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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / Would you like to go

Would you like to go traducir español

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Would you like to go for a ride after the tea?
¿ quisieras dar una vuelta después del té?
Dupree. How would you like to go fishing with me in my boat?
Dupree, ¿ te gustaría salir a pescar conmigo?
Would you like to go back to Madrid?
Would you like to go back to Madrid?
Would you like to go out with me? Oops!
¿ Quieres salir conmigo? " ¡ Ay!
How would you like to go on a field trip?
¿ Le gustaría una pequeña excursión?
Would you like to go home, kids?
¿ Les gustaria regresar a casa, niños?
Would you like to go down to the police department and have a look at a book with some men's faces in it?
Quieres venir a la comisaría, Y echarle un vistazo a un libro con caras de hombres?
Izzie, would you like to go out with me tonight on a date?
Izzie, ¿ te gustaría salir conmigo esta noche? En una cita.
"Would you like to go for dinner with me?"
"¿ Te gustaría salir a cenar conmigo?"
Where would you like to go?
¿ Dónde te gustaría ir?
- Would you like to go through?
- ¿ Le gustaría pasar?
Would you like to go to the dance with me this weekend?
¿ Quieres ir al baile conmigo esta semana?
I mean, uh, would you like to go out to dinner tomorrow night?
¿ Te gustaría salir a cenar mañana por la noche?
Well, beautiful, would you like to go somewhere else?
Bombón, ¿ te parece si nos vamos a otro lugar?
Would you like to go to jail - - in South America?
¿ Le gustaría ir a prisión, en Sudamérica?
Would you like to go swimming?
Te gustaria ir a nadar?
So, would you like to go out with me sometime?
¿ Te gustaría salir conmigo uno de estos días?
Would you like to go out on our first date?
Te gustaría salir en nuestra primera cita?
Eric, how would you like to go with me to see Madame Butterfly Friday night?
Eric, ¿ qué te parecería ir conmigo a ver Madame Butterfly el viernes en la noche?
Would you like to go out sometime?
- Vete Sarah.
Would you like to go to the movies with me?
¿ Te gustaría ir a ver una película conmigo?
I told Maria, I said, "Would you like to go to the States?"
Le dije a María : "¿ Te gustaría venir a Estados Unidos?"
How much bigger would you like to go?
¿ A qué tamaño le gustaría llegar?
Maybe we should go... Someplace for dinner, first. Where would you like to go?
Tal vez deberíamos cenar antes en algun lugar. ¿ Dónde te gustaría ir?
Your turn Katara.Where would you like to go on your mini-vacation?
- Tu turno Katara, adonde te gustaría ir en tus mini vacaciones
- [turns off music] - Would you like to go next month?
¿ Te gustaría ir el próximo mes?
So, meredith, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?
¿ Meredith... Te gustaría salir a cenar conmigo esta noche?
How would you like to go to the zoo?
¿ No te gustaría ir al zoológico? Quiero ir otra vez a la iglesia.
Now, these ladies would like you to go and show them... which rack you got your outfit from.
Estas señoritas quieren que les enseñes dónde encontraste tu vestido.
Where would you like to go now?
¿ A dónde te gustaría ir ahora?
So, how would you and your boys like to go get your L.T.?
¿ A Ud. y a sus muchachos les gustaría ir por su teniente?
I'll be happy to escort you anywhere you would like to go.
Estaré feliz de escoltarte a cualquier lugar que quieras.
I still don't go. That's my boy. Mom, Dad, I would like to invite you to a garage-warming.
"Reduzca la llama, remueva de la cacerola, suavemente con amor, y en rebanadas delgadas tendrá paz para todos".
I mean... if you're not busy, or anything... if you would like to go to...
O sea si no estás ocupada, si te gustaría ir a...
But I imagine you would all like to settle into your rooms and rest before we go?
Pero supongo que antes querrán ir a sus habitaciones y descansar un poco, no?
How would you like... to go bowling on Sunday?
¿ Te gustaría ir el domingo a jugar bowling?
I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?
Me preguntaba si te gustaría que saliéramos algún día.
i ask because i was wondering if you would like to go out with me.
Pregunto porque me preguntaba si querrías salir conmigo.
What I'm trying to say is, I would really like to go out with you again.
Lo que intento decir es que me gustaría mucho volver a salir contigo.
I would like you to go to my mother's house in Dixon City.
Quiero que vayas a casa de mi madre en Dixon City.
I would like to go out with you some day.
Me gustaría salir contigo algún día.
Would you gentlemen like to go for a ride?
¿ Querrían ustedes, caballeros, ir a dar un paseo?
Chef, before we go on, I would like to ask to be eliminated today. Are you sure this is what you want to do?
Chef, antes de seguir, me gustaría pedir ser eliminada hoy... estás segura es lo que quieres hacer?
Would you like a tiramisu? No, I think I'd just like to go to bed.
No, sólo quiero acostarme.
- Tracy told me the story about how you would hear that KCMU was playing'Love Buzz'. - ... and on the drive back you were just like waiting -... waiting for'Love Buzz'to come on the radio and finally pulled over and you called KCMU and requested the song and you had to sit in the car waiting for the song to come on the radio... because you were just about to go out of range.
- " KC me contó la historia de cómo escuchaste que KC pondría'Love Buzz'y mientras regresabas tu esperaste y esperaste escuchar'Love Buzz'en la radio y finalmente estacionaste y llamaste a KC, le pediste la canción y esperaste en el auto
Well speaking of things you can't do without your best gal... uhm... how would like to go celebrate.
Bueno... hablando de cosas que no podrías hacer sin tu mejor chica. - ¿ Cómo te gustaría celebrarlo?
I normally have, like, a case with all my... little props and gadgets and what not, but... it's okay, you can use your imagination, like maybe a piece of luggage, that shoots dog biscuits, so, like, if you had, like, weed in your bag and you went to the airport, you could shoot the dog biscuits out, and then, the drug dog would be... would go away from your bags, kind of... if you can imagine the dog... the dog...
Normalmente tengo una maleta con todos... mis objetos y cosas, y lo que no, pero... está bien, pueden usar su imaginación, como talvez un pedazo de equipaje... que tiene galletas de perro, así si tuvieras marihuana en tu bolso... y fueras al aeropuerto, podrías tirarle galletas a los perros... y luego el perro policial... se alejaría de tus bolsas... si pueden imaginarse al perro... el perro...
You know if you would like to address this council as a citizen, you could go ahead and wait to the end...
Sabes, si quieres dirigirte a este consejo como un ciudadano puedes continuar y esperar hasta el final...
Would you go in there and ask him if he would like to have a drink with me after he punches out?
¿ Podrías entrar ahí y preguntarle... si querría tomar un trago conmigo cuando acabe de trabajar?
How much would you need to smoke for your throat to go nuts like that?
¿ Cuánto debe uno fumar para que la garganta le quede así?
Would you like me to make them go away?
¿ Te gustaría que haga que desaparezcan?

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