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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / Whether you like it or not

Whether you like it or not traducir español

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But she's getting to the age where she's learning things whether you like it or not.
Pero está ya en edad de aprender cosas, lo quieras o no.
Now whether you like it or not, I'm gonna tell you about Florida real estate.
Ahora, le guste o no, voy a decirle acerca de las bienes raíces en Florida.
Well, we're going in with Dan whether you like it or not. This is business.
Haremos equipo con Dan, te guste o no.
Yank you all up to headquarters whether you like it or not.
Les traeré a la comisaría quieran o no.
Fair gentlemen, number five takes off whether you like it or not.
Caballeros, el número 5 despegará, les guste o no.
I've brought this girl all the way from Germany... and the marriage will take place whether you like it or not.
La he traído desde Alemania y la boda se celebrará te guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, I intend to help, and at any cost.
Te guste o no, voy a ayudarte, cueste lo que cueste.
Whether you like it or not.
Te guste o no.
I'm going after him whether you like it or not.
Iré tras él, le guste o no.
I'm going on this vacation whether you like it or not!
¡ Me voy de vacaciones tanto si le gusta como si no!
Thank goodness I don't have to worry whether you like it or not.
Gracias al cielo que no tengo que preocuparme... de si te gustan o no.
Steve, you're going to put in my system whether you like it or not.
Steve, vas a instalar mi sistema te guste o no.
They control your destiny, whether you like it or not.
Controlan tu destino, te guste o no.
We'll make a clean breast of things, whether you like it or not!
Aclararemos las cosas, te guste o no.
I don't care whether you like it or not.
Me da igual que te guste o no.
And whether you like it or not, I'm going to marry her.
Quiera usted o no, me casaré con ella.
That's the only way, whether you like it or not!
Es la única manera, te guste o no.
But, if and when I do, I shall not care whether you like it or not.
Pero, si llegara a hacerlo, no me importará si le agrada o no.
It looks like I'm gonna walk back to town with you whether you like it or not.
Parece que caminaré de regreso a la ciudad con usted, le guste o no.
I didn't say that. Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna stick around and see.
No he dicho eso, pero echaré una ojeada por si acaso.
Whether you like it or not.
Lo quieras o no.
We're going to save this cargo for you, boys... whether you like it or not.
Salvaremos este cargamento para Uds., muchachos... les guste o no.
I'm giving you advice whether you like it or not.
- Voy a darte un consejo, lo quieras o no.
You're in this up to your necks. Whether you like it or not.
Estás metida en esto hasta el cuello, te guste o no.
- Would you rather we stopped? - Bill, you invited me to dance, and you're going to see it through whether you like it or not.
- Bill, me invitaste a bailar y bailaremos te guste o no.
Clarence, I'm going to tell her whether you like it or not.
Clarence, voy a decírselo te guste o no.
Oh, but it is, whether you like it or not.
Oh, pero así es te guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, you're going to take a vacation.
Quieras o no te vas de vacaciones.
Whether you like it or not, we're givin''em their full share.
Les guste o no, les daremos su parte.
You're in this now whether you like it or not.
Ya estás metido en esto, te guste o no.
I'm nearly pointing out that you've acquired a new partner in this little intrigue, whether you like it or not.
Le recuerdo que tiene un nuevo socio en este pequeño enigma, quieran o no.
I got some good news for you. My trunks have to be sent back here whether you like it or not.
Enviaron mis baúles para acá, le guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, we're in this thing together.
Te guste o no, estamos juntos en esto.
We're outlaws together, whether you like it or not.
Te guste o no, todos somos proscritos.
Riding double-harness whether you like it or not.
Cabalgamos juntos, lo quieras o no.
Whether you like it or not, you're better off.
Ya sea que te guste o no, es lo mejor para ti.
You're tied to the circus, and whether you like it or not, you're tied to me.
Estás atado al circo, y te guste o no, estás atado a mí.
That's why I'm cutting myself in whether you like it or not.
Por eso tomaré mi parte, les guste o no.
Yes, my boy, whether you like it or not I'm taking you into my own hands.
Sí, chaval, quieras o no, voy a ocuparme de ti.
Whether you like it or not, I'm taking these two downstairs.
Os guste o no, voy a llevar a estos dos abajo.
You're stuck here, Father O'Shea, whether you like it or not.
Está atrapado aquí, padre O ´ Shea, le guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, you have a problem.
Le guste o no, tiene un problema.
Look, whether you like it or not, this sorry old bucket does a necessary job.
Mire, le guste o no, este viejo balde cumple con una tarea necesaria.
- I don't know whether you'll like it or not.
- No sé si te gustará o no. - Escucha, chica.
But whether you like it or not..
, hay algo de eso, pero, tanto si quiere como si no, usted viene a ser una especie de..
It doesn't matter to me whether you come back or not. Now, listen, don't act like that.
Me da lo mismo que vuelva o no.
But now I'm gonna marry him whether you like it or not.
Pero ahora me casaré, tanto si te gusta como si no.
I have to talk business with you, whether I like it or not.
De todos modos tengo que hablar de negocios con Ud., me guste o no.
Tell me, when you refuse me your loyalty because I am a Norman... have you not considered that I have no choice in the same matter... that I must be king for Norman and Saxon alike... whether I like it or not?
Dime cuando me negaste tu lealtad porque soy normando ¿ no se te ocurrió pensar que no tengo opción? ¿ Que debo ser el rey de los normandos y de los sajones, me guste o no?
You have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in, and you don't know whether or not you like it.
Te sientes atrapado, encerrado, y no sabes si te gusta.
Looks like you're in it, Steve, whether you want in or not.
Parece que estás dentro Steve, lo quieras o no.

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