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Wiping traducir español

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Bueno, yo hice la "limpieza"
I was just wiping the sweat off my face.
Estaba secándome el sudor de la frente.
Wiping it off!
¡ Me seco!
¡ y no volveré a limpiarle la cara de huevo!
You ain't wiping'it off.
No te lo estás quitando.
At 7 : 00, when it was all over, I came out of hiding to find myself face-to-face with the exhausted doctor, who was wiping his brow.
Cuando todo terminó, salí de mi escondite... y me tope, cara a cara, con el extenuado doctor.
And wiping his feet.
¡ Y de limpiarse los pies!
Wiping it up at her age.
Limpiando a su edad.
By wiping out something that will take me from you one day.
Erradicando algo... que un día me separará de ti.
I'm wiping that off in paragraph three.
Eso lo arreglo en el tercer párrafo.
- We didn't play anymore, Jean. - We... We were just wiping out my loss.
No hemos jugado más, Jean sólo estábamos eliminando pérdidas.
Well, that's a chance I gotta take. Now, remember, when i start wiping,
Es un riesgo que debo correr.
Before the invasion Was 30 minutes old, the planes of the Luftwafe..... Were over Poland, Wiping out the Polish Air Force..... most of it caught flat-footed on the ground.
El centro de la Invasión ya avanzara durante 30 minutos... y los aviones de la Luftwaffe volaban sobre Polonla... barrlendo la fuerza aérea polonesa, la cual, en su mayor parte... rolaba como piedras al suelo.
For the Nazi master race theory calls for the complete Wiping out of the..... so-called inferior races.
La superior raza nazlsta era recordada que ellos eran parte de la Ilamada... raza Inferlor a ser exterminada.
There are some white men that need wiping out.
Hay algunos hombres blancos a los que hay que eliminar.
Nicodemus, take the folks baggage, and get it down there afore we shove off, or by juppy, off comes your bosun's ratin'and back ta wiping'ya go!
Nicodemus, lleva el equipaje de los muchachos. Llévalo abajo y ve a afeitarte y lavarte. ¡ Y deja de sudar!
Well, cap'n, I ain't never stop wiping'. I just wipes,'n...
No puedo dejar de transpirar.
I hopes when they get him where he's goin', they don't put him to no wiping'.
Espero que cuando llegue a donde tenga que ir, no lo persigan con el sudor.
I can see him now, wiping the blood from those ugly great hands of his.
Puedo verlo quitándose la sangre de esas manazas.
I'm wiping it off the books.
Los borraré de la libreta.
You were outside wiping off the car. I was ironing in the kitchen.
Tú estabas fuera lavando el coche y yo planchando en la cocina.
They ´ re wiping my name off.
Están quitando mi nombre.
I'm wiping the slate clean.
Empezaré otra página.
- I'm wiping my face.
Me limpio la cara.
Nothing to stop me from wiping you all out!
Nada me impide mataros.
The kid was flying with one hand and holding back Mac with the other... wiping blood off the windshield so he could see.
Volaba con una mano e intentaba quitarle los controles con otra mientras limpiaba la sangre helada del parabrisas.
I don't know anything about theodolites or slide rules, and I don't know what I'm doing here, wiping noses for a bunch of jokers like you.
Desde luego no sé nada de satélites ni reglas de cálculo Y no sé que hago aquí limpiándole los mocos a unos niñatos, pero hay algo que sí he aprendido.
I announced myself to keep them from wiping out cities, which will give our people much amusement.
Me presenté ante ellos para evitar que arrasasen las ciudades donde los nuestros podrían divertirse.
They slash across country, wiping out everything that's trying to evade them.
Así dominan todo el país, eliminando a su paso a quienes se interpongan.
And now you are doing the one thing he was terrified of, you're wiping it out!
Y ahora tú haces la cosa que él más temía : ¡ estás acabando con ella!
The referee is wiping his gloves off, holding McCoy away as he does so.
El arbitro le limpia los guantes, mientras mantiene alejado a McCoy.
I ain't the only one heard what you said about choosing the battlefield, and we don't want Dade marching into town with his gun army and wiping us out!
No soy el único que oyó lo que dijo sobre el campo de batalla, ¡ no queremos que Dade venga al pueblo con su ejército y acabe con nosotros!
That's bad business, wiping out the paying customers.
No es buen negocio liquidar a los clientes.
Send swiftly and in secret to your clans to mobilize, and join with me in wiping out the Tartars and the Merkits.
Ordena a tus clanes que avancen rápido y en secreto... y únete a mí para eliminar a los tártaros y a los merkitas.
Wiping the dust.
Limpio el polvo.
They never see you cleaning the grease out of the sink or wiping out of the oven the beef gravy or apple juice that sizzles over the dish onto your grill.
Nunca las ven limpiar la grasa de la pileta o rasquetear del horno grasa de carne, o jugo de manzana... -... que salta del plato a la parrilla.
Atomic, hydrogen weapons, capable of wiping cities, countries off the face of the Earth, are completely ineffective against this creature from the skies.
Armas atómicas y de hidrógeno, capaces de barrer ciudades, y paises enteros de la faz de La Tierra, son completamente inefectivas contra esta criatura en los cielos.
You did a good job, Mrs. Hawthorne... wiping out every trace of Paul in his own home.
Hizo un buen trabajo. Borró todo rastro de Paul en su propia casa.
Wiping your plate?
¿ Y ahora te pones a rebañar el plato?
Thanks to the shogunate's ruthless policy of wiping out the provincial lords, countless samurai lost their masters and were cast out to wander the depths of hell.
La política cruel del Shogunato de acabar con los Señores de provincia ¡ trae la ruina a miles de inocentes!
You can keep on wiping their noses just so long... and pretty soon somebody's gonna come right out and tell Mommy and Poppy to buzz off.
Supongo. Puedes seguir limpiándoles la nariz... pero muy pronto vendrá alguien a decirles a mamá y papá que se larguen.
Thanks for wiping my windshield.
Gracias por limpiar mi parabrisas
Wiping the neighborhood with my name like a dirty rag!
Paseas por el vecindario mi nombre, como un trapo sucio! Quiero mi nombre, Marco
There's no need for this plebeian business of wiping his forehead. We've got servants at home to do that.
¡ Tenemos un montón de empleadas para eso!
I was wiping'the tomatoes off. - I'll take care of it.
- Estaba quitándote el tomate.
The idea was to deter Russia from wiping out Washington and yourself.
La idea era disuadir a Rusia de que se cargara a Washington y a Ud.
But she kept wiping, wiping, wiping until she had convulsions again.
Pero siguió fregando, fregando y fregando, hasta que de nuevo sufrió convulsiones.
You've got some wiping to do - that tape's still running.
Te toca borrar, la cinta sigue en marcha.
But with PresidentJohnson wiping out poverty, a bum like you has got no place to go.
Pero como el presidenteJohnson acabará con la pobreza... un vago como tú ya no tendrá adónde ir.
Obviously, she hasn't stopped wiping his nose since and speaks to him as no customer would ever dare.
Desde luego, ningún cliente se atrevería a tanto. "
Now start to wiping your face.
Ahora, empieza a limpiarte la cara.

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