You'll be shot traducir español
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If they catch you, you'll be court-martialed and shot.
Esto es muy serio, si los encuentran los enjuiciarán y los fusilarán.
If found guilty, you'll be shot.
Si lo juzgan culpable, lo fusilarán.
If you're not shot down at the dam, you'll be forced down in the desert, which is worse.
Si no consigues derribar la presa, tendrás que aterrizar en el desierto lo que es peor.
Go to Europe, have fun. 'Get used to being Mrs. Big-shot.' 'When you come back, I'll be here.'
Cuando vuelvas te estaré esperando.
It'll be the last face you see, big shot, laughing at you.
Será la última cara que veas, riéndose de ti.
You'll be shot down.
Le dispararán.
No hablo con usted.
You're seen out here again, you'll be shot on sight.
Si te vuelvo a ver por aquí, te dispararé.
It'll be pretty hard to hear a shot... when you go by a crossing or another train comes by.
Será muy difícil oír un disparo... cuando pasa por un cruce u otro tren se acerca.
Hey, what time is it? Shut up or you'll be shot!
¿ Qué hora es?
- You'll be shot before you can prove it.
- Te dispararán antes de que puedas probarlo.
If you move a muscle, you'll be shot!
A mi señal, mi compañía les liquidará.
You'll be shot.
Le van a disparar.
No, you'll be shot.
Dispararán contra usted.
Really Vera, you'll be an awful chump. You threw away all that dough on a dizzy long shot. Let me sell the bus tomorrow.
Serías una estúpida dejando ese dinero por una posibilidad remota.
Nicolai Illytch, if these accusations are true, you'll have to be shot.
Si todas estas acusaciones fuesen ciertas, tendría que matarte.
You'll be shot!
- Serás fusilado.
They'll make you be shot or killed in a bombardment!
¡ Harán que te fusilen o que te maten en cualquier bombardeo!
- If anybody takes a shot at you he'll be hunted down by the US Marshal.
- Si alguien te dispara va a ser objeto de caza por el alguacil.
Take him away! You'll be shot when the sun sets behind the mountains!
Serás fusilado cuando el sol asome tras las montañas.
If you're not out of Damascus in 12 hours, you'll be shot.
Si no ha salido de Damasco en 12 horas, será fusilado.
You'll be shot.
Usted será fusilado.
If you're tricking me, you'll be shot on the spot.
Si me está engañando, será asesinado.
If you try to escape, you'll be shot.
Si intentan escapar, les dispararemos.
Halt or you'll be shot down.
Alto o disparo.
- You'll be shot.
- La matarán.
Wrap yourself around a shot of this and you'll be out like a light.
Te vas a tomar una buena dosis y te quedas tranquilo hasta mañana.
Or you'll be shot to death.
O te envió al infierno.
- Move or you'll be shot!
- ¡ Muévanse o les disparamos!
- Do you think they'll be shot?
- ¿ Crees que los fusilaran? - ¡ Claro!
- You'll be court-martialed and shot!
- ¡ Comparecerá ante un consejo de guerra!
Attempt to turn out the lights, and you'll be shot at once.
Si intenta apagar la luz, le dispararemos.
Your Excellency, you'll be shot by mistake.
Por favor, excelencia, no quiero recibir un tiro por error.
I'm going to give you one minute to come out... or he'll be shot.
Le daré solo un minuto para que salga o le dispararé.
And you can get shot in some stinking alley and I'll be a little sorry, sure, but that's all.
Si te matan en un callejón inmundo... me dará algo de pena, pero eso es todo.
If I'm not back by dawn, you'll be shot.
Si no estoy de regreso al amanecer, será fusilado.
You'll be shot the minute you step out.
Te dispararan al minuto que salgas.
Don't try to escape or you'll be shot.
No intente escapar o lo mataremos.
You make one move toward that jail, and it'll be hard to collect that mone'cause your boss will be shot.
Si se acerca a la cárcel, le será difícil cobrar el dinero porque su jefe morirá el primero.
You realize that if they fail, you'll be shot as a traitor.
- Si fracasan, lo fusilarán por traidor.
Show yourself or you'll be shot.
Salga de ahí o le dispararé.
Don't forget you just shot one of their beloved comrades, and they'll be a little bit touchy about that.
No olvide que acaba de dispararle a uno de sus queridos camaradas y estarán un poco susceptibles.
- Stop him! Or you'll all be shot.
¡ Detenedlo, o serán fusilados!
If you run away you'll be shot.
Si corres, te vamos a disparar.
- You'll be shot for this, Carstairs.
- Será fusilado por ello, Carstairs.
If you're caught... you'll be shot.
Si le cogen... le matarán.
You'll be shot, eventually.
Al final, te fusilarán.
Go. If you take up arms again, you'll be shot.
Vete, pero si vuelves a tomar un arma en las manos, te mataré.
Then you can sit in your ship till you rot. Try to get out and you'll be shot on the spot.
Entonces tendrá que sentarse en su nave hasta que se pudra.
Try to get out and you'll be shot on the spot.
Trate de salir y se le disparó en el acto.
For the next shot I'll be aiming at your knees, but you never know.
Le apuntaré a las rodillas, pero podría fallar. Nunca se sabe.
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