You'll get it back traducir español
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You'll get it back when you... leave.
Te la devuelvo cuando te vayas.
I'll get it back to you somehow. I promise.
Te lo devolveré en cuanto pueda, te lo prometo.
No, don't go over toJanis's. You'll blow it all up. Get back here!
No vayáis a casa de Janis, lo estropearéis todo.
I can't tell you how much it'll mean to me to get back and see my two girls.
No sabes lo mucho que significa para mí volver a ver a mis hijas.
- Let me think on it. I'll get back to you.
- Déjame pensarlo y te llamaré.
I'll send someone to the town straightaway and have it for you here when you get back.
Enviaré alguien ahora mismo al pueblo y lo tendré para cuando regrese.
You'll get your passport back when you get on it.
Tendrás tu pasaporte cuando lo abordes.
Te lo pagaré en cuanto pueda.
'If you don't get me back in, I'll wipe it.'
" Si no me recibe de nuevo, Lo voy a borrar.
And you better get it right, or I'll hang you back up on the wall.
Y será mejor que lo haga bien... o lo vuelvo a colgar de la pared.
You'll get it back.
OK, I'll get it back for you.
Bueno, lo voy a rescatar para ti.
Well, you'll get it back.
Pero eso ya pasó.
When he sorts it, you'll get it. Now move back everybody. Stop.
Un poco de humor acaba con la tensión en una zona de guerra.
You'll get it back after the war.
Te lo devolveré después de la guerra.
Life expectancy out here was about half what it was back in England, because although you may not die from malaria, it'll weaken you to the point where you'll get die from practically anything else.
La esperanza de vida por estos lados era más o menos la mitad de lo que era en Inglaterra, porque aunque no se muriera de malaria, debilitaba hasta tal punto que se moriría de prácticamente cualquier cosa.
I'm so sorry. I'll get it back for you.
Enseguida se la traigo.
I'll get it back to you as soon as I get settled.
Te la regresaré tan pronto como me establezca.
But I must warn you that I left a letter with one of my friends and, if I don't get back to his place before midnight he'll take it to the police.
Pero debo advertirte que dejé una carta a uno de mis amigos y, si no he vuelto a su casa antes de medianoche, se la llevará a la policía.
Look, I'll go get him. We'll be back afore you know it.
Regresaremos pronto.
- What? First, I'll find out who swiped your jeep, and I'll get it back to you.
Primero, averiguaré quién tomó su jeep y se lo devolveré.
We took up a little collection along the midway and it ain't a lot, but it'll help you start and help you get back on your feet.
Hicimos una colecta entre los feriantes y, no es mucho, pero... les ayudará a volver a empezar y a recuperarse de los daños.
Bet you'll be glad to get back to Canada and stick it in the snow.
Apuesto a que le encantaría volver a Canadá para sentarse en la nieve
- Good idea. You send that kid back here soon, I'll see to it you get an empty bed.
Si me envía pronto a ese chico, veré que tenga una cama vacía.
I'll get it back to you as soon as I can.
Se lo devolveré en cuanto pueda.
You'll get it back in a couple hours.
Lo recuperarás en unas horas.
It's been an awful shock. You'll feel better when we get you back to L.A.
El shock ha sido terrible, te sentiras mejor cuando llegues a L.A.
It'll enable you to try and get back to what you really are.
Te permitirá volver a ser quien eres de verdad.
You think it'll get back to him?
¿ Crees que le digan?
So watch out what you say around here, it'll get right back to Churchill.
Así que ten cuidado con lo que dices todo aquí, se pondrá en conocimiento de Churchill.
You get on the jazz with a pack of dynamite on your back... it'll blow a hole big enough to bury an elephant.
Te pones a trepar con dinamita en la espalda y tendremos un hueco del tamaño de un elefante.
We'll see you when we get back, maybe. No. Take it.
Les veremos cuando volvamos, quizá.
We'll try to clear it up by the time you get back.
Intentaremos recogerlo para cuando vuelvan.
- We'll discuss it. I'll get back to you.
- Ya hablaremos.
If there is anything left after we repair the Golden Pagoda... and pay back all the people you've been stealing from around here... then we'll get it back to you.
Si queda algo después de reparar el Pagoda Dorada y pagarle a toda la gente que ustedes han estado robando por aquí entonces se lo devolveremos.
- But you'll get it back.
- Pero tú puedes recuperarlo.
I'll get it back to you tomorrow.
Te lo devuelvo mañana.
Don't worry. It'll still be here when you get back. But don't you see?
No te preocupes, aun estará aqui cuando regreses.
Come and see! I'll do it myself, and I hope to get back there and leave you here!
¡ Yo probaré solo y te dejo a ti aquí!
- You know you'll get it back. - Forget that. You can have it.
- Sabes que te las devolveré.
It's $ 150, and I'll make sure you get every bit of it back.
Son 150 dólares. Yo me encargaré de devolvértelo todo.
You'll get it back in 2 years. When you come out.
- ¡ Cuando salgas dentro de dos años te lo devolveremos!
It will have lost half of its value, but you'll get it back.
Va a valer la mitad, pero ya vas a encontrar cómo recuperarlo.
Listen, old buddy, it ´ ll take a half hour to get you out of that, and 45 minutes to get you back in.
Tomará media hora quitarte eso... y 45 minutos volver a ponértelas.
I'll get us off these back roads, and you can take it from there.
Solamente me saldré del camino, y me relevarás.
Get me back to L.A. and I'll tell you all about it.
Llévame de vuelta a L.A. y te contaré todo.
I'll get it back to you.
Te lo devolveré.
I'll lend you the album, you make a tape and get it back to me.
Os presto el álbum, hacéis una cinta y me lo devolvéis.
You think you'll get me by giving it back.
¿ Que me tendrás si se lo das?
You'll never get it back.
No volverías a verlo.
Come on, you'll get it all back.
Vamos, lo recuperarás.
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get it 131
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it back 58
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it back 58
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll figure it out 157
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll never understand 17
you'll figure it out 157
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377