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Who do you think did it traducir español

76 traducción paralela
- Who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién crees que lo hizo?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién crees que lo hizo?
- Gee, Mr. Moto, who do you think did it?
- Sr. Moto, ¿ quién cree que lo hizo?
¿ Tú quién crees Henry?
Who do you think did it, Chief?
¿ Quién cree que lo hizo, jefe?
Inspector, who do you think did it this time?
Según su opinión, ¿ quién pudo haber sido, Inspector?
- Who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién crees que fue?
Who do you think did it?
- Todo. ¿ Quién crees que lo hizo?
- Who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién cree que lo hizo?
- So, who do you think did it?
- Entonces, ¿ quién crees que lo hizo?
Gale, hi. So who do you think did it?
Gale, hola. ¿ Quién crees -
so who do you think did it?
Entonces, quien piensas que lo hizo?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién habrá sido?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién crees que fue?
SANDRA : Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién piensa que lo hizo?
Who do you think did it, Mother?
¿ Quién crees que lo hizo, mamá?
Who do you think did it? Are you kidding?
- ¿ Quién crees que hizo eso?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién hizo esto?
- So who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién crees que lo hizo?
If we're throwing due process out the window, who do you think did it?
¿ Qué tal si tiramos por la ventana todo el proceso? ¿ quién crees que lo hizo?
I'm sorry. Who do you think did it?
Disculpe, ¿ quién cree que lo hizo?
I mean, who do you think did it, John, if it wasn't you?
¿ Quién crees que lo hizo, John, si no fuiste tú?
Well, then who do you think did it?
Bien, ¿ entonces quien crees que lo hizo?
Well, who do you think did it?
Bien, ¿ quién piensas que lo hizo?
Who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién crees que lo hizo?
So, who do you think did it?
¿ Quien piensas que hizo esto?
Uh, who do you think did it?
Eh... ¿ quién crees que lo hizo?
OK, who do you think did it?
Está bien, quién crees que lo hizo?
Who do you think did it?
- ¿ Quién crees que lo hizo? - Bárbara.
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién crees que lo hizo, entonces?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién cree que lo hizo?
You say you don't know who did it, but who do you think?
No lo sabes, pero, ¿ quién crees que ha sido?
- Who do you think did build it, Max?
- ¿ Quién crees que lo construyó, Max?
Who do you think I did it for?
¿ Por quién creéis que lo hice?
Did you really think that I would believe this shambles is the work of professional builders? People who do it for a living?
¿ Pensabas que creería que esta chapuza la han hecho profesionales?
- Who do you think did it?
- No lo sé.
Why do you think the Transport Secretary isn抰 doling it? Why did he suggest the Lord Privy Seal? Why did the Lord Privy Seal suggest the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, who suggested the President of the Council?
Por eso no lo hace el ministro de Transportes, y se lo encargó al lord mayor del reino, y este se lo encargó al canciller del ducado de Lancaster, que se lo encargó al presidente del Consejo.
Do you think I should tell Mr. Van Rees who did it?
¿ Crees que debo decirle quién ha sido?
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Y me preguntaba si algo Dios no quiera, le pasara a mi sobrino Wyatt...
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién crees que me lo ha hecho?
Who do you think did it?
¿ Quién cree Ud. que fue?
Do you think they'll find the man who did it?
¿ Crees que encontraran al hombre que lo hizo?
The surgeon who did agree to do it, did a pretty good job, don't you think?
El cirujano que sí aceptó arreglármela hizo un buen trabajo, ¿ no?
Why do you think he did it, sir? Who knows?
¿ Por qué cree que lo hizo?
Now, if Kristina and Sarah did mix it up, who do you think wins that fight?
Ahora, si Kristina y Sarah realmente se pelearan, ¿ Quién crees que ganaría esa pelea?
Director, who... do you think did it?
Director, ¿ quién... crees que lo hizo?
Do you think you'll find out who did it?
- ¿ Crees que averiguaréis quien lo hizo?
Hands up those that think you could do... who could be in the top ten if you did it.
Manos arriba aquellos que piensen que lo podías haber hecho, que podías estar en top 10 si lo hubieras hecho.
Do you think it was you who did this?
¿ Crees que tú me has hecho esto?
Do you think it's fair that the guy who did that to her is running around free?
¿ Tú crees que es justo que el tipo que le hizo eso esté libre por ahí?
the people at the shop do they think that it was you who did it?
Disculpe, la gente en la tienda... ¿ piensan que usted lo hizo?

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