquier cosa para parar el dolor.
If you're going all the way to Chicago, through Birmingham, whatever...
Si van hasta Chicago, pasando por Birmingham...
Sweetie, you know whatever it is that you're going through, you -
Cariño, lo que sea que te esté pasando...
What I should've said was, I feel terrible you're going through this. But I'm here for you, whatever you need.
Lo que debería haber dicho es que estoy muy mal por lo que te pasa pero que estoy contigo para lo que necesites.
Whatever you're going through is... an identity crisis.
Cualquier cosa por la que vayas a pasar... una crisis de identidad.
Oh, man, you're going to break his... Whatever it is that pumps that black sludge through his veins.
Vas a romper su lo que sea que bombea a ese fango negro por sus venas.
I understand what you're going through, whatever the circumstances.
Entiendo lo que usted está pasando, cuales sean las circunstancias.
As a director or whatever role you're playing in the crew there's certain times when you really have to be sensitive to what your actors are going through emotionally.
Como director o en el papel que tengas en el equipo hay momentos en que debes sentir por qué están pasando los actores emocionalmente.
I know you're going through a really scary time right now, but I feel like I don't know how to be around you anymore, and I know you're not really spiritual or whatever, but I feel like you're closing yourself to a world
Sé que estás viviendo algo atemorizador... pero siento que ya no sé cómo convivir contigo. Y sé que no eres muy espiritual o lo que sea... pero siento que te aíslas... de un mundo de experiencias que podrían sorprenderte.
Whatever it is, whatever you're going through,
Sea lo que sea, lo que estas pasando,
Nate, whatever you're going through, this isn't gonna fix it.
Nate, lo que sea que esté pasando, esto no va a arreglarlo.
Whatever it is you're going Through. And if I cannot, I am very, very
Y si no puedo, lo siento mucho.
To do to cope with Whatever you're going through! You do it.
Haz lo que sea necesario para ayudar en lo que está ocurriendo.
Listen, buddy, when I'm through with you, you can do whatever you want with your life, but until then you're mine. Just tell me what's going on, please.
Escucha, amigo, cuando haya terminado contigo, puedes hacer con tu vida lo que te de la gana, pero hasta entonces, eres mio.
Allison... whatever you're going through, it's affecting our chances of convicting Amenabar.
Allison... por lo que sea que estés pasando, está afectando a nuestras posibilidades de encarcelar a Amenabar.
So you're going to have to work through whatever hurt feelings you have and provide us with some information.
Así que tendrás que manejar todos los sentimientos de rencor que tengas y ayudarnos con alguna información.
So whatever it is you're on or going through, drop the fucker and get your arse out there and see to your daughter!
¡ Así que cualquiera por la que estés pasando, supéralo y trae tu trasero aquí afuera y cuida a tu hija!
So... You need someone to talk to about whatever it is you're going through.
Así que... necesitas a alguien con quien hablar sobre lo que sea por lo que estés pasando.
Figure out a way to deal with whatever the hell it is you're going through before you mess your shit up for good.
Resuelve cómo lidiar con lo que diablos sea que te está pasando antes que arruines todo para siempre.
Look, I know you and Detective Barber were friends, and I know this thing with you and Andy's gotta be tough, but whatever you're going through, you need to deal with it, soon.
Mira, sé que tú y el Detective Barber eran amigos, y se que esta cosa entre Andy y tu debe ser dificil pero lo que sea por lo que estes pasando, tienes que lidiar con ello, pronto.
Don't use whatever your mother is going through as your excuse to do what you're doing.
No uses lo que sea que le está pasando a tu madre como excusa para hacer lo que estás haciendo.
Yeah, so whatever you're going through, you know, you'll... You'll get through it, right?
Sí, así que por lo que quiera que estes pasando, ya sabes, tú, lo superarás, ¿ verdad?
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whatever helps you sleep at night 20
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